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Out Of Body: How do you Prove it? (Read 19272 times)
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Re: Out Of Body: How do you Prove it?
Reply #45 - Sep 12th, 2010 at 10:48am
hehehehe Matter doesn't exist either.
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Re: Out Of Body: How do you Prove it?
Reply #46 - Sep 12th, 2010 at 2:44pm

I ordered the DVD from Amazon. I had never heard of it. I'm looking forward to checking it out.

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Re: Out Of Body: How do you Prove it?
Reply #47 - Sep 12th, 2010 at 4:00pm
Read some OBEs from this site:
This has helped my sister a great deal, as our mother was quite ill and at death's door. My sister had a difficult time to accept that Mama could die at any time now (still holding on, but her gall bladder could expolde at any time).  After reading some true accounts of NDE's (near death experiences) my sister was more at ease.
There will come a day when OBE's will be scientifically proven--- and seen with the use of brain waves/and or body temperature hot spot readings.  The hemi-sync method has already been "proven" with brain wave activity being monitored.
It is currently subjective.  Carl Sagan tried to disprove anything that he couldn't "prove" with scientific accuracy.  I often wonder if he will "come back" and show us his proof, NOW.
Love Carol Ann
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The spoken word.
The unkind thought.
The misused hour.
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James Ward
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Re: Out Of Body: How do you Prove it?
Reply #48 - Sep 13th, 2010 at 2:55am

I hope you like it.  I'm trying to remember where I heard about it; I think it might just have been in Amazon's "Recommended for you."  Sometimes some good stuff shows up there!

Carol Ann,

Best wishes for your mother, yourself and your family.

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Re: Out Of Body: How do you Prove it?
Reply #49 - Sep 13th, 2010 at 7:47pm
Well, I am willing to give it a real shot here. I really think I need the hemi-sync or binaural beats though, and I don't have money for it right now.

I am currently working 12 hour days struggling to support me and my wife which lost her third job now.... - yeah.. it sucks.

So I really want to make this happen, seriously.

I will of course keep a notebook by the bed at all times and attempt to set aside a half hour for meditation. Still, I think it will be hard to achieve anything without the audio assistance..?
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Re: Out Of Body: How do you Prove it?
Reply #50 - Sep 13th, 2010 at 10:31pm
Well, I am willing to give it a real shot here. I really think I need the hemi-sync or binaural beats though, and I don't have money for it right now.

I am currently working 12 hour days struggling to support me and my wife which lost her third job now.... - yeah.. it sucks.

  I could probably send some of my Hemi-sync CD's your way free of charge if you live in the U.S. 

  Might take a little while (till my next check deposits & i pay off some bills, cause currently i have a negative balance).   
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Re: Out Of Body: How do you Prove it?
Reply #51 - Sep 15th, 2010 at 7:23pm
Thanks Justin, sounds like it would be a bit too much trouble for you though. I hear you about it being hard, I am not in the negative but I sure am close all of the time. I could download hem-sync mp3's but I read that since it's a lossy format it would lose it's effectiveness. Not sure how accurate that is. I mean, an mp3 encoded at 128 kbps has a noticeable (to my ears) downgrade in quality. But once you encode the mp3 to about 192 kbps I stop being able to notice any loss in sound quality.
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Re: Out Of Body: How do you Prove it?
Reply #52 - Sep 18th, 2010 at 5:56pm
Robert A. Monroe.

Whilst listening to Binaural beats and meditating.... presumably Robert A. Monroe contacted a spirit being which took him through time and space and he met other humans and..... yes.... aliens. This is in his book "Ultimate Journey"

Fantastical... no?

One would definitely question one if not many and all parts of these supposed OBE's.....

Thinking that in fact they could be just simple IMAGINATION....

So... I would say, for the general public and for general proof of an OBE we would logically ( as the Vulcans would say ) be looking for some sort of VERIFIABLE proof, no?

Well, according to one test, I read that Monroe and some others attempted to read a 4 or 5 digit or so number which was kept in a different room. ( so they had to OBE and read the number while OBE. )

Scientifically, this does seem like an acceptable test as long as everything is secure.

All attempts failed....except....

Supposedly Monroe got the number correct ONE time and was unable to repeat it.

(Science usually dictates that an experiment must be repeatable.)

So there is my story....

My question on this topic does still stand though....

The question is:

How do you Scientifically prove you have had an OBE?

Does scientific laboratory testing of OBE's exist?

Hi Jehovah: You've got a serious problem that could take millenia to unravel... you are weaving a cocoon of belief system webs that will be very difficult to overcome... here is why from the writings of Frank Kepple -

[b]However, if the questioning comes about as a result of Doubt, then you need to be ever mindful of the fact that any release of thoughts of Doubt - while within the Astral - will instantly lead to you experiencing circumstances that support whatever level of Doubt you are feeling.

Then, just like in my release of fear example above, finding yourself all of a sudden in a situation where your doubts are justified, will normally have the effect of making you feel even more doubtful; so your circumstances will instantly become such that your doubts are reinforced all the more; which in turn makes you doubt all the more still; and so on, and so on.......

Tho he is talking about the power of the Astral to intensify this descent into oblivion... it also applies to the physical.

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Posts: 56
Re: Out Of Body: How do you Prove it?
Reply #53 - Oct 15th, 2010 at 7:10pm
For left, right, and middle brain seekers - sometimes it is a matter of redefining the questions to find more proper answers. It is not the question "how do you prove it", but "what do you prove" doing your experiment. The "what do you prove" answer is divided in two sections: 1) experiment (concrete settings, concrete results), 2) conclusions (including assumptions). From that point - you may begin to create a wider model of whatever. If you focus only on one direction, you always end on one pole, having polarized opponents on the other side of your topic.

Modern internet and remote operations - as an explanation of  OBEs - are a good example to show the complexity of this and other subjects. All you can prove are the correlations between nodes of a topological network. Does the OBE exist - sure, "somehow" exists. But what really IS the OBE, that you are trying to prove? Is the virtual reality (similarize the internet to other wirtual realities like emotional ones, mental ones and so forth) real? Sure it is, but in which way?

When you redefine your strategy of thinking, you can focus on other directions. If you ask for the "general sense of life", the answer will be probably some nonsense if there will be any answer. But if you change your question, if you just ask for the "sense of your own private portion life" - then - you'll find everything. "What kind of skills do you require instead of your outdated imagination of OBE"? To get answers without physical connection (that I know in everyday life), to get colorful inner experiences, to get shared experiences with other people, and so on and so forth.

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