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Suicide (Read 7653 times)
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May 19th, 2011 at 10:04pm
What happens to people who commit suicide? I heard from Browne that they are forced to come back. Is this true?

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“The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science." - Albert Einstein
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Justin aka Vasya
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Re: Suicide
Reply #1 - May 19th, 2011 at 11:54pm
  What do you feel is true?

  Sometimes finding out the truth of the matter is easy as taking a moment to relax, bring up feelings of love and gratitude within, ask/intend to connect to the most spiritually aware and PUL attuned consciousnesses, ask a question with no preconceptions, and just clear self and feel for an answer.

  After awhile of making a habit of this, one's "intuition" and knowing in a more automatic and faster way increases more and more.  The key is paying attention to your feelings.


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Re: Suicide
Reply #2 - May 20th, 2011 at 5:49am
Might this simply be Sylvia Browne's belief system at work here?
I only point this out because Bob Monroe stated in his 'knowns' that (paraphrasing) 'you have the right to check out on this life without any judgement from any source that matters' (or words to that effect). So what other people believe will be irrelevant to you based on either your belief system or actual knowns, and you won't go through any experience of purgatory if that doesn't exist for you in your personal reality?
So are we ultimately responsible for our choices on that, but there's no comeback?
Just a thought.

Best wishes,
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Alan McDougall
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Re: Suicide
Reply #3 - May 20th, 2011 at 6:40am
serenesam wrote on May 19th, 2011 at 10:04pm:
What happens to people who commit suicide? I heard from Browne that they are forced to come back. Is this true?

Hi I don't believe they are forced to return to this material domain. Why? because of all people they had become those who are most uncomfortable in living here, and really want to move on to better things


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Alan McDougall
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Re: Suicide
Reply #4 - May 20th, 2011 at 12:35pm
Forced to come back has a guilt-ridden ring to it, and also a 'how dare you' tone to it. It's the experiences that are "holy" not the body/vehicle. A friend chose the way of the rope almost a month ago and found the emotions of the ones here harder to deal with than his choice. I focused in on him and told him I had no idea he had a rough time. As with others I gave him a sort of a map of the astral, an overview of the different areas. He winked out and came back with a thanks before moving on his path. So much for fire and brimstone.
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Vegetarian is an old indian word for bad hunter.
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Re: Suicide
Reply #5 - May 20th, 2011 at 11:41pm
The evidence I've read from NDEs suggests that suicides pay dearly for their crime against self and don't get to escape their pain at all.  Rather, they are forced to work through the problems they could no longer bear.  But my belief is that their fate depends on their quality of spirituality at the time and why they wasted themselves.   For example, I oppose physician-assisted suicide and successfully helped persuaded our regional church conference to reverse their support on this issue in a prior large committee meeting. But I find it hard to believe that suicide motivated by incurable and unbearable continuous pain has serious postmortem consequences, though as one local physician countered, doctors often cheat a bit and provide extra morphine or some other pain killer to make dying more bearable. By the way, the Bible does not condemn suicide.
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Pat E.
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Re: Suicide
Reply #6 - May 21st, 2011 at 1:54am
Don, don't we all at some point get to/have to work through the problems we couldn't solve or couldn't bear? 

The evidence I have received is that my daughter who committed suicide is much happier than she was in this life and doing well in the afterlife.  I'm sure that evidence would never satisfy you.  But that doesn't matter.
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Re: Suicide
Reply #7 - May 21st, 2011 at 2:20am
NDEs indicate that suicides must experience the pain their action cause their loved ones.  For example, inone of the most famous and influential NDEs (Dr. George Ritchie), the young man is seen frantically following his grieving mother, saying, "Mom, I didn't know; I just didn/t know!"  The suicide's past life review will revisit not only the painful memories, but also the emotions of those affected by the suicide.  But the purpose is educational and the ordeal eventually ends.  Swedenborg learns that one can take various trips down memory lane in stages as one is fully ready to benefit from them. Even the most painful life reviews are mitigated by the loving presence of the spirit helping conduct the review.  When my ex-girlfirend shot herself at age 26, I had a powerful sense of astral contact in which her postmortem anguish seemed to be mitigated by lessons she was learning.  But that incredible experience may have been a lucid dream masked as astral travel.
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Re: Suicide
Reply #8 - May 21st, 2011 at 12:55pm
Sources that seem genuine to me state that suicide isn't a good idea. It isn't a matter of punishment. Rather, your state of mind doesn't automatically become better simply because you move on to the spirit world.

