Again I italicise my comments to your missive...
StoneColdTrue wrote on Apr 16th, 2010 at 2:14am:The actual "human being" is the soul. That is our true nature and our true form. The "afterlife" is our actual domain, which is basically a place of energy and matter which can be willed to appear as the soul wishes, pending upon the state of the soul mind. But souls do not progress the same way there as we do in the physical world, so we become part of the physical world because it was created as a training ground for the soul.
I think the human being is simply the biological species the soul infuses with its individuality...our soul can infuse its individuality into other species in other dimensions or realms to achieve the same kind of experience of separation...and the rest I am with you.
Every generation contains both new and old souls. I think it's quite safe to say there are plenty of people whose souls are experiencing their first time on Earth. This would answer a lot of questions I have had on people's states of mind and consciousness. Before a new or old soul incarnates, they should have a general plan for what they want to accomplish.
I can't see the significance of a generational divide between new and old souls...they all exist here concurrently, and while some may be new, it doesn't mean that they are not advanced with much experience in other realms. Souls experiencing difficulty may be new or advanced souls encountering problems with their connection to their human bodies, the unfamiliarity with the density and intensity of life on earth...any number of things.
The soul incarnates into a physical body and begins with a fresh mind. This happens because it's the most practical way to learn. If we were to begin with an understanding of our true form, it would impair the learning and the experience of the life. The soul lives out its human existence and it may or may not ever reach a high conscious before the body dies. The soul then gets a life review and analyzes what it learned and what it needs to learn or would now like to experience. Reincarnation.
Reaching a consciousness of our souls and afterlife may not be a part of the lifeplan of those souls who are seemingly uninterested or opposed to doesn't mean they don't get to live the truth of the matter anyway. They just don't take that path this time around.
Souls have a certain frequency and because souls/humans are social creatures, we tend to stay together. I've heard a good bit about and read about having a higher connection with the people in your life. The old souls in your life were in your life before. The new souls are likely to be with you should you reincarnate in the next life. This is a very interesting system if you maybe think about your parents.
We identify soulmates incarnate with at first sight, instant connection with friends, etc...and yes, we tend to stay together in wife has been my wife, mother, daughter, son, brother, sister, etc...and there are many others currently incarnate with whom I've played various roles...and you have, too.
I don't feel like my parents are even close to my level of consciousness or spirituality. They pretty much just live life. I had first thought this meant my soul was older than theirs but now I see it doesn't really work like that. When they reincarnate they will probably reach a higher consciousness faster than I did. You can see that newer generations are getting smarter and they progress could say that technology and advancement of the world is what contributes to that but technology and advancement is connected to us. It serves a purpose as we do, more than just entertainment. If I have a child, it may contain a new soul or an old soul. Probably will depend on how I attribute to its plan.
Consciousness of the afterlife and spirituality may not be part of your parents lifeplan this time...but it certainly appears to be part of yours! I don't think it is a new/old soul matter can have an advanced new soul or a recalcitrant old soul, with the same goal to be to live what appears to be a basic lifetime without earth-shaking discoveries. Also, I do not think there is any direct correlation between spiritual advancement and tech advancement. I do think the newer generations of children (indigo children) are wired differently to allow greater interdimensional understanding (and may be the capacity to extrapolate that into higher technology), but this is more a biological improvement than a spirit/soul improvement...the soul takes the body as he gets it and uses it to the capacity it can handle.
Now I have thought a bit about new souls, and how they wouldn't be able to experience like old souls because they didn't live life in specific periods of time. I've heard about periods of the past still existing in other dimensions of the afterlife, so perhaps a new soul is allowed to venture there if it wishes. Theres still some contradiction to how that could work...or all souls only experience in this dimension only. There is certainly plenty of cultures and places in the world so incredibly different that not living in the past wouldn't affect experience.
A soul can be new to earth and still be advanced, having lived only a single or even a few lives here, while a soul having lived here for hundreds of lives may not have attained a great deal of achievement toward the will, you know. Time spent on earth and/or time spent in specific eras on earth do not denote is based on how that time, either on earth or in other realms was used by the soul.
So I suppose we keep reincarnating until we no longer want to. Free will still exists. One might say then "well then I'm not going to reincarnate." That's a premature thought. You'll have a different outlook once you have died and understood. But there are the arrogant, unwilling, and confused.
But eventually, we will have progressed the soul to the point that it's done with the training ground. I imagine that the more consciousness and spirituality (absent of religion) that one achieves, the closer it may understand not wanting to reincarnate and continue progress in the afterlife.
And yes...
That's basically what I've come to understand thus far, and I have no idea how accurate it is so fire away.
My above italicised comments are meant as clarification or amplification of my understanding of the topics you discussed...again, I am not saying you are wrong and I am right...this is just the way I see it. The beauty is that our understanding can change as we learn more, from whatever source. Look for statements, comments, and impressions that feel warm when you hear them, as they indicate a truth that resonates within your soul and is trying to tell you something.
I hope this helps...again, no judgment, just thoughts and ideas!