Hi Thomas,
I am not dismissive. Not at all. As I stated in my other post, I have been a very spiritual person and convinced I would leave my body at death all my life - until about half a year ago.
My work as a lawyer in the field of medicine law has inundated me with terrible cases of brain damage, of painful and prolonged death and of pain and suffering at the fringe between life and death (at the beginning of life as well as at the end). What I have seen there - together with my professional training to always question, always find the counter-arguments - has shaken my belief so badly that I have plummeted into the very very deep pit of fear and disbelief and thinking "I have only lived in an illusion, oblivion is the reality". And I can tell you, it`s a very dark place to be in. Ok, so the "endless sleep" won`t hurt me, but the world would be an entirely senseless, cruel, cold place and all these beautiful sparks that human beings are will just be snuffed out, including me. That, to me, is so terrible I lie awake most nights now and pray "please, please, if someone is out there, help me and show me it is not so".
And this is also why I reach out to you people here
. You say you know what it is all about in the non-physical and the afterlife. So I put the questions that go round and round in my head to you, you see? Not because I want to challenge you, but because I really need your insights.
I have already gotten the advice to get out of this spiral a bit and therefore, I am only checking this board once a day now.
I`ve never had an OBE or an NDE. I have tried to OBE but seem to be very deeply rooted in my body.
I assure you that most people do remember nothing - I think I`ve read every book and text about NDE`s and they all agree on that, including the firm believers in an afterlife. There must either be the issue that it an illusion (that would be awful) or that most people do not remember. Children seem to remember more readily.
All sentinent beings are so beautiful, so marvellous, so individual - I hope you are right and not science.