Hi, this is great subject to explore and to talk about. Forgiveness is, IMO very abstract form or state of mind/awareness and difficult to grasp intellectually. Therefore, I'll rather talk about practical aspect of it, that is, about "how to exercise it".
In past years of my spiritual path, I have learned the necessity to implement any kind of desired state of mind, so to speak, into the physical or bodily "aspect of the self". What does this mean? It means that the best results were accomplished when exercised altogether in meditation and physically. For example, in order to deal with Forgiveness I saturate myself with the PUL. For instance, I meditate on PUL and in doing so, I get certain sensations which are unique and overwhelming. The meditation I use is an ancient Buddhist practice called "skeleton meditation". Here one needs to visualize his/her entire skeleton as in pure white light, starting from one foot, bone by bone (as one can in his/her best). The goal here is, with one's attention to - push the flow of the Chi through the entire body. But, instead of the Chi, I use the PUL (intending the PUL) and thus, overwhelm the entire skeleton (the body) with the PUL. This is very effective practice, let me tell you - it "holds" for the whole day - you feel like in a state of bliss, very ease, relaxed and the Self-love is very well felt. After this meditation I do some psychical practice (or sometimes I do it before, no rule here) and implement the feeling (which I got in meditation) as I remembered it into these bodily movements (usually hatha yoga). The energy released within tension and relaxation sequences provides some sort of "stamping" of the PUL feeling into my entire body and mind, causing some sort of completeness (Oneness). The way to implement the PUL feeling into exercises is also through intending or sometimes - just visualizing the PUL sensation into the part of the body which has been stretched or treated. Of course, breathing comes as an important part in saturating myself with the PUL - like inhaling and exhaling It.
This saturation brings very interesting state of awareness which is very difficult to describe. It's like one is entirely filled with the flow of PUL which creates high dose of Self-confidence (I like to say that Self-confidence is the same as Self-love - identical) and some sort of certainty into oneself - loosing the fear. The perspective of the reality around you changes a lot, as well It even goes into the position that you don't understand negativity, hate, revenge, any sorts of bad, you name it. It's like in those movies when alien comes and cannot understand aggressive behavior in humans - it's just not in his dictionary, vocabulary in any data he ever got in his life. It seems as if you loose these negative emotional feelings, like they leave your body and mind alone! So, in this condition, Forgiveness seems not very hard to achieve - it comes naturally - we only need to allow it. I'd like to mention that it reflects itself out on your everyday life, very much. I work with people a lot and I noticed their behavior is different, like they sense what I feel and in some way it affects them, too.
I came into understanding that the main problem in Forgiveness is lack of the Self-love and there are many ways to practice this. But, for me, the best way is to contemplate about it in some deep relaxed manner and to implement the knowledge from that experience into bodily exercises - very important! You can say I drug myself with the PUL, lol
Also, I'd like to recommend some excellent practices by these authors:
First one is David Elliott, he has fantastic breathing exercise, extremely simple and extremely effective! One gets immediate results of understanding the idea of Self-love after only 7 minutes of this simple breath. Here, you can download it for free on his website:
http://www.davidelliott-healing.com/trhBook2PDF.aspI also recommend his book "Healing" which is also free to download, an excellent book!
The other author which I like is Hew Len, a Hawaiian with very simple practice to do daily in order to saturate oneself with Self-love and Forgiveness (he calls it cleaning, but it's very evident what's it all about). You can watch this interview (9 parts) where this ancient Hawaiian method called "Ho'oponopono" is explained very good: