Ex Member
I think anyone with a real, sincere desire to be of assistance to others can "do" a retrieval. We tend to get a lot of help in retrievals, especially at the beginning of practicing conscious ones. A percentage of us are doing it on levels we are unconscious to--especially many folks connected to this site, The Monroe Institute, etc.
Sometimes Helpers just need an in physical person to set up a resonant connection to the stuck person because the greater degree of similarity between the vibratory patterns of the person stuck and the in physical person who is more consciously aware of Guidance. We often are the "bridge" that helps the person stuck cross that perceptual gap.
Just as many in physical people don't tend to perceive people stuck or nonphysical levels all that well or much, many, many people that are stuck have a hard time perceiving Helpers. This all relates to the respective vibratory rates of these various "levels". Helpers are of and within very, very fast vibratory patterns. People who are stuck are in a slightly faster vibratory rate than physical energies.
More aware and open beliefed people in physical with a sincere desire to be of assistance to others, though the physical tends to have a narrowing affect on perception, can shift their attention or vibrate in sync within to those stuck inbetween physical-nonphysical levels and to some extent to the levels of the Helpers.
Sometimes once that connection is made, guidance takes over and you aren't needed anymore.
The more mature and practiced folks out there can and sometimes do retrieval work more solo, course you always have to figure in their Disk/more total self as a factor too.
Maturity and practice definitely helps, but all that is really necessary is a deeper desire to be of help or assistance to others. This, by it's very nature, speeds up your vibratory patterns, expands your awareness and consciousness, etc. People that we could call spiritually mature, are just those that have made a definite habit of opening self up to more expanded consciousness levels within.
In being of assistance to others, we grow/remember and become more mature. We all start somewhere, and wherever we start or whenever, now is always the best time to be of assistance to others. It's what heals us.