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gulf water (Read 2070 times)
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gulf water
May 9th, 2010 at 6:49am
An invitation to everyone to join in sending love and a positive direction to all those involved in the uncontrolled oil leak off the southern coast of the US.

All those with viable solutions to this problem, and the ability to take action, be supported in your endeavors by all the powers that be, and may our Earth mother benefit from all love and attention directed toward this event. Let this 'ship' be turned around, and the children of this planet be given a real chance to know what 'paradise' actually is. May all humans examine their use of energy and reevaluate, moment by moment, their choices. May their choices be directed toward the health of our Earth mother, now, with a sincerity which cannot be ignored or reduced to 'coffee talk' on a news program. May each of us take this into our own hands, realizing that our 'footprint' is great, and our 'mother' needs a rest. Let us take 'her' into our heart and make a promise to her that we will keep.
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Posts: 817
North/West Coast
Gender: male
Re: gulf water
Reply #1 - May 25th, 2010 at 12:23pm

May each of us take this into our own hands, realizing that our 'footprint' is great, and our 'mother' needs a rest. Let us take 'her' into our heart and make a promise to her that we will keep.

Let's keep it in our heart as long as we can, there're a lot that need to be done here.Times i feel sad at what were doing to her, i love this planet with all the beauty she has to offer free of charge. We are the guardians let's do our job.
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