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Message started by Beau on May 14th, 2010 at 8:04am

Title: Why I am for OBAMA
Post by Beau on May 14th, 2010 at 8:04am
Well, first he has the hardest job ever as a president, thanks to the evil empire that ruled us for 8 years. Second, He is a nice guy. Third, I believe him when he says he wants whats best for all...and 4th, His name backwards is AMABO. You see somethings are meant to be. He is president to see us through 2012 for a very good reason. He is on my side. If you don't like him lump him, but that man has got my vote and my support and to hell with the reps and the dems they suck. I"m a member of the Live4All party.


Title: Re: Why I am for OBAMA
Post by Pat E. on May 15th, 2010 at 1:38am
So, as to your 4th reason, I need to wait for a TAPAMA (AMAPAT backwards) to run for president in order to share your enthusiasm.  But I think I'll just settle for Obama and your party.  So when do we break out the champagne?   :D

Title: Re: Why I am for OBAMA
Post by Beau on May 15th, 2010 at 3:56am
<cork pops> ;)

Title: Re: Why I am for OBAMA
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Jun 19th, 2010 at 11:02am

Watching this with an open mind may change your point of view.

Title: Re: Why I am for OBAMA
Post by betson on Jun 19th, 2010 at 11:51am

Title: Re: Why I am for OBAMA
Post by Beau on Jun 19th, 2010 at 12:41pm
I was in a different frame of mind when I wrote that post. It could be true I guess. I'm not really sure anymore. I'm very fed up with the whole situation right now. I guess I do kind of feel like a slave lately. I have to say that the current world order isn't working for me either. I certainly don't think he's a savior and never have, but I guess my post makes it sound that way.

Title: Re: Why I am for OBAMA
Post by recoverer on Jun 23rd, 2010 at 9:54pm
I'm not able to watch the entire video at this time, but if Obama is a part of a New World order attempt, this troubles me.

Back when he was running against Hillary, I was shown an image of an open newpaper one night. On one side of the paper was a picture of Jesus Christ, on the other side was a photo of Obama, and the word "evil." Or in other words, a contrast between Jesus and Obama was made.

I don't know if this image meant that he is a part of something negative such as the New World order, or if it had to do with his being associated with a Baptist preacher for 20 years who seems to be fundamentalist. Hardly what Jesus had in mind while he was here.

I've also had 3 dreams that depicted Obama in a negative way, and I was a fan at the time.

Regarding the  Republican/Democrat parties, I believe this country (and the rest of the world) are being held hostage by their ineffective ways.

It bugs me that Obama caved into the nuclear power approach. What does he figure should be done with the nuclear wastes? Regarding nuclear power plants being safe, well, perhaps BP provides an example of how somebody's word can't be taken for granted when they claim there is nothing to be concerned about.

People who are motivated by greed and the hunger for power can't be trusted.

Title: Re: Why I am for OBAMA
Post by Lucy on Jul 23rd, 2010 at 7:02am
I've been hearing about this NWO for over 15 years, had some acquaintances who were into David Icke and Stuart Wilde. Not sure I can buy into it, though there are some troubling trends.

I did find it entertaining in the 90's when the NWO was mentioned in a cartoon and was opposed by a Gargoyle called Goliath. I believe Xanatos was part of that.

Certainly it seems like there is a conspiracy afoot sometimes. But conspiracy theories are always around.

So is there a conspiracy? Is it possible for there to be a successful conspiracy? I would like to see some thoughtful conversations about that.

There are many facets to this. maybe it just means we can't manage without some outlandish mythology pushing us on.

I mean, some folks seem to swear by Reptilians.

I think we all can agree that not everything is visible to the naked eye. But can we agree to what is invisible?

Title: Re: Why I am for OBAMA
Post by Justin on Jul 26th, 2010 at 2:14pm
  I don't know about a "NWO" either in the specific sense. 

But what i do know is this, there almost always has been people born into this world who develop a pattern of deep, deep hunger for material world power, money, and influence. 

  Such people become so pathologically obsessed with gaining ever more of the former, and they have such a lack of attunment to PUL, that they would do anything to anyone or to any number of people in order to gain more power, money and influence in this world. 

  You don't need to believe in "conspiracy theories" to understand the basic psychological underpinnings of such potential development of that which leads to corruption in gov., banking, and the like.  Don't we see it everyday?  What about Enron and the like?

And, he who controls money and the money system, controls much of the world in the material sense.

