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What about mental illness and the afterlife? (Read 14393 times)
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What about mental illness and the afterlife?
Sep 24th, 2010 at 5:05pm
I am wondering if mental states affect the possible afterlife experience of someone with mental illness?

If someone suffers from any of the great number of dibilitating mental illnesses out there, what hope do they have of moving on to a pleasant afterlife?

I asked my psychiatrist about how I was concerned about where I was going to end up after death, because being mentally ill seems to pose the possibility of having a negative experience in the afterlife. It makes it harder to prepare in advance for what we may control in achieving a better afterlife experience. Just like the Tibetan Buddhists have their ways of preparing for the post-death experience in the Bardos with some forms of meditation practice.

This psychiatrist I asked just looked at me funny and didn't respond. I guess the fate of one's soul and personality surviving death isn't up there on their chart. As an aside, there is a skeptic visiting this site on another topic and all I have to say about skeptics is that they think they possess superior reasoning skills when they seek to debunk and discredit the spiritual and spirit world, but to me they are just vain, hard headed and entrenched in material reality.

I have absolutely no regard for the so-called skeptics out there when it comes to the paranormal. They haven't debunked anything they pretend to have debunked. They are so closed minded as to be guilty of confirmation bias towards their dogmatic views on materialism and objectivism.

There are always two sides to every equation. Yin and Yang. Material and Spiritual. Subjective and Objective. Life in the physical world that is temporal and life in the spirit world that is eternal. Skeptics will never understand the nature of reality if they don't recognize there is much more to the world than is dreamt of in their philosophy.

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Re: What about mental illness and the afterlife?
Reply #1 - Sep 25th, 2010 at 6:00am
Hello Savanthar,

this is something I have thought about a lot. Since you are someone who believes in the afterlife as such, I dont have to go into why we can still have a soul even though it is not apparent if you get hurt a lot in the head (or have bad dementia of any kind).

I`ve come to these conclusions:

Either your soul is never hurt AS your soul, but since we are meant to live this life to the max in this body, you truly do feel the degeneration and get hazy and "lost" before death. Then, after death, your soul would be complete and healthy again (just like physical injuries are, I hear, cured), but you are so used to the dysfunctional state of mind that you cannot readily move on or "think yourself" into a better place because you have become unused to this kind of thinking. In this case, a retrieval or helpers will eventually get you and show you the way to a better place (or a place of healing?). Some things I read in Bruces` books seem to suggest that this is, indeed, the case - think of the old woman with Alzheimer that he helped retreive who still "sat" in the afterlife in "her" chair surrounded by the weirdness she had become accustomed to. The helpers took on the appearance of old-people`s-home nurses and helped her get on (although it is not said where she went, possibly only the helpers and she know).

OR you are healed straight away and resume your "normal" thinking and soul-life you had before you became too ill. While this seems an attractive option, I think the first option is far more likely since the spirit world seems to be shaped largely by your own thinking you have at the time of death.

OR, and I believe this will be true for some people, you have become one with the world-soul already before death by "becoming like the children". I sometimes wonder if these "mentally ill" old people who sit around quite happily and smile a lot and are gentle, but just are not "who we are used to" have not really just moved on to a different state of being which they will maintain (only better) once they have lost the physical body.

Or, indeed, there is no soul except what is contained in our physical brain, but in this case, this world is too sad a place to think about in the first place and it won`t help anyone to believe this.

Hope this could give you some positive paths to think Smiley

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Re: What about mental illness and the afterlife?
Reply #2 - Sep 25th, 2010 at 1:26pm
Thanks for your helpful answers Christiane. Your answers are very insightful. I will ponder them while I continue my research into life after death studies.

I suppose it all boils down to the nature of consciousness and its relation to the brain. The nature of mind to the physical brain. Whether the brain states that result in mental illness have an impact on after death experience, or not. Or perhaps when consciousness, personality and mind separate from the brain and body at death, they may become whole and/or healed in the non-physical state?

