It's funny how people do. They just like to be around certain places, and especially around certain people, and they will gravitate toward that particular energy. It is as if their intuition guides them, and even their bodies wish to be placed in certain positions, touching things just so, etc. etc. These kinds of energies just naturally flow, but sometimes it can be annoying to be so 'popular' if you are trying to concentrate, or even take a nap or a rest. Maybe if you do something unexpected to gain their attention, George. If there is a large group of teenagers on the beach, hanging out, pushing and shoving, laughing and joking, etc. etc., they might be messing up my view, from where I am sitting comfortably on my towel, having a breath of fresh, salty air. Is it necessary for me to stare at them? If I find myself doing so, just sitting there, staring at them, which view am I taking? Eventually, they move off. Is it something I did?