yes, I met similar people in my retrievals. A guy who was focused on his thought-loop which was about that he doesn't exist because he had died. And I came along a region which was really dark, I mean it actually was hard for me to stay there, and what I got was that there "dwell" those who are really convinced about their nothingness in death. So, you are right in your warning to not get caught up in delusions.
This though cannot be used against Wartella or anyone else who reports about states of I-lessness. It is all about being honest with yourself (as long as you have a self
). Zen teachers warn about how easy it is to betray ourself. And in Buddhist scripture we often find the note that we don't become enlightened because we're so educated in the scripture, but only through (or better: in) personal experience, meaning, don't talk yourself into a ego-less state, as this is nonsense, but experience it. You either do, or do not, and you have to be honest on that with yourself. Wartella actually is pessimistic about any method which would make enlightenment happen. The only one we may try is self-observance, so that one day the "I" might be seen through as a concept.
May everyone take from this and Wartella what's beneficial for him/her/life/the whole.