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Children and Afterlife communication (Read 6657 times)
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Re: Children and Afterlife communication
Reply #15 - Sep 30th, 2010 at 12:44am
  Not being a parent, i can't speak too much on this issue (though i kind of feel like one lately, having recently taken in my younger brother who is emotionally stunted/immature). 

  But, it wasn't that long ago since i was a child myself and i still remember a good bit.   

  My Mom was a fairly psychically sensitive and spiritually aware/ethical person.   I was lucky because she didn't push her beliefs on me having disliked her parents doing that to her through her childhood, and she was the "black sheep" of her family having talked about seeing UFO's, "ghosts", etc. 

    I did occasionally over hear her talking about some weird stuff like seeing a spirit or something when she had some friends over, and things of that nature.  For awhile, i thought she was pretty odd in that respect for i was pretty "left brain" dominant during a chunk of my mid childhood years (6 or 7 to 13).   I wanted to be a geneticist for awhile and was more interested in science until i reached puberty. 

  But i think that open ended environment when it came to beliefs, and yet a dash here and there of some exposure to non religiously dogmatic hints and ideas re: the nonphysical and spiritual allowed me to be more open to nonphysical reality and perception once i, on my own, became re-interested in it again.

  One thing my Mom did always stress was kindness, compassion and love in relation to others and self, and she was a fairly good example of that much of the time.

  Then, when my step father came into the picture, i got to see/experience quite an extremely different, almost completely opposite example, and eventually i had to consciously choose between the two patterns. 

  I'm so very grateful for the childhood that i had had, both for the sometimes very challenging aspects, and of course for the presence and example of my Mom. 

  One thing my step Father didn't do at least, was talk much about spiritual or religious like beliefs either in the pro or con sense (neither was much interest to him) and so in that sense my upbringing remained mostly open ended and minded.

  I think "educating" ones children about spiritual or nonphysical type beliefs doesn't tend to work too much unless its in a more group and separated from the masses setting--like an intentional community wherein the kids are homeschooled.   

  Probably the best bet in most cases, is to be pretty laid back about specific beliefs and concepts, and mostly teaching real spirituality (love in action) by example and stressing that more.  Maybe just subtly dropping hints here and there about some non mainstream specific beliefs.

  But, once your child really expresses deeper interest in those kinds of subjects and issues, then talk more openly.   Anyways, at least this is what happened and "worked" in my case.  I came to a pretty strong curiosity and interest in the nonphysical and spiritual when i started to go through puberty, and eventually my Mom started to talk more openly of her experiences and beliefs along those lines.
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Re: Children and Afterlife communication
Reply #16 - Sep 30th, 2010 at 3:09am
when i was about 4 years old i woke up completely paralysed all over my mother rang the doctor & i was sent straight to hospital still paralysed, i then stayed paralyzed down one side, i was in hospital for about a week while they did all sorts of tests but they never could explain it.  Cheesy
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