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Re:Parallel Concepts with a twist! (Read 1773 times)
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Re:Parallel Concepts with a twist!
Nov 1st, 2010 at 3:32pm
« on: Today at 20:30:30 » Quote Modify 


Frank Kepple:

Now, our Wider Reality is apportioned into 4 Primary Areas and each person has what is called their Primary Focus. Anyone reading this within the physical (Focus 1) has their Primary Focus set to the physical. When we project, our Primary Focus does not change. We may shift our focus of attention, but our Primary Focus remains Focus 1. Think of your Primary Focus as your "home focus" if you like.

Robert Bruce: The Fundamental Body never leaves the physical body… it creates a real time zone double which projects...out of it a more subtle body is created which explores the astral.

Buhlman: Discovered that out of the rtz double another body was generated but did not go outward but inward (in keeping with Kepple’s One consciousness idea).

Both Bruce and Buhlman miss the ‘electrical engineering" concept of multiple frequencies occupying the same space differentiated by that frequency differential.

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Re: Re:Parallel Concepts with a twist!
Reply #1 - Nov 1st, 2010 at 8:54pm
Dear Seraphis,

I object to your first paragraph.  I do not believe and I do not experience that " When we project, our Primary Focus does not change. We may shift our focus of attention, but our Primary Focus remains Focus 1."  How can you say that when time changes and  space changes? Aren't time and space defining dimensions of the physical?

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: Re:Parallel Concepts with a twist!
Reply #2 - Nov 1st, 2010 at 9:17pm
betson wrote on Nov 1st, 2010 at 8:54pm:
Dear Seraphis,

I object to your first paragraph.  I do not believe and I do not experience that " When we project, our Primary Focus does not change. We may shift our focus of attention, but our Primary Focus remains Focus 1."  How can you say that when time changes and  space changes? Aren't time and space defining dimensions of the physical?


Hi Betson: I guess you are not familiar with the work of Frank Kepple... this is not my theory... this is an exerpt from his work... I was drawing a parallel between writers with theoretical concepts which seem close with fine points that separate them... Kepple concludes that there is no space and no time... there is a phasing of focus... one travels nowhere it is an illusion... Monroe as an electrical engineer clearly understood that you could have many different electrical currents running through the same wire system... to all intents and purposes they look the same but with the proper modulation equipment you can separate them to do different jobs without having a hundred different wires in a bundle carrying each individual current... this is the basis of 'phasing'... one travels nowhere... one changes ones vibrational focus and you are in a different universe.

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Re: Re:Parallel Concepts with a twist!
Reply #3 - Nov 2nd, 2010 at 8:00am
Oh, I see -- thank you,
for pointing that out.

(Apparently I am stuck back in my heavy plodding mind, even when I come to this site. I'd much rather stay in the frame of mind you're pointing out here.  Reading these fellows does seem to increase one's energy freqencies.)

Even after accepting that all time and space are one, it still takes me  a mental adjustment to see how aspects of such a reality are working.


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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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