Ex Member
In essence i agree with Recoverer, and my experience is similar in the sense that i originally was skeptical of a specifically unfriendly "Reptilian" E.T. group. I was fairly sure there were non PUL attuned groups involved with here, but probably because of my non resonation with authors like David Icke and my sensing of half truths in these works, i didn't buy the Reptilian part as if almost that part was discredited to me from coming from a source that seemed rather non credible for the most part (something to think about perhaps?).
That was until my wife and i started to get more direct guidance about it.
Awhile ago, before any talk of Reptilians between us, she had a dream wherein she saw that her mother was being psychically influenced by the Reptilian E.T. group.
Her Mom is a rather unbalanced, unhappy, and extremely emotionally subjective personality. She is now a hard core religious extremist, and thinks everyone else but her and her faith are going to hell, etc.
She came to "religion" after a having an affair with a married man and having his child and giving the child away. Religion became her ego crutch and coping mechanism.
Anyways, the guidance that my wife and i have gotten about this negatively intentioned E.T. group is that yes there is going to be an invasion, but in the direct, physical sense it won't be till much later (our guidance is similar to the guidance info that Rosiland McKnight got about this future probability, and i find her work to be VERY credible).
But that's speaking in the direct and literal physical sense of out and out war and physical aggression and destruction.
What i think that Recoverer is not understanding about his messages is that there is right now an invasion and has been for awhile really.
This invasion is psychological and spiritual-energetic oriented, and Becky's dream about her mother being psychically influenced mentally and emotionally by this group is a good example of that. Her mom was listening to them instead of to Source and her Total self.
If people let themselves become open to their influence by a sufficient lack of self and other PUUL, by extreme body imbalances, etc. then they become potential candidates for being influenced by this group and their strong mental psychic capacity. This group has much better conscious manipulation of the M band field than do most in physical humans.
But, if a person keeps well balanced, physically healthy and most importantly-- well attuned to self and other PUUL, then they can do nothing to a human in that direct energetic manipulation sense.
What they WILL do however, is to focus on those receptive, more easily influenced humans near that the human they can't influence, and send thoughts and feelings of dislike, intolerance, and harm to that human about the other, hoping that the influenced human will act in those manners to that human.
For myself, i've found that it helps to more specifically call on and for the help of powerfully PUUL attuned Guidance forces. More specifically, that Being which has been called in the past the ArchAngel Michael is particularly adept at helping to shield and protect people from these kinds of influences. "Michael" is an extremely powerful Being, which has a lot of Yang energy in it, It can repel any negative or lacking in light dynamic, but like most things in this area one often needs to specifically ask for Its help.
I suspect that the Co-Creator is allowing all of this for a couple of different reasons, one It respects the freewill of all Sources children, and by the negative use of our collective freewill we have attracted these hindering influences to us. Hence, self (both as a collective and individual) must always meet self for like attracts and begets like automatically. It's a growing up and maturing lesson of challenge.
Two, perhaps the Co-Creator, because He loves his wayward Reptilian children as much as He loves us, hopes that maybe these Reptilians will be eventually positively affected by it's interactions with humanity and our eventual showing of both bravery and a more collective PUUL attunement when faced with this danger in the near future.
For surely, these are some of the lost sheep of His fold that He would be ecstatic to have come back--for this particular group has long been extremely and collectively wayward.
So, until this future date in a few hundred years or so, there will continue to be an "invasion", but a more subtle, indirect, and underhanded psychological and spiritual-energetic kind. But in reality, it is still harmful and still causing a lot of humans and human civilization problems.
Meanwhile, the Co Creator and the Galactic "Federation" of E.T. groups will not allow direct, physical invasion yet because we are not strong and ready enough to face this in this manner. We would be slaughtered and enslaved, for technology and psychically wise we have no chance against them in a purely physical sense.
Hence, they are kept at a distance and only allowed to interact in less directly physical ways.
When we have developed our technology sufficiently enough, and become unified and PUUL attuned enough as a collective species, THEN will our hands be let go of and we will have to face this karmic attraction directly and physically.
Think of it this way. There is a youngish, smallish child out on the play ground at recess. This youngish child is a bit of an arrogant braggart, and calls other children and the Teachers names, and generally just doesn't behave too kindly or considerately to all around it. A real brat who gets itself into all kinds of trouble constantly.
A larger and older Bully type, eventually sees this younger, smaller child. The larger bully would love to beat up on this smaller, weaker kid, but because the kid is younger and so much smaller than the bully, the Teachers won't allow it and vigilantly keep an eye on the larger, stronger bully.
But the Teachers know that eventually this smaller braggart will have to face this bigger bully, in order to learn some hard lessons and grow up some more.
But the Teachers won't allow until the child is big and strong enough to have a chance to directly fight the bigger and smarter bully. If allowed now, the big bully would pulverize and do critical damage to the younger brat--perhaps even killing him.
The latter is too extreme and absolute. Meanwhile spiritual Guidance forces motivated by PUUL are very active in acting as a counter balance to all the more indirect and energetic invasion techniques that the Reptilians use, but unfortunately they can't always help much because the humans in question block this help and don't listen to what they need to do to help themselves.
It's even a bit frustrating and a stress filled process for these Guidance energies, and they are very much also "in the trench" trying to fight this war. They are not passive and anything goes about this.
It's very important to them that they help us cope with this hindering influence.
Some of the highest, most PUUL attuned levels of Guidance have started to send in their "brigade" and front runners to incarnate as humans to act more directly and physically as guidance in order to counter act this on going invasion.
People like Recoverer and many others. Yet it's always the real helpers that humanity won't listen to and throws stones at. We love and tend to listen most to the false and full of half truth teachers, for these resonate with our stuck ego aspects much more. And like always attracts, begets, perceives, and likes like.
Albert is a prophet unto like the Baptist and who has come before you with messages from the most expanded, Source attuned Consciousnesses and it would be wise to at least more seriously consider his words and to directly seek guidance on whether or not there is greater truth to them.
I had a dream awhile ago with Bruce Moen in it, we were at the same party or social function. Bruce very seriously and intently told me, go find John, he is more intune that i. For specific, personal reasons, i have come to believe that Albert is quite likely this "John" that Bruce told me of in the dream.