If a person commits suicide because of physical pain,  well, some sources say that our souls choose to experience physical pain for a while because in some way it helps us grow. Perhaps we learn about endurance. If a person in pain commits suicide he might deprive himself of a valuable soul lesson.
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Re: Suicide
Reply #9 - May 21st, 2011 at 1:38pm
hi all of you     I beleive suicide is an illness ,the same as cancer,heart disease ect...
God understands that those who commit this act of suicide are ill and so unhappy they cannot stay  in ther physical any longer and i dont beleive for one minute that they have to come back.

I beleive that when the contract is made before we are born,then why not if a spirit wants to come to the physical plain and learn about all the crap what makes someone kill themself and says he or she will learn by the suicide thing

Why not,its no different from someone giving the contract before birth that they will experience dying of cancer,heart disease ect...,whats the difference.

We are all here for a reason and i beleive that in the contract before birth,we name the day,the time when we will die and go back home and suicide is one of those choices,if it was not,then why is there suicides every year.

I knew of this headmaster at a school for the disabled,he was a good man,the kids loved him,he was really devoted to his job and those disabled children,never let on that he had problems and one evening he commited suicide and hung himself in one of the classrooms

I beleive he is in the spiritworld ,happy being loved by spirit and not condemed,but as a beautiful spirit that devoted himself and loved these diosabled children and is probably helping children now in the spiritworld.

Love and God bless       Love Juditha
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Re: Suicide
Reply #10 - May 23rd, 2011 at 6:20am
"In fact, a suicide is dealt with immediately by the Other Side. The soul is literally forced back into life, with no rest period."

"We see that God loves us enough to provide the best school possible, and forces us to complete our lessons, so that we can graduate and fulfill our own dreams of becoming more like Him and Her." -


I find it amusing that "love" and "force" are both used in a one sentence!

Don't you all think it is time to stand up and rebel against the Universe as well as the powers to be (so obvious there are centralized powers - decentralization is just a cover-up to make the powers to be appear more empathetic and fair)?
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“The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science." - Albert Einstein
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Re: Suicide
Reply #11 - May 23rd, 2011 at 12:26pm

"In fact, a suicide is dealt with immediately by the Other Side. The soul is literally forced back into life, with no rest period. We see that God loves us enough to provide the best school possible, and forces us to complete our lessons, so that we can graduate and fulfill our own dreams of becoming more like Him and Her."

In the quoted text above the other side, a council and god are set up as judges & external nodders and naysayers, but it doesn't work that way. The disc/I-There has the final say in these particular matters. It's part of this sandbox experience, give away power until you see the wizard of oz for what he really is. Allow yourself to be controlled and let others put up fences for you walk to certain directions, and the many consequences of that decision is eventually a full fledged known. The website you linked to and other similar ones are of a mindset that this world progresses as one. Doesn't take long to figure out that incarnations on earth progress at different tempos, and it's a freedom that is and has been under fire for a long time.

"Don't you all think it is time to stand up and rebel against the Universe as well as the powers to be (so obvious there are centralized powers - decentralization is just a cover-up to make the powers to be appear more empathetic and fair)?"

There are many rebels, some barely heard, others pissing against the wind, but the system remains. What can be changed is our respective roles and how we individually participate. While some may find inspiration in one's opinions, they will have to choose themselves or there is force involved. True change comes from within.
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Vegetarian is an old indian word for bad hunter.
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Justin aka Vasya
Ex Member

Re: Suicide
Reply #12 - May 23rd, 2011 at 2:29pm
serenesam wrote on May 23rd, 2011 at 6:20am:
"In fact, a suicide is dealt with immediately by the Other Side. The soul is literally forced back into life, with no rest period."

"We see that God loves us enough to provide the best school possible, and forces us to complete our lessons, so that we can graduate and fulfill our own dreams of becoming more like Him and Her." -


I find it amusing that "love" and "force" are both used in a one sentence!

  You're basing your response on the assumption that Sylvia Browne is correct in her perceptions and beliefs. 

  I for one, don't make that assumption.  I don't find Browne to be all that credible.  Everyone has some psychic ability and intuition to some degree or another.  A true "psychic" is someone who consistently has accurate hits, meaning they have honed their ability, learned to develop clarity and discrimination, and have repeating verifications in a consistent sense both in number and over span of time.   

  There are relatively few people that i know of, which demonstrated this in a very public kind of way.  One example is Edgar Cayce. 

