I do not believe that there is an eternal hell waiting for us that is imposed on us by anyone, least of all the loving enregy that I beleive is God.
I also know that you can make your own life and other people`s life a hell in this life already, so I have no reason to believe it to be otherwise in an afterlife, except that I hope you will not be able anymore to make OTHER people`s afterlife a hell.
But there is a choice, you see? Either you stay "yourself", retain (or regain) all your memories, your personality and so on. Then the people who are evil or even only locked into their own system of making themselves miserable (I trust you all know such people...just think of those who always "suffer" because "the world" is so bad to them) will have the same obstacles to overcome "afterwards".
All free will and all consisten "personhood" after death makes it very likely that we will be able to make our own lives a hell - here and hereafter.
I for one opt to go to the place of trees and tall forests someone else mentioned here
- that sounds like something for me.