  I believe the average person is basically decent hearted and wouldn't go to such lengths to obtain ever more money, power, and material influence--at least not so much at the expense of others. 

  Many of us cannot even understand that kind of perspective to begin with--it's foreign to our motivations, ideals, and ways of being. 

  But it happens, and some people become like that.  The question is, are there organized groups of such people?  Well yes, we know the Mafia and the like.  Ok, maybe the question is, are there intelligent, cunning, and subtle groups like this beyond the not so bright, thug Mafia type groups?

Groups and group dynamics are interesting, because they tend to have a focusing and amplfying affect--especially in regards to what the group is centered around. 

For example, take the average corporation.  It's made up of many individuals, most of whom probably individually are decent hearted people that don't really want to hurt others. 

  Yet, most corporations are money and profit driven, and the group becomes centered around the "bottom line."   

  When so many gather in this name, it increases and strengthens that kind of "thought form", and it almost starts to take on a life of it's own.   With corporations this tends to lead to some rather destructive developments in contrast with PUL.  It leads to a deepening of anti-PUL which is separatist selfishness.   

  In any case, it seems rather obvious to me that there is a high degree of selfishness, materialism, and a lot of corruption associated with these basic, base human drives.   It is not too far a stretch in my mind to consider the probability that there are possibly groups out there with more money, more cunning, and more influence than most, which as both individuals and especially as the collective, desire ever more control and power along these lines. 

It's pretty Pollyanna like, impractical/unrealistic, and naive to think that such groups don't exist in this kind of world. 

In order to transform this world, we must be willing to fully face and plumb the shadow-- both within ourselves and in that which is outside of us.  Not concentrate on it, but at least give it some detached thought and awareness while concentrating on PUL.

  If we reject and don't deal with the shadow outside of us, life (Higher self) has a way of bringing it to our attention in our outer life.  If we reject and don't deal with the shadow within, we tend to project it too much onto the outer world and others, and meanwhile stay unhappy, stuck, and limited in within our own self and life. 

  Re: President Obama, well it's hard to say.  On one hand, i was happy when he was elected because i felt it was a good sign that the American people looked past ethnicity and elected someone with some black African heritage. 

  On the other hand--i couldn't feel as positive about him as many of my friends and acquaintances seemed to.  I've always got the sense that he is very much a politician, and to some (a large) extent up for sale and acting a role though he does seem more sincere than some past Presidents. 

  I hope these feelings are proven wrong though.  I will pray for him that he stays centered in PUL, and makes decisions from that consciousness.  Not out of materialism, selfishness or fear.
Because of repeating dream guidance of my wife's, i don't expect him to make it through his full term. 

Title: Re: Why I am for OBAMA
Post by recoverer on Jul 28th, 2010 at 3:25pm
I haven't read a lot about the NWO, so it is hard for me to say how much is nonsense and how much is valid, but I believe Justin made some good related points.

Imagine this, a few unelected people arrange things so they have an extreme level of control of how things go in this world (as happens with corporations [why does BP own oil that belongs to the world?]), and they change things so as opposed to using money, everybody in the world makes use of a universal credit card.

If the few people who are in charge became unhappy with how somebody acts, they could make it so that a person's credit card no longer works.

Now some people would be willing to tough it out and go in the woods and practice their survival techniques, receive help from friends,  or steal from others.

But many people wouldn't be willing to cave in to such hardships, and as a result they would allow big brother (enemy) to control them.

Did you know that there is a U.S. Government organization/network (I don't remember the name) that has thousands of members, they are a part of the various corporations and such that exist in the United States, and they keep track of what employees of their companies are doing and report back to headquarters? Or in other words, lots of U.S. citizens are being monitored within their work place without being aware that this is the case. Also, apparently, they have no say in this taking place.

Did you know that many corporations open life insurance policies on their employees without their employees knowing it? If an insured employee dies, the company collects thousands of dollars that it keeps to itself.

Much of the world already is controlled by self serving, power hungry, greedy, PUL lacking people. What sort of people are likely to become self appointed leaders of a new world order, if allowed?

Title: Re: Why I am for OBAMA
Post by Lucy on Jul 29th, 2010 at 5:05am
Hi recoverer
I need names dates places etc. This is too vague. Anyone could make those claims.

Justin that was a good perspective; thanks for writing that.

But what i do know is this, there almost always has been people born into this world who develop a pattern of deep, deep hunger for material world power, money, and influence. 

