It can be quite a maze trying to figure out whether the reptilian thing is true. Rather than trying to figure out what every source has to say, I've relied on what my spirit guidance and a few seemingly trustworthy internet/book based sources have to say.
Of course I don't expect people to trust my guidance since they don't know them, so they'll need to make contact with guidance they can trust if they want this kind of verification. It's a big universe out there, and for some subjects we can't rely solely on the information this world has to offer.
Lucy wrote on Aug 15th, 2010 at 3:29am:balance
i have yet to see someone give some good proof that what you are saying exists, does so to the extent claimed. It sometimes seems a short walk from the Illuminati to the Reptilians, and I have trouble following.
By a strange coincdence, I did get referred to Charles Quigley, who might be considered a serious source of info (by me) familiar with this?