8/20/2010 - 2nd afternoon session:
Potpourri session: AKG disc 1: cut 1: JOOB disc set: condition B.
Relaxation phase:Whole body relaxation… into f10
JOOB condition B: Got quite deep… then there was a pop or a release… like a brain fold unfolded… saw my television screen… quite small… but in it was activity… a snow scape with people in bear skins (primitives??) they had covered wagons… animals and they were moving or about to move… like they were breaking camp… that faded and my interpreter said I was in f21 the area Monroe talked about in
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJ0QQ9612yg&feature=relatedBut I was not able to interact… I could only watch… I began to wonder how this related to the exercise… there were no thoughts just images… but, I don’t think this satisfies the conditions of the exercise… will have to keep working on it until I know what this means.