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A minor verification/confirmation from Guidance? (Read 6202 times)
Justin aka Vasya
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A minor verification/confirmation from Guidance?
Mar 15th, 2011 at 7:29pm
  So earlier today i was meditating, and as usual i asked "please bring to my conscious awareness that which would be most spiritually helpful for me to become aware of now." 

  But a bit different this time, i asked to please receive some confirmation info that i was in touch with guidance.   

After waiting awhile and trying to keep receptive and still, i pretty clearly 'heard', "Taskmaster".   I was like, ok, what does that mean and how is that a confirmation?? 

  But as soon as i thought that, i felt or heard, "just trust it and see what happens." 

  So after meditation I started watching a movie i had just rented (and hadn't seen yet), "Unstoppable" and i thought maybe i would hear that specific term used in the movie at some point. 

  But the movie ended without use of that term, and i was a bit disappointed.  But then i heard "taskmaster" again in rapid succession a few times.  It didn't seem or feel self generated. 

  Anyways, awhile later i got on the I-net and forgot all about the above.  Checked my mail, checked another group i'm part of, etc. 

  Then i came here, I saw Vicky's new post/thread over on the PE section.  Now, i'm aware that the PE section has been quite slow lately, and I always enjoy reading Vicky's posts, i figured i would check her thread out. 

After i read that, i decided to browse some older PE threads, which is not something i normally do.  I don't remember the last time i read any significantly older PE threads. 

   I believe it was the 2nd or 3rd Thread i read after Vickys, when i scroll down and i read this which was from the poster Alysia who use to be here.  She was outlining impressions and observations of different forum members here, and this is what she wrote about me. 

  "Justin: the taskmaster: learning to guide energies of a group into constructive channels. has potential for leadership. Learning global constructs; will gain assistance in the speed up."

Here is the link,

  Well a lightbulb went off at that moment considering i had forgotten all about the whole "taskmaster" possible guidance message by that point.   

   I don't consider this a full verification because the info no doubt was stored in my subconscious having read this thread before.  Yet, Alysia's reply was written almost 3 years ago exactly, and i haven't read it since then and definitely didn't consciously remember this. 

  It feels like i was lead to read it now to corroborate this message as a confirmation, but i'm not completely sure. 

  What do y'all think of this experience, can it be considered a verification or confirmation from guidance?   Or more just a subconscious remembering?

  For awhile i haven't practiced much of this kind of thing.  That changed when the recent intuitive reading i had with Caryl, wherein guidance suggested i practice more things to help open up my psychic awareness and abilities.  This is why i asked for the "confirmation" part this time, which i normally don't do.   

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Re: A minor verification/confirmation from Guidance?
Reply #1 - Mar 16th, 2011 at 2:19pm

You could've heard a lot of things, and you ended up hearing a world that led to someting.

I believe that guidance acts this way sometimes rather than being more direct because it is always concerned about our free will and spiritual growth, and being indirect is one way of getting us to choose for ourselves and put in self effort.

Perhaps subconcious can mean our higher self. Smiley A higher self in a disk sense wants us to find out that we aren't separate from our core.  It's a matter of what part of self we listen to.
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Re: A minor verification/confirmation from Guidance?
Reply #2 - Mar 16th, 2011 at 5:12pm
Hi Justin,

I agree with Recoverer completely.

Also interesting is that It's identifying Itself as a Taskmaster= the one who sets up experiences/ episodes of life. It's not a wafting ooh-lah-lah type of thing (not that anyne said it is) but an active principle in the nitty-gritty of living. 

Many thanks for sharing that lesson!

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Justin aka Vasya
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Re: A minor verification/confirmation from Guidance?
Reply #3 - Mar 16th, 2011 at 7:12pm
recoverer wrote on Mar 16th, 2011 at 2:19pm:

You could've heard a lot of things, and you ended up hearing a world that led to someting.

I believe that guidance acts this way sometimes rather than being more direct because it is always concerned about our free will and spiritual growth, and being indirect is one way of getting us to choose for ourselves and put in self effort.

Perhaps subconcious can mean our higher self. Smiley A higher self in a disk sense wants us to find out that we aren't separate from our core.  It's a matter of what part of self we listen to.