I'm one that likes to think of mind as not a product of the brain, but as an influence on the brain while interacting with it. Such as a T.V. set isn't the source of the signal from the T.V. studio, but rather just picks up the signal as it interacts with it in the physical T.V. set.

If there is something wrong with the actual T.V., then it may not pick up the signal properly, but there is nothing inherintly wrong with the signal itself. I am hoping that at the death of the brain, the mind as the signal will be restored to its natural whole state and freed from the brain. No more broken brain and no more broken T.V. set.

Those are my speculations and they of course may be wrong. I suppose only time will tell. I sure hope I wouldn't have to wait for a possible retrieval when such course of action may not be necessary. I will continue to read my various books on life after death in search for more answers, to include Afterlife Knowledge.  Cool
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Re: What about mental illness and the afterlife?
Reply #3 - Sep 26th, 2010 at 5:53am
Hi Savantha,

the idea that you outline above is beginning to be taken seriously by scientists. I can recommend Pim van Lommel's book 'Consciousness Beyond Life: The Science of the Near-Death Experience' which has just been translated into English. As a cardiologist who has been studying NDEs for years he goes into some detail (some of it is quite heavy !) about a possible non-material conception of consciousness which he feels is a more appropriate model for the NDEs he documents. There are many other credible scientists thinking along the same lines....
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Re: What about mental illness and the afterlife?
Reply #4 - Sep 26th, 2010 at 8:24pm
Hi Savanthar,

My mom had schizophrenia and when she died she was never confused, lost or stuck in the afterlife. She had believed for many years in life beyond this physical one, in the eternal validity of the soul, in reincarnation. I've been privileged to participate in many retrievals of stuck folks from the Belief System Territories who had died homeless and mentally ill, and had simply continued that existence because it was familiar and safe. Others were definitely in some ugly afterlife places (but I feel all humans experience that Here as well as in afterlife locations). Still so many others were just fine, in no need of help, just happy to be out of a body with a brain that didn't work quite right. Our beliefs are more powerful than we can probably fully understand while being human...and that is, I believe, one of the bigees we are here to learn.

And I couldn't agree with you more regarding the 'mind' being in charge versus the brain. It's like, the human body is the car, the brain the engine...the mind/soul/YOU is what not only turns the key and does the driving but is what invented the car in the first place.

Enjoy your ride Smiley and much love,


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Re: What about mental illness and the afterlife?
Reply #5 - Sep 27th, 2010 at 12:55pm
I have always loved the Car model, Ginny. Excellent. I always thought of the ego as the chauffer and that letting that chauffer decide where to go was the big mistake we seem to make much of the time. Even though we are the passenger in the backseat we can't take a back seat to our destination.

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Re: What about mental illness and the afterlife?
Reply #6 - Sep 29th, 2010 at 7:19pm
Thank you Ginny for that. I really like the car metaphor too. It makes perfect sense to me. Taking into consideration the continuation of consciousness during an NDE/OBE as proof that the mind and personality can exist without a brain, that metaphor was perfect.

I have also learned that there is an etheral silver cord that binds the soul/astral body to the physical body/brain at the third eye chakra. At death that silver cord has been seen to sever while the spirit body just disapears from view. I am just relaying that apparently there have been eyewitness accounts of seeing the soul or spirit leaving the body at the time of death by people who weren't even otherwise predisposed to believe such things.

These witnesses were not delusional in any way at the time of their otherworldly experience into the spirit realm. I mainly cannot stand the medication that goes along with mental illness and I look forward to being in an afterlife where I don't need that junk anymore. I am hoping for a complete and well mind in the hereafter. Even though I have to deal with mental issues now, I still try to learn what I can and do what I can to prepare for the inevitable transition into the next world.

If all accounts are correct that I've seen so far, the next world is usually described as being better than this one in many ways. Hightened perceptions and colors that one usually doesn't see on the earth plane. Even 360 degree vision.


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Re: What about mental illness and the afterlife?
Reply #7 - Sep 30th, 2010 at 3:15pm
I believe emotional attachment will play a key factor. Say a supposedly sane fundamentalist is emotionally attached to his (or her) beliefs when he dies. Until he is willing to let go of his attachment he won't be able to seriously consider another viewpoint.

