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Re: F.W.H. Myers information (Read 9054 times)
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Re: F.W.H. Myers information
Reply #15 - Aug 26th, 2010 at 4:11am

thanks - an insightful response (as ever). I think the point I was trying to make was one of guarding against the idea that 'good' and 'evil' are equivalents of each other. 'Good' qualities such as empathy,love,compassion etc. are based ( I would suggest) on spiritual/metaphysical truths i.e oneness ( a conclusion reached by masters and quantum physicists alike)while their counterpart 'negatives' derive from a fundamental ignorance of those truths.Therefore, rather than anyone having a core nature of 'bad' I would replace that with a core of ignorance, which to me at least, seems a lot less fixed because there is always the possibility of enlightenment. The basic tenet of 'like attracts like' I agree with.

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Re: F.W.H. Myers information
Reply #16 - Aug 26th, 2010 at 8:01am
Good points Heisenberg, and important ones.  As you can see from my posts, I never meant to imply an equivalency between good and evil; only that you are free to choose your thoughts and actions.

Justin, I agree completely  - you put it very well.

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Re: F.W.H. Myers information
Reply #17 - Aug 26th, 2010 at 12:18pm
Thank you Matthew.  Btw, i enjoyed reading your recent posts.
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James Ward
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Re: F.W.H. Myers information
Reply #18 - Aug 27th, 2010 at 12:30am
Hi Justin,

I certainly don't want to be interpreted as saying there is no true nature of reality!

You wrote:

When one becomes PUL personified by letting self becoming a pure channel of and for same, then one gets it completely right.

Yes, I have to basically agree with you there, and I think most of the sources do too.  The centrality, the prime importance of love is kind of independent of the coordinate systems used ("gauge invariant?").

When I spoke of not getting it completely right, I wasn't focusing on this most beautiful and fulfilling of dreams (as you rightly put it), but rather on much less important minutiae.  This is a reason why Alan's post "Questions about heaven or Hell and afterlife" almost made me laugh out loud (in a good way), because I could interpret it as a gentle reminder not to get too caught up in detailed questions coming from a particular interpretive system.

I was thinking more along the lines of agreement, or the lack of it, between different branches of evidence describing afterlife reality from our human standpoint.  For example, Ring's or Moody's interviews with NDErs provided them with enough information and points in common to describe a "typical" NDE and features of this experience from which they could begin to delineate a consistent description of that reality (however insufficient that must necessarily be compared with the real experiences themselves).

The same can be said of Michael Newton's work, and the work of other researchers in hypnotic regression to the life-between-lives.  After accumulating a sufficient number of accounts, he felt he could begin to describe the features of that life with a fair degree of certitude, due to agreement on those features within the accounts.

And also of Bruce's work, seeking verifiable information from people encountered, and engaging in partnered exploration in order to see where the participants' memories of the experience agree.  Where people do agree, and where verifiable information is gathered, then a certain amount of confidence can be placed in these observations.

I could keep listing other instances of this kind of scientific work, but I don't expect there's any need to.  It is simply interesting when these different lines of inquiry -- to which mediumship should be added, in light of the origin of this thread -- each produce internally consistent descriptions of reality, but disagree with each other on some points of greater or lesser importance.  From our limited viewpoint it may be difficult to resolve them into one "grand unified theory," and that may be a source of fun, or exasperation, or both  Smiley

It was from that perspective that I wondered if there might be useful information even in the disagreements, pointing to a possible key role in our own participation, rather than leaving us in the position of objectively mapping out the contours of a reality that doesn't include us essentially.

Love, though, is of a rather different order from these comparatively minor points.  May no one be without it!  Probably no one really is, but I think that wish brings more consciousness and energy to it here where we are now.  And I have no doubt at all that you are right in knowing it is completely right.  You are!  And it is!

And that's a good place for me to stop talking and start knowing.  Thanks for the reminder  Smiley

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Re: F.W.H. Myers information
Reply #19 - Aug 27th, 2010 at 2:47am
  I hear you James, and i was speaking to the many in my last post.  I like to simplify things to their core essence, and i figure if people get the PUL part right, it will lead them to figuring out the rest in a helpful manner if they live the PUL part.

  Yes, it is quite interesting how so many sources agree on some aspects and yet disagree on other ones.  In my experience it can be both fun and frustrating at different times to perceive these discrepancies. 

Whether the differences are innately teaching us something intrinsic which is helpful, i don't know.  I figure there are various factors and variables of why various sources don't quite fully agree on the details.   I suspect that sometimes these differences aren't that important or crucial.  I can appreciate the differences in some cases.   

   But, i would posit that this also sometimes (or often?) relates back to PUL in a general, holistic way.

Not all sources are on the same "wavelength" so to speak for there are relatively lesser or greater attunements to PUL with different sources.

This, i posit, is the most important and overriding factor in how universally accurate and helpful a source is or not. 

  And, ever like attracts and begets like. Sometimes people are attracted to sources because it's what they need at that time (and they were led to it by guidance levels) and other times because it's what they are already resonate with on a more personality level and so it tends to keep them stuck at that level.  These two main factors explain so much about this whole equation in the general, though i suspect there can be and often are more minor, temporal variables at play.

  There are some rather popular and well known "psychically derived" sources out there, which even before i really learned all the specifics of the belief system, for whatever reason or reasons, really turned me off and i felt an essential "offness" about said sources.  Later on via more deeply/consciously sought guidance i learned it was because there was a definite lack of attunement to PUL within those sources. 

  Methinks it's not a mere coincidence.

  So, i guess what i'm saying is that it really depends on the individual situation or source, and it's probably a good idea to keep a sense of discrimination when it comes to outer sources especially in relation to degree of PUL attunement or lack. 

  It's this degree of PUL attunement or lack which is what determines what Monroe called "maturity", and what other sources called spiritual developement.  To me, it just makes pragmatic sense to try to seek and listen to the more purely PUL attuned sources more so whether speaking of outer sources or even inner sources. 

  See, i think Monroe's Gateway affirmation is essentially helpful, but also a bit shorted sighted and limited and that was because of his own lacks and issues.   Had Monroe had more humility and less pride (dude was a Scorpio Sun with a rather strong dose of Leo), he might have left out the "equal to" part of his asking for guidance help. 

  If he had been completely pragmatic (and possibly more humble), he would have formulated his affirmation to say something like, "i deeply desire the help, guidance, etc. of (only) the most spiritually mature, helpful, aware, etc sources..."   Cutting through and passing over the middle men and quagmires so to speak. 

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« Last Edit: Aug 27th, 2010 at 11:21am by N/A »  
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James Ward
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Posts: 17
Re: F.W.H. Myers information
Reply #20 - Aug 31st, 2010 at 2:51am
Justin, well said.

What better gauge could be found?

Funny you should mention the Gateway affirmation in this context.  I had to add "loving" to it.

It was a good idea to add Heartlines/Opening the Heart to the TMI programs and CDs.

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Re: F.W.H. Myers information
Reply #21 - Aug 31st, 2010 at 12:47pm
  I agree bout adding the loving part in that affirmation James.  I have and enjoy the "Opening the Heart" set from TMI.
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