  I completely understand what you are saying and where you are coming from. 

Yet i know the average skeptic would quickly write this experience off as obviously just a subconscious memory coming to the fore and an unconscious self manipulation/delusion.  I wouldn't really be able to argue that.

  And the skeptic within me is open to that interpretation for this particular experience. 

I've had other experiences which because i had no conscious way of knowing any of the info involved, and the info was provided in a precognitive manner, was completely and utterly convincing.  There was no way my inner skeptic and doubter could "write it off" as a product of my own wish fulfillment, delusion, and self generated imagination or simple subconscious memory coming to the fore. 

  But because I have read this thread before & thus is stored in my subconscious, i'm not as certain about this experience.

Yet, there seemed to be extra stuff that went a long with it, and so i do lean to it being a true message from guidance. 

   Btw, i relate the "subconscious" to the Soul or Mind aspect of self, whereas i relate what some call the super conscious to our "Higher self" aspect.  The two are definitely interrelated, but have their differences. 

I guess one way of putting it is that the super conscious is the more collectively, unified conscious subconscious in action.  The subconscious is more passive, receptive in nature.  It is kind of the observer part of us.
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Justin aka Vasya
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Re: A minor verification/confirmation from Guidance?
Reply #4 - Mar 16th, 2011 at 7:26pm
betson wrote on Mar 16th, 2011 at 5:12pm:
Hi Justin,

I agree with Recoverer completely.

Also interesting is that It's identifying Itself as a Taskmaster= the one who sets up experiences/ episodes of life. It's not a wafting ooh-lah-lah type of thing (not that anyne said it is) but an active principle in the nitty-gritty of living. 

Many thanks for sharing that lesson!


  Thanks for the reply Bets, and good to see you around btw. You've been a bit scarce around these parts lately, or so it seems to me. 

   If this was a message from guidance, higher self, whatever, i'm not so sure it was referring to itself as the or a taskmaster. 

  Like i said originally, i first asked to be made aware of that which would be most spiritually helpful for me to be conscious of now.   I didn't receive a whole lot, or if i did it was on a very subtle feeling and energetic level. 

But soon after, i just simply asked for some kind of sign or confirmation that i was and do attune to guidance.

  I was looking for some way to get material world verification and that's when i got "taskmaster", which i consciously had no idea the relevance at the time. 

  Now it's possible that "they", we, or whatever were also honoring both requests at the same time.  Maybe i needed to hear Alysia's message again and that was part of their message of what was spiritually helpful for me to become aware of at the time, as well as a way to confirm the communication.

  To some extent, i think Alysia's message and possibly "their message' through her past writing, seems to relate some to some of what the intuitive Caryl had both said and hinted about me and my future service job.  What Caryl didn't know or intuit is that i've gotten little hints here and there about this future probability, and enough to get at least a sense of what's to come if i can stay on my path of dedication to Spirit. 

  If so, tricksy, tricksy guidance.  Cheesy Grin
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Re: A minor verification/confirmation from Guidance?
Reply #5 - Mar 16th, 2011 at 7:52pm

Then i came here, I saw Vicky's new post/thread over on the PE section.  Now, i'm aware that the PE section has been quite slow lately, and I always enjoy reading Vicky's posts, i figured i would check her thread out. 

After i read that, i decided to browse some older PE threads, which is not something i normally do.  I don't remember the last time i read any significantly older PE threads. 

 I don't consider this a full verification because the info no doubt was stored in my subconscious having read this thread before.  Yet, Alysia's reply was written almost 3 years ago exactly, and i haven't read it since then and definitely didn't consciously remember this. 

It feels like i was lead to read it now to corroborate this message as a confirmation, but i'm not completely sure. 

What do y'all think of this experience, can it be considered a verification or confirmation from guidance?   Or more just a subconscious remembering?


Hi Justin,

Thanks for the compliment.  Also, I'm happy to see I was part of this arrangement!   Smiley

You said:  After i read that, i decided to browse some older PE threads, which is not something i normally do.

