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Very intense testing/teaching Retrieval dream (Read 2607 times)
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Very intense testing/teaching Retrieval dream
Jul 8th, 2010 at 1:46am
  Another recent retrieval dream that my wife had, and one unlike any other she has remembered before. 

  There was young woman/older girl who was stuck.  She was in a school building/yard like setting, and she seemed really dazed and out of it.   

  Partner was observing her and the situation, but noticed a very lacking in light being become visible near the girl.  As this being appeared, the environment started to become very dark and the school building started to look like a prison.  Barbed wire, metal bars on the windows, etc. appeared. 
   This lacking in Light luminosity being was trying to influence the girl in her dazed state, trying to get her to hurt herself, and generally trying to condition her mind in a negative, limiting way.  The being was extremely sadistic.

  My partner being the fearless and impulsive person she is, rushed in to get inbetween and help the girl get away from the being.   
   But she underestimated its strength and over estimated her strength.  Despite that she remained calm, tuned into andfelt love in relation to this L.I.L.B, it wasn't leaving and started to get very annoyed with her, and treated her if she was but a trifle. 

   The LILB started to essentially zap her with intensely negative electric like energy, and it really hurt her, and it kept doing this more and more, until eventually she was on the ground writhing in a fetal position because it was so overwhelming and painful. 

  She started to get very weak, but eventually remembered a previous talk we recently had had in the physical state about the importance of asking for help from Guidance Beings, and specifically she remembered my talk about the Arch Angel Michael and how It helped me deal with energetically powerful lacking in light beings.   

  So she consciously called for help, and soon after, various Light Beings materialized out from different places in the environ, and basically collectively put a force field around the LILB to contain the LILB in order to get her and the girl out of there.   

  She awoke soon after, and she vividly had those very painful feelings in her body as a residue, like it really had happened and she had been really intensely zapped with ultra negative energy.   

   She realized it was a teaching experience set up by her Disk/Guidance.   She realized that a few different things from this.  One, she should have went into this situation with conscious shielding i.e. she should have created a powerful REBALL first. 
   Two, she shouldn't be naive about non constructive entities and their degree of power, and shouldn't underestimate them or over estimate her own power and abilities. 
  3.  It was also a message telling her that help will always be there for her, if she calls on it, and that's it's often necessary and important to consciously call for help.

  She also feels that this wasn't an artificial type test wherein a Helper just acted in the role of a negative being to teach a lesson (like Bruce or Albert has talked about).   She feels it was a very much a real field test and experience, though it was set up in the sense that Guidance picked this particular case for her to work with.   Both of us have had some pretty intense retrieval dreams, and some have been in the temporal hell areas, but neither of us has previously had an experience like this before. 

  Apparently not all "Hard cases" and "Satans" that Bruce has written about are contained completely within the Hell levels.  Some apparently can get out or never go there to begin with.   I suspect perhaps the difference is that in this case, this LILB wasn't really a former human directly connected to the ELS like most of us are and have been.  This begs the question of where exactly was this being from and what exactly is it? 

  This reminds me of Bruce' experience of the gooey, black tar stuff that hurt when directly resonated with, except maybe times 10 times in intensity! 

  For her to become incapacitated like that, is quite astounding to me personally because my wife is one STRONG, fearless, and loving kind of person who is a very mature Soul (she had a recent dream wherein a guide told her that she only has one more life in the ELS in the probable sense--that is necessary at least.)
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Re: Very intense testing/teaching Retrieval dream
Reply #1 - Jul 8th, 2010 at 2:04am
  Possibly related to this teaching experience is that a week or so before this dream, she had an interesting experience. 

   She was lucid in the dream state, and felt like she was being observed by both the reptilian group and possibly by some gov. connected human group (think remote viewers for hire). 
  It made her very uncomfortable (was very "icky" and invasive feeling she said), and so she asked for help, and it seemed to  help. 

  She has had this experience before a couple of times.   I don't know if this is related or not, but both of us have perceived, in conscious waking state, "spiders" secretly trying to observe us. 

  It's been awhile since the last experience, and for whatever reason, she felt these groups had a renewed interest in her.   Not surprisingly, it seems to coincide with some of my recent public postings about the reptilian issue. 

