I was waiting to see if anyone else would write about this workshop and as there seems to be no takers, i guess i will.
First off, there was a really interesting pretty much last minute developement, at least interesting to me. The reason being is that some years ago, I had a dream wherein i knew i was hanging out and talking with Bruce at his home and some time went past (like it wasn't a brief conversation or interaction of minutes, but felt more like days)
I had no idea what the dream meant at the time. So, I was pleasantly surprised and reminded of the dream when almost last minute Caryl wrote the participants to tell us that the workshop would not be taking place at the Monroe St. location but rather at Bruce's home.
So i'm assuming that this was one of my somewhat common precognitive dreams as i've never expected to be at Bruce's home for any reason. Since i rarely seem to have a surplus of spending money, i doubted i would even be able to attend a workshop to begin with.
Anyways, regarding the workshop itself. There was four participants not including Bruce and the sometimes presence of his wife Phaeron (? i don't remember how to spell her name). There were two women and two men. With the exception of my wife Becky, the other participants seemed like nice people. J/K about my wife!

(i hope Becky doesn't read this post...

I am pretty familiar with Bruce's work having read all of his 4 more biographical/experience books and most of the 5th study book, and so i found the presentation to be a nice summary of the various principles and techniques contained in his general work.
I was a bit surprised by the rather loquacious manner of Bruce since he's not particularly communicative here on the forum, but it was entertaining in person and worked for me since i tend to prefer to listen rather than talk anyways.
We did some of the exercises like gathering energy, relaxing breaths, priming the imagination pump etc.
Eventually we did a Retrieval. I'm not yet sure if i received any verifying info, but i haven't yet checked out some of the "signs" i was given. I had a really hard time with the names because the person, real or unreal i was attempting to retrieve was Asian and i'm not familiar with Asian tongues at all.
The two artists in the group, both women, had very detailed and vividly visual retrievals. Becky has done some initial casual research with no results yet, but she hasn't researched it indepth yet. Since she received so many fine & vivid details, it will be interesting to see if any match up because if so, it will be one doozy of a verification experience especially if most matches.
Then things got interesting with another exercise we did which put us a little more on the spot, and involved information that the other participants consciously knew but we didn't consciously know.
There were some definite hits in the also visually vivid and detailed attempts of the two artists, but also some major not so accurate hits at the same time. Becky was a bit of the "odd person" out on this exercise, because she chose to use a non group participants source. I suspect she went into it with too much of a "I'm going to prove this to this (too skeptical) person" kind of attitude which may have affected her overall accuracy rate. Too much "ego" involved, and not enough detachment and impersonal helpfulness.
It would seem that my attempt was fairly accurate overall, but i was disappointed a bit that i garbled a couple important things. For example, i said aunt when it was actually a grandmother. But while i didn't mention this at the time, i did at one point have the flash impression of grandmother, but went with aunt because she felt more like an aunt for some reason.
That could be an interpreter overlay because in my mind and from my experience, grandmothers tend to be not as close or familiar as an aunt or uncle sometimes is. I wish i had asked this participant if she was more emotionally close and had a more friendship type relationship with her grandmother. If so that might explain the aunt feeling impression.
Anyways, apparently the physical, lifestyle, and character descriptions and at least one specific "out of the blue" detail were pretty spot on. While i think it was more or less verified, i would like more accuracy next time.
The other male participant picked up on two more specific details which seemed to fit, but otherwise didn't receive much specific info but i get the sense he definitely has potential if he practices this kind of stuff more often.
It seems for most people, practice and more practice is key. I definitely need to practice more if i want to hone the accuracy rate, but generally i feel more drawn to opening up perception via attuning to and channeling PUUL in my day to day life.
With Pisces S. Node in the 7th, Scorp on Nadir with Scorp Uranus in the 4th in aspect to my Moon which rules the 12th, traditional ruler of the 4th CON Jupiter and aspected to Neptune, and some other similar indications, i feel like "been there and done that" with the whole psychic perception thing (the South Node, 4th House, Moon, etc are all very "past" oriented symbols and Pisces, Scorpio, Uranus, Jupiter, and Neptune are all very "psychic" oriented symbols).
With Virgo N. Node cusping Leo in the 1st House, Capricorn Sun in the 6th House, ruler of my Sun Sign in Virgo, Taurus MC, and some other similar more present and future oriented indications, apparently i need to focus more on practical and more material oriented service, refining, and discrimination involving plenty of "left brain" focus.
I get the feeling that eventually i will bring both more into balance and when i do, the psychic gifts and tendencies i've brought over but largely am blocking now, will completely open up. Not surprisingly, a couple of sensitives have indicated the latter as well.
Anways, back to the workshop. I enjoyed hanging out with the group and generally had a good time. I really like Bruce's wife Phaeron in a more personal sense as she felt fairly familiar/old friendish to me for some reason.
Other than the loquacious aspect, Bruce was pretty much as i imagined him to be, gentle vibe, laid back, somewhat humorous, and smart.