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ALK Member
Posts: 51
Hello, all.
I have not found the "Focus model" to be useful in mapping where you are when it comes to nonphysical reality, at least not the foci below 22. The model identifies several states of consciousness, but below Focus 22 it doesn't really pinpoint "places" while focus 22 or above are described as places with recognisable purpose (afterlife Belief System Territories, for example).
They are more useful as measures of depth of trance you experience at a point. C1 is your general state of mind while physically awake. Focus 10 is a light trance, and this gets progressively deeper towards Focus 21. Already in Focus 12 I experienced for example strange distortions of my sense of time, but not necessarily what I would register as a full-blown OBE.
Focus 22 and above are probably the astral and mental planes of other belief systems or models of nonphysical reality (like theosophy). The locations their descriptions relate to seem to indicate that in my opinion.
@Lucy: An example of being totally focussed in the physical body would be during a very conscious Tai Chi session. If the mind stays on task and the movements are done with precision and while maintaining awareness, this maintains probably most of your focus in physical waking reality. I would call that "meditation in motion" as the purpose of many mindfulness meditations is to focus you strongly on whatever you are experiencing at any moment.
Contrast this with habitual thought. You may think about one thing, then about the next, some memory pops into your mind, you remember somebody who upset you the day before, you get angry again, you repeat part of the argument in your mind and think about what you would say to them...
If you did this while walking through the countryside and somebody stopped you and asked you what you saw you might not remember very much when thinking back! Happens to me whenever I am giving in to my thinking habits. That's more like the mind on autopilot, interacting with itself. The focus of your conscious mind is not in the physical reality right in front of you, but somewhere else.
"Where" the other % are going when not focussed on the present is up for discussion. I personally would say that stuff from all states of consciousness available to your being leak into your C1 awareness all the time, but it heavily depends on your own state of mind what "leaks in" or what you become consciously aware of, what comes in as feelings, sensations, moods, intuitive knowings, etc.