  I suspect the latter dream in the 1st post, is related to this above experience in a sense.  Kind of a continuation on a theme of the importance of shielding, asking for help from Beings more powerful and intune than self, corrupt-non constructive forces in the universe, etc. 

  The more we learn and the more guidance we get, the more real life seems stranger than fiction.  This is truly one interesting world and larger reality.   

I think it and others are worth sacrificing for.  That is the entire message of the life and example of Yeshua, the Teacher of teachers.  I sometimes wonder if there will be someone truly unto like him (not all these falsely labeled "enlightened" teachers) who will arise and demonstrate a similar attunement to Source and PUUL.

  Someone we can't ignore for the obvious demonstrations of such attunement, and who like Yeshua will live every moment in love, positivity, and sacrifice for the greater good of the Whole.

  One can dream at least.
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Re: Very intense testing/teaching Retrieval dream
Reply #2 - Jul 8th, 2010 at 5:49pm
Hello Justin:

In addition to my learning experiences (that you referred to) I've had actual experiences with unfriendly beings. When I send them love, I'm not troubled.

However, I must add, I'm not alone when I send them love, I figure I'm able to send them love because I've opened myself to God's love (not in an old man in the sky sense).

My experiences have led me to learn that we need to be strong in our self when dealing with unfriendly beings, but we also need to be connected to beings who represent the light.

Robert Monroe was concerned about unfriendly influences, and his guides told him unfriendly beings with and without human experience exist and are successful at influencing people at times.

He also was told that he isn't influenced by them because he is too conscious and has control of his sensors (not the exact words). He was also told that he's not alone, he's connected to his I-there and other I-theres, and strength is derived from this connection.

Several years ago I had this dream where I was walking through little streams in this really cold and foggy place. As the dream took place I understood that I was looking for spirits in a lower realm who wanted help, and I was making certain that other spirits didn't mess with them. Suddenly an unfriendly spirit lunged at me, and before it could get me a spirit lady japped it.

I woke up startled, because it troubled me that the spirit that attacked me was zapped, I figured we try to help wayward spirits rather than destroy them.

My guidance was aware of my distress, and I heard a voice say (while I was awake), "take a moment to think about it." I did, and realized that the unfriendly spirit wasn't actually destroyed, it was simply the manner in which the creator of my dream told me that when people such as myself try to help out, beings from a higher level look out for us.

Regarding how unfriendly beings make contact with people, even though people speak of lower realms at times, I don't believe things are so rigid, and it is possible for unfrienly beings to interract with this world.

If a person lives according to an attribute such as hate, it doesn't matter that he (or she) lives in this physical world, he might make a connection to an energy level that exists in more than one realm at a time.

If we can connect to light beings by tuning into love, then why couldn't a hateful person connect to unfriendly beings when living according to hate.
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Re: Very intense testing/teaching Retrieval dream
Reply #3 - Jul 9th, 2010 at 11:49am
Interesting read Justin, and your wife handled it pretty darned well.

There are "monsters", some encounters can be one's own fears when changing the focus from earth life to elsewhere. Think this can be an issue, especially when starting out. One's own fears materialize, and it may become evidence for the traveller that beyond C1 is a scary place. Though, thinking all beings beyond earth are friendlies I agree is an underestimation. A different vibration than one's own fears coming to life. The 24/7 connection to one's real self/disc/I-there is one very important element, one's true god imo, along with friends one perhaps weren't aware of, due to the main focus now being this game. That doesn't mean running into a busy highway and taunt the cars will do any good, nor act love n' light superior when dealing with a "lesser dark being" in or beyond C1. That supposedly lesser force can be viewed for all here on earth pretty much every day.

Hateful incarnations could more easily be entangled in the mess. But the saying 'kick you when you're down', works on physical incarnations from an external influence. Emotional food for dark beings, and where there's some food, more and more intense can be made with influence. Beyond the physical, fear will also temporarily shrink one's abilities there too.

Had an attack last weekend, not while dreaming and pretty strong one too, definitely not in the own fear category vibration. The calling card was very vivid, but dark beings also underestimate. They also got lessons to learn.
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