From what I'm learning of my own spiritual guidance right now, I know that this is how our guidance works sometimes, giving you a nudge to do something you do not normally do.  The purpose is an opportunity for you to find the answer you're looking for.  If you follow these subtle nudges to see where they lead, you will run into the answer yourself.  I bet you got a feeling of verification when you read through Alysia's old post, right?  That's another verification for you, not only to answer your first request but to also make you aware of the feeling of being connected and in the flow.  Remember that feeling. 

You said:   I don't consider this a full verification because the info no doubt was stored in my subconscious having read this thread before.

Justin, why wouldn't the use of something in your subconscious be something your very own guidance system (you) would use to get your own attention?  Remember that Bruce explains the use of "nearest similar thing" as a way to bring information from the subconscious to the conscious mind?  This is just one use of that mechanism.  Don't begin to downplay these subtle beginnings of genuine experience with exactly what you've set intent to experience.  Instead be thankful and excited for it, and you'll begin to see it happen more and more, more easily, and in more unique ways.  Pretty soon you won't be doubting it at all.  And you'll also find more ways of getting verification.  And it won't be long before you won't be focusing too much on verification because you'll be utilizing this system and trusting it because you've become so accustomed to the feeling of being connected, knowing that that's what it is, and utilizing in more important ways than just seeking verification of what it is.  Know what I mean? 

Look at it this way....when you set intent or ask a question, pay attention to what immediately comes into your awareness.  That's your answer.  Then "taskmaster" came to you, which was in response to your wanting to "bring to my awareness what would be most spiritually helpful for me aware of right now". 

But since that answer didn't jog your memory and didn't seem to be enough, you were then led to more information.  You assumed it would be the movie, and that's ok.  It's good you were aware that you were being led.  Also, if you feel you aren't getting an answer, it's good to move onto doing other things in order to get focused on something else rather than wondering why you weren't getting anything.

So since you were still in need of more information, you were led to it.  Also, you asked for verification, and since Alysia's thread had the exact word "taskmaster", and it was about you, that's excellent verification.  Finding her thread with that exact word and definition was not only in direct response to your request, but it was also verification that it was given to you by guidance.  You said yourself that you had no conscious memory of that thread, so there you go. 

So, are you giving thought to what her definition of taskmaster means to you?  That seems to be the direct answer to the question you initially asked from guidance. 
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Justin aka Vasya
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Re: A minor verification/confirmation from Guidance?
Reply #6 - Mar 16th, 2011 at 10:02pm
  Wow, what an excellent and holistically well thought out reply!  Many thanks Vicky.  You made a lot of good points.  Sometimes I'm a bit envious of you women folk, this whole trusting thing seems to be bit of an easier and more natural process for many of you.

  If you read my reply to Betson, you will see that i did indeed ponder the connection and meaning of Alysia's definition of taskmaster in relation to guidance, the message, etc. 

  Btw, your reply reminds me about the questionnaire and that i haven't really worked on that yet.  I will try to at least start it soon.

  Thanks again

P.S., i had saved one of your dreams about me from a long time ago on the forum, and recently came across it and re-read it, and i still can't figure out what it means but sense that it's very true and apropos of a message.

  You wrote on 11/27/05 (geesh, was it really 6 years ago?!),  ""I know/feel/see Justin in front of me to my left.  I feel his presence.  Across from him to my right in front of me is a large white die (a single dice).  It is showing "5", with five black dots.   I get a knowing sensation that Justin branches out, (like the branches of a tree that I see in my mind's eye in the dream), and in this branching out way he is connected with the die.  I also have a knowing that Justin has/had a twin.  He either doesn't know this or doesn't want to know, or doesn't accept it."

  I was wondering if 5 on the die and the branching out could mean that at some point my "Disk" had 5 selves including me projected out into the same relative time/space cycle at one point (i know i had one other self out there for a time)?  (if so, that's a lot of lives in one cycle!)

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Re: A minor verification/confirmation from Guidance?
Reply #7 - Mar 16th, 2011 at 11:34pm
Hey Justin,

You're welcome and I'm glad you liked my reply.  No, I do NOT trust easily.  I'm stubborn too.  I think I learn the hard way.  But the advice I gave you is what I've been learning over the past year in my project, and Bruce has been there every step of the way to remind me of things that I seem to need many lessons with before it sinks in.  Broken down, here's the main points to know...and I hope this is helpful to some of the newbies reading...