The same can apply to a person who has psychological difficulties.

A person with psychological difficulties might be able to move to a higher level faster than a fundamentalist, if despite his psychological difficulty he has an open mind and good heart.

Helpers can help spirits with open minds and good hearts, even if some of their thoughts are out of balance.
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Dr. Who
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Re: What about mental illness and the afterlife?
Reply #8 - Oct 3rd, 2010 at 8:14am
It depends... if the mental illness is directly related to the brain malfunctioning then death should alleviate that immediately.

If the mental illness is within the consciousness of the person, there IS a chance the illness will end with death since the person can open them self to joy, peace, and happiness in the afterlife....


The person can always reject this... then they will continue on in the same mental state... OR even get WORSE!

P.S. Psychologists are not equipped to respond to this. A psychologist dealing with someone that has a phobia of death for instance, the psychologist is not there to offer an answer, they are simply attempting to make the person OK with things the way they are. I hate psychologists.  Cheesy

Edit: said over instead of offer
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Re: What about mental illness and the afterlife?
Reply #9 - Oct 4th, 2010 at 2:57pm
Dr. Who wrote on Oct 3rd, 2010 at 8:14am:
It depends... if the mental illness is directly related to the brain malfunctioning then death should alleviate that immediately.

If the mental illness is within the consciousness of the person, there IS a chance the illness will end with death since the person can open them self to joy, peace, and happiness in the afterlife....


The person can always reject this... then they will continue on in the same mental state... OR even get WORSE!

P.S. Psychologists are not equipped to respond to this. A psychologist dealing with someone that has a phobia of death for instance, the psychologist is not there to offer an answer, they are simply attempting to make the person OK with things the way they are. I hate psychologists.  Cheesy

Edit: said over instead of offer

I fully believe that mental illness ONLY exists in the physical body.  I think it's a breakdown of something in the physical body which deteriorates the filter/connection between the physical body and your consciousness.

The only reason it would carry over into death would be if you believe it does.  Apart from that, you would be absolutely free from any illness after passing.  Smiley

Just my two cents.  Wink
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Re: What about mental illness and the afterlife?
Reply #10 - Oct 5th, 2010 at 2:55pm

Many years ago while using the TMI tapes I had to have a few serious chats with my chauffer (lol), to stop interfering with my desire to go within and explore. I initially felt ridiculous doing it, until I started seeing positive results Smiley. It was fun.

I enjoy your posts, Beau.

Much love,


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Re: What about mental illness and the afterlife?
Reply #11 - Oct 5th, 2010 at 4:49pm

I don't know if this can bring much comfort, but the medications for various disorders (most can be attributed to brain chemical imbalances as far as I'm concerned) are helping tremendously in today's world compared with back in the 60's and 70's.

Have you been to I think it's called  Fascinating site.

Much love,

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"Intelligence is knowing that which is important." Albert Einstein
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Dr. Who
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Re: What about mental illness and the afterlife?
Reply #12 - Oct 10th, 2010 at 1:02pm
I've heard mediums and many other afterlife advocates speak of having to help people in the afterlife. I would say that mental illness is guaranteed to still exist for some in the afterlife.
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Re: What about mental illness and the afterlife?
Reply #13 - Oct 10th, 2010 at 4:36pm
Mental Illness is a pretty broad term. There are Illnesses and Behavioral Disorders. I think they stem from the brain and that once one is free of the body the bio brain has no influence, but that is not to say that the influence it had on the mind for all those years alive does not play a part. I would imagine that it certainly does and that might be a big reason there are guides to help one come to terms with the new situation.
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Pat E.
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Re: What about mental illness and the afterlife?
Reply #14 - Oct 10th, 2010 at 11:40pm
But someone needing help in the afterlife doesn't mean they suffered from a mental illness in the physical.  Any rigid belief system that is inconsistent with the more desirable areas of the afterlife apparently will result in the person either needing help to adapt or ending up in a belief system territory consistent with their belief system.
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