  Such people become so pathologically obsessed with gaining ever more of the former, and they have such a lack of attunment to PUL, that they would do anything to anyone or to any number of people in order to gain more power, money and influence in this world. 

  You don't need to believe in "conspiracy theories" to understand the basic psychological underpinnings of such potential development of that which leads to corruption in gov., banking, and the like.

the golden rule:
He who has the gold makes the rules.

I do get tired of the immigration thing being blamed on Pres. Obama. There are some knee-jerks who blame Obama without justification. Some of them don't reconize their own inherent racism. Power corrupts; I don't think Obama is immune to that.

When I start looking for facts I get confused! but there is info out there, that, for instance, demonstrates that, for instance, the immigration situation is much more than just people moving north to work. Why don't they have jobs in their own countries? Does NAFTA (or CAFTA) have something to so with that? What's going on here? What percentage of any Central American country's population is here now illegally? Did this increase after CAFTA? This could be a lot more compicated than not just enforcing immigration laws. I can see why folks start talking about NWO conspiracies.

But what should my response as someone trying to grow spiritually be? I still feel national identity and I don't want to be colonized. I also feel that capitalism is a big Ponzi scheme and that it needs a desperately poor lower base to succeed. (How) do I respond to all that and still maintain my syatus as a seeker of higher truths?

I certainly can't fix it. Maybe Gary Renard is right, you haveto let God unravel it. But it is hard to let go and let God when i feel like the personality types Justin has described have more influence on my life than I care for them to have.

Title: Re: Why I am for OBAMA
Post by recoverer on Jul 30th, 2010 at 2:30pm

Here's a link where you can see an episode that includes coverage of the watch dog issue I mentioned.

Here's a link with articles on employee life insurance.

Title: Re: Why I am for OBAMA
Post by Lucy on Jul 30th, 2010 at 6:19pm
Thanks for the links.

I looked at the insurance links and read one article. It was from 2004. The more recent ones will be interesting. That's pretty disgusting. The love of money seems to ave become the national pasttime.

I will have to look at the other link later.

Title: Re: Why I am for OBAMA
Post by Beau on Jul 31st, 2010 at 9:51am
Here is a good article to consider that is on topic, I think.

Title: Re: Why I am for OBAMA
Post by balance on Aug 3rd, 2010 at 6:30am
The NWO exist and have controlled this world for centuries, When you have all the money, own all the resources,and are acquiring everything once held to be free, Like, the water we drink and now it seems even the air we breath, then you have the means and the ability to dictate to all and any.

Obama, is not the leader nor was Bush or Clinton, they are but puppets on a stage, positioned to entertain and distract for the real government. Which  never shows itself, it remains secretive by design!

Until we the people acknowledge this then this oligarchy will remain housed in their power hungry all consuming elitist movement.

Is there such a thing as a conspiracy, You bet there is and we are living in it, the media don't tell you the truth your presidents don't tell you truth the whole world lives held within a conspiracy and that conspiracy is set forth by lies!

Title: Re: Why I am for OBAMA
Post by Lucy on Aug 15th, 2010 at 3:29am

i have yet to see someone give some good proof that what you are saying exists, does so to the extent claimed. It sometimes seems a short walk from the Illuminati to the Reptilians, and I have trouble following.

By a strange coincdence, I did get referred to Charles Quigley, who might be considered a serious source of info (by me)

Anyone familiar with this?

Title: Re: Why I am for OBAMA
Post by recoverer on Aug 15th, 2010 at 6:37pm

It can be quite a maze trying to figure out whether the reptilian thing is true. Rather than trying to figure out what every source has to say, I've relied on what my spirit guidance and a few seemingly trustworthy internet/book based sources have to say.

Of course I don't expect people to trust my guidance since they don't know them, so they'll need to make contact with guidance they can trust if they want this kind of verification. It's a big universe out there, and for some subjects we can't rely solely on the information this world has to offer.

Lucy wrote on Aug 15th, 2010 at 3:29am:

i have yet to see someone give some good proof that what you are saying exists, does so to the extent claimed. It sometimes seems a short walk from the Illuminati to the Reptilians, and I have trouble following.

By a strange coincdence, I did get referred to Charles Quigley, who might be considered a serious source of info (by me)

Anyone familiar with this?

Title: Re: Why I am for OBAMA
Post by Isabelle on Dec 7th, 2010 at 5:12am
Are you feeling yourself for the Obama or you want yourself instead of Obama??? :D

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