1.  Place intent/request of guidance.
2.  Notice the very next thing that comes into awareness.
3.  Follow any nudges, signs, thoughts, feelings afterward.
4.  You WILL get the answer or response to your intent or question.  Anytime you set an intent, something responds.  I believe the response is immediate, but we sometimes, and usually, don't receive it right away, and therefore we think the answer hasn't come yet. 
5.  Trust.  The response from Guidance is immediate, but maybe not immediately perceived/received.  It will come when you're ready or in a place of being able to be receptive.  That's why sometimes you need to focus on something else to go about your natural way of thinking, doing, feeling, as it has a way of making you more relaxed/open/receptive. 
6.  What we perceive/receive and how we get it comes in the form of nearest similar thing in our previous experience that can most closely bring about awareness of what's being perceived.  (Also what I'm working on in my project are pointing out the different ways we can perceive nonphysically).

This is just some of what I'm learning and writing about my experiences with, but it's pretty much the outline of your experience, wouldn't you say?

I did see what you said to Bets.  I guess I just wanted to drive my point home.  I've been studying this stuff so hard that I am pleased when it's my turn to teach what I know.   Smiley

About the dice dream....that had to have been about 4-5 years ago!   I remember it, but I don't know what it means.  I imagine it had something to do with whatever you and I were talking about back then, but your interpretation is as good now I bet.  I remember another dream from that time too....It was an OBE and I was you, and could see many red welts on my skin.  I knew I was you and that this was about you, not me.  When I asked you about that, you confirmed you had a skin irritation/condition.  I don't remember what you said it was, but that the hives I saw on you matched what you have.  I'm only saying it out in the open because since that time you've talked about it openly.  Otherwise, I wouldn't divulge something personal.  But I know for a FACT that back then, you had not mentioned your skin condition to me in any way, and that I had no normal way of knowing that about you.  I thought that was pretty cool.  I guess we were pretty connected back then huh?  I had a lot of connection with Alysia then too.  Remember Ryan?  I think we all had a close-knit group back then.  He too had an OBE of me and had 3 amazing hits about me...that I worked in a hospital, that my department was next to the auditorium, and that my work area was in section 24.  Now if that isn't some dead-on verification, then I don't know what is. 

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Re: A minor verification/confirmation from Guidance?
Reply #8 - Mar 17th, 2011 at 12:02pm
Thanks for your concise re-statement of the process.  I have felt farther and farther away from guidance lately, and my attempts at retrieval have been disappointing. It helps a great deal to have the process of contact/verification distilled like this for me. I believe I will focus on this for some time now, and seek to re-build confidence and trust.
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Re: A minor verification/confirmation from Guidance?
Reply #9 - Mar 17th, 2011 at 1:00pm
Hi Bardo,

I'm glad it helps.  I too am still learning to remember how the process works and to trust it. 

There's so much more about that process, especially how we perceive.  I'm working hard to learn it so I can teach it well in my writing.  I know Bruce and this site are all about retrievals, but I feel so strongly about my knowledge and belief that these techniques and processes are the SAME things that work for other areas in our daily waking lives, not just for retrievals.  That's why I am focused right now on developing my "psychic" skills, not for the purpose of doing psychic readings, but for the purpose of teaching people that we all have these senses of perception.  And I want to prove and show how anyone is capable of learning to use them.  I think at the very least it makes you a more well-rounded spiritual being while living here in the physical.  I mean, if someone told you that you have other body parts or organs that, if you learned what they were and how to use them could make your life so much easier, then wouldn't you want to do just that?  I would.  That's what I believe in so much about these other senses of perception.  From my own personal experience, watching myself learn and grow and study my own successes and frustrations, I know that we really do make it way more harder than it actually is to be in touch with spirit, guidance, our higher self, helpers, or whatever you want to call it. 

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Justin aka Vasya
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Re: A minor verification/confirmation from Guidance?
Reply #10 - Mar 31st, 2011 at 11:19am
  I read you loud and clear on the whole trust issue Vicky, and can see what you are saying.  Yes, i could see stubbornness and learning the hard way as an issue for someone who has Sun CON Pluto and Uranus in their chart.  Two quite stubborn/fixed symbols potentially. 