  Browne does not have a good track record for the most part.  Very occasionally, she will get something right, but most people can do that occasionally in the psychic area.  But most people are not in the public spotlight.

Don't you all think it is time to stand up and rebel against the Universe as well as the powers to be (so obvious there are centralized powers - decentralization is just a cover-up to make the powers to be appear more empathetic and fair)?

  I have become quite critical of certain national governments, and have come to the awareness that these ideally should be overhauled because they have become far too corrupt and imbalanced. 

However, regarding the nonphysical and the PTB in relation to same, it is a totally different reality and execution of order and structure. 

  Most happens on a "Like attracts and begets Like basis", and because deep down within the core of our consciousness, we remember our Sourceness which is fundamentally and purely positive and loving in nature. 

  When we do things contrary to that fundamental core nature within us, which is often in a physical life, often after the physical life we become aware of the "wrongness" of same. 

   If we are more stuck than not, gentle reminders are given. 

  But no one is literally forced to do anything in the nonphysical by Beings of Light.  Counseled yes, given suggestions yes, given help with planning another life yes, but this is all from the motivation of PUL from within these various Helpers and levels of same. 

  Some people so dislike "authority" in this life, that they transfer these feelings and dislikes to Beings of much more awareness and spiritual maturity in the nonphysical. 

Not only is this "short sighted", but it's an overly materialistic perspective of this process and lacks the awareness of the Divine and the degree that the Divine and those attuned to same, respect freewill.

  If these Divine forces didn't respect freewill, do you think this world we now are fully aware of, would be the way it is? 

If they were of a forceful and controlling nature, the Earth would not be the extreme, polarized, and suffering place it is. 

  It is that way because we are allowed to do pretty much anything we want.  We are learning, so ever slowly, by trial and error, what leads to inner joy and what leads away from it.

  But, what's not well understood by some, mostly immature consciousnesses, is that there are always consequences to our choosing and co-creating. 

These do not come as punishments from outside ourselves, but from the inner awareness because of that original Divine connection and Beingness, that something we did to another or to self was in error and needs to be rectified and balanced if we want to be happier and at peace with ourselves.  This is called our "conscience", that still small voice within that so many in the Earth choose to ignore often.   

  What is the currency of the nonphysical?  Degree of both conscious awareness in general and especially of love (connectedness) and the feeling experience of joy. 

The more spiritually mature one becomes, the more one experiences and "accumulates" these "currencies". 

What's the true currency in this physical world?  It's not really money in it's various material forms.  It also is that same above currency. 

  Deep down, we all, or most of us, want more and more of that currency.  In fact, most of us deep down want to reach the zenith of what we can accumulate in that currency. 

  That is full conscious remerging with our Source/Creative-Creator nature and consciousness.  This includes certain developments.  Full conscious awareness of all consciousness within this Universe--this has been called knowledge and awareness of The Oneness.  The ability to leave this Universe to become a full Co-Creator of other beings, realities, worlds, etc. etc.   Above all, the awareness and ability to experience Love and at peaceness and all the pleasure/joy/contentment associated with these, to the fullest extent. 

  Paper tigers railing against illusionary/distorted perceptions. 

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Re: Suicide
Reply #13 - May 23rd, 2011 at 3:32pm
Serenesam said: "Don't you all think it is time to stand up and rebel against the Universe as well as the powers to be (so obvious there are centralized powers - decentralization is just a cover-up to make the powers to be appear more empathetic and fair)?"

Recoverer responds: "To be quite frank, sometimes the things you say sound rather insidious. For example, when you defended channeling Lucifer.

Some people have opened themselves up to divine love and have found that there are guiding beings who are worth being aligned with. When it comes to such beings it isn't about power trips, it is about being in line with the most harmonious, wise and loving way possible. Such a way has love even for beings who are lost in a dark way of manifestation.
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Re: Suicide
Reply #14 - Jun 1st, 2011 at 2:08pm
I say none of us has enough information to judge another person/soul one way or the other.  Better to just concentrate on making your own careful deliberate choices, and send only PUL to everyone else, regardless of their choice. 

And anyway, once we start down the road of "this happens or that happens if you commit suicide", then you have to define suicide itself.  What of someone who refuses more cancer treatment after a long battle?  What of the elderly choosing hospice at the end of their life? For that matter, what of people who smoke (suicide) drink heavily (suicide) don't wear their seatbelts (suicide)?

That's why I say don't judge people for their choices.
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