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Posts: 56
"Sitting on (your own) Spirit" exercise by J.K.Chris (CC BY-NC)
Try to do following exercise. Just sit and focus on your body. Move the parts of your physical body in order to feel them, their presence, volume, tension, location and so on. Just become aware of your body. Breathe normally, maybe with closed eyes during it.
And now - imagine - imagine in your consciousness - that you standing beside. And focus on your imagined body, on feeling your self within it, that you stand aside. Now in your imagination, imagine, that with your imagined body - you sit exactly on your physical body.
Focus on feeling both at the same time - your physical body, and your imagined body, and focus on the process of imaginative sitting, and merging with your physical body. One body within your imagination, that you pretend to feel it, "how it would be", and another body, that you feel physical. Merge both, physical and imaginative feelings.
If you find your self watching this process from aside - as the external observer - also sit down, and center within the bodies you observe. Do this for a few minutes.
(I invented this exercise years ago, to show people... something).