I think that especially in duress we can tune into senses and abilities of perception we don't normally have access to because extreme situations jolt us from our normal grounded awareness. You know the expression "I nearly jumped out of my skin"? It's something like that. We are normally so anchored, that when something happens suddenly, extremely, or frighteningly, our state of being becomes altered. OBEs and NDEs happen this way.
All of this is assumption of course because these are the only facts we know. But based on what we know from this story... It is my opinion that the voice he heard was his own guidance that used the sound and memory of his wife's voice to get his attention. It just as well could have sounded like his mother's voice, or his dead grandpa's voice. The point is, he needed to wake up, needed something to get his attention, and this was an effective quick way to do that. However, the reason I think it came to him as his wife's voice (rather than someone else's) is so that he would assume she was awake and ready to follow him out of the plane. If something else had awakened him, he would have first checked on his wife, and then would have proceeded to attempt to rescue her. It is my belief that our guidance will communicate with us via the easiest and fastest channel through which it can get our attention at the moment, and will use whatever is available in our awareness to do so. It is direct, to the point, and gives you just what you need to know and nothing more. That's why, in my opinion of experience, our guidance communicates with us through where our thoughts and energy is focused. In his case, using the voice was the best way to get his attention focused on getting out of the plane at that moment. If the voice he heard had said something else like "Wake up, the plane is on fire!" that's not a direct enough communication to get him out quickly at the moment he did so. The statement "get out!" leaves no room for anything but to respond to it by doing as told. It's human nature to act on auto pilot before thinking, especially when you're in shock and being given an order. Because it was in his wife's voice, he had no reason to think she needed help. The fact is though, she did need help, but I'm assuming there was a reason she suffered the injuries she received and why he needed to get out when he did.
I'm assuming he needed to be out of the plane before receiving further burns than what he received, which is why he needed something to get him out of the plane right at that moment. Why not her? I can only assume that she went through this experience for a reason and that being burned over 80 to 90% of her body was the experience she came into this life to have. Without it, she wouldn't have gone through the experiences she's gone through since then. Remember, from what was given of facts in this story, assuming that what was given was true, something saved her at the last minute and no one knows who, how, or what. From the facts we know, it's highly unlikely she would have had the strength and capacity to have gotten herself out of the plane.