  I don't think trust was the right term or meaning i meant anyways.  Maybe receptivity better describes what i was trying to say.   It's been my rather consistent observation in life that women as a whole tend to be more innately receptive than men, which gives them an edge in the whole psychic awareness process. 

   Becky once had a very interesting dream wherein she was aware of a future life of her Disk (we guesstimate a couple or few hundred years from now or so), and it was after most of the major changes that are scheduled for Earth and humanity except it was just prior to and then actually during the war that happens with a particular, non friendly E.T. group.   Something that Rosiland McKnight's guidance outlined quite clearly as a major probability for humanity.  Becky actually had two different and well spaced apart, but related dreams about this same future life (one was pre-war and one was during the war).

  Becky and Disk in her/their different body was involved in a super psychic developement program (in the pre war dream).  Interestingly, most of the people on her "team" were women, and she knew it had something to do with that women were innately more receptive than most men, even at this more collectively psychic period of time in the future.  The team was working on some pretty advanced stuff and particularly group work/melding that would make most Monroe Institute programs and groups of now look like child's play in comparison. 

  I found the dream particularly interesting since i've  had that longtime observation and hunch about the average difference between women and men in this area.

  Course i'm not saying that a consciousness born into a male body cannot become unusually or even super psychic, and towards the receptive spectrum of such abilities, but that it does seem rarer with men than with women.  I think it's just simply because women tend to be better listeners then men!   And they tend to be more emotionally intune with and aware of their feeling side, which is so important in receiving information psychically.

Just speaking on averages and trends. 

   And i'm saying this as a consciousness born into a male body, but one that hasn't every really felt all that "masculine", and in many ways relates better to women than to men.  Most of my closer friends throughout my life have been and are women, and it's not a sexual thing but a vibe/relatedness thing.   But really, as i get more and more intune, i feel more and more kind of androgynous or blended. 

  One of the interesting things about that reading with Caryl was some info related to E.T.'s.  I first asked her about an odd experience i had some years ago wherein i was visited by some very tall Being, and at first thought someone was breaking into my house very late at night.  You may remember since i did post the experience here, but it was a long time ago, like 2005 or 2006.

  That led to me just generally asking about my relation to the whole E.T. thing.  "They" started to speak a bit more directly to me through her (though it didn't seem like a full channeling like Rosiland sometimes did with her guidance). 

Essentially i was told that i was being watched, guided and trained by them and particularly in relation to something, a service job or "mission" of some kind that i'm supposed to do in about 10 years.    What i found particularly interesting because i have  sensed this numerous times on a deep intuitive level is that "they" said that in about 10 years my psychic developement and awareness will completely wide open as compared to now. 

   Including full telepathic awareness and communication.  Just completely wide open in all areas.  As i've said, i've sensed and felt this before, that at some point in my life that this would happen and unfold.  I've gotten numerous dreams and other messages hinting at stuff like this, including being involved in so called miraculous healing of others. 

  What i'm confused about though, is how i'm supposed to get from here, the "present" to that kind of openeness in only about 10 years from now.  While i know, and have known for a long time (since age 13) that i'm more sensitive and intuitive than the average male, i'm certainly not even close to being ultra psychic now.  But then again, i also sometimes think that i shouldn't expect so much by age 31.  Meanwhile i'm trying to stay humble, grounded and balanced with all this and that is not always easy for me to do. 

Perhaps i shouldn't even talk about any of this at all.  I'm not particularly concerned about being personally judged and i'm quite aware that i will be judged by some here for saying stuff like this, but i'm more concerned with negatively impacting any of the non personal messages that sometimes come through me.  If people think i, the messenger is a total egotistical whack job, then they would be less apt to seriously consider and listen to the messages.  I think the messages are more important than the messenger and his desire to be honest, open, etc. and yes, he still does have plenty tendencies towards and aspects of what some call ego or lower self to regenerate.

P.S. yes, i vaguely remember some of those experiences and verifications that you mentioned above, and certainly they were quite accurate and powerful ones! 

  Do you still keep in touch with Ryan?  He seemed like a really cool person, and i hope everything is going well for him.  I bet he, like me, really enjoyed the latest Chili Pepper double album!

  Thanks for listening and for the replies. 

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