Hi Usetawuz,
You may have misunderstood my posts. I did not say trust your intellect over your "gut," rather, I said that when you have people debating their own versions of history, and you do not use your intellect along with your gut, you get either absurdity, or you are left with nothing at all.
My take was not that people should follow the Bible in a literaral sense word for word, but use it as a text of stories, allegories and illustrative cases to illuminate the human condition (and learn from).
The notion that your gut should win out every time over reason, and that truth is always relative will always lead to an emotional response and may lead one astray.
As an example, I am a physician and constantly hear about fringe patient advocacy groups recommending diagnoses and treatments that are off the beaten path. Some of these websites and recommendations, are in fact dangerous. There are patient groups on the web, with seemly scholarly references which state, for example that Lyme disease is never cured, and that more than one year's worth of antibiotics are required to treat and cure most patients.
The CDC and many organizations have proven through controlled studies that current antibiotic regimens have over a 98% complete cure rate for the Lyme organism. These studies were presented in peer-reviewed journals, so that data could be analyzed and statistics could show the cure rate with different regimens. In contrast, the patient advocacy groups make claims based on anecdotes, and there is little true science behind their published opinions.
If truth is relative, you can have a Seraphis - equivalent on the Lyme forum swearing that the "evidence" has proven that 2 years of home intravenous antibiotics are required to treat Lyme disease. On the other hand, it is a "known" to me and most physicians that rigorous studies have disproven that statement. A 30 day course of antibiotics cures Lyme disease for 98% of patients.
If you read the patient advocacy web page, your "gut" might tell you to get yourself a home intravenous antibiotic, even though it is not indicated. You might receive unnecessary antibiotics for over a year which could damage your liver, gastrointestinal system and cause serious side effects.
I believe that the highest state of our being is pure perception, but it appears that this state of clarity is difficult to achieve on the earth plane. Our discernment then depends on a combination of our intellect and our "gut" or emotions.
Our intellect is a tool designed to work with our emotions. Discernment or "right perception" in the physical world involves the seemless application of both our emotions and our intellect. Perhaps in other mental planes,