I remember reading about Susan Blackmore's NDE, and her experience was really lacking when it came to experiencing non-physical reality. She mainly experienced more of the physical universe than usual.
She had the experience after doing a seance with an ouija board and smoking hash. Hardly the precursors to experiencing a higher state of consciousness.
If she would've experienced what other NDERs experience: a being of light, heavenly realms, divine love, a very detailed life review, a rememberance of who she really is, she might have quite a different opinion.
I had an experience that was like an NDE except that I didn't have a near death event. It was so clear during this experience that non-physical levels of reality exist, and such levels of being are what our existence is truly about. Our life in this world is just a temporary phase we go through as a learning experience. Our life in this world is like a drop of water in the ocean when compared to our eternal existence.
If one tries to judge such an experience while limiting one's self to one's rational mind, one will have a hard time remembering what was understood during the experience. If one remembers what the experience was like as one had it, one will realize that from the perspective of that state of being there is no doubt about what one experiences. One experiences with a depth of mind that far exceeds what one's rational mind can comprehend. One understands in a way that is both effortless and very clear.
Unexperienced people who deny NDEs and other non-physical experiences with their scientific explanations don't do anybody a favor. Going by my experience, it is very significant to know for certain that an eternal and wonderful existence awaits me. I don't see why some people are so hell bent on preventing others from finding out the same. If they understood how comforting it is know that the afterlife exists, they wouldn't try to ruin it for others.
The so-called scientific approach is meaningless if a person isn't willing to seriously consider that there are levels of reality that can't be comprehended by a person who tries to do so according to the limiting parameters the physical world provides.
Perhaps some people try to deny the afterlife, because there is dirty laundry they don't want to deal with.
detheridge wrote on Apr 13th, 2010 at 3:13pm:Not necessarily. Here in the U.K. Dr Susan Blakemore (an arch debunker of all things spiritual) experienced an OBE but later dismissed it an an hallucination.
Some people will try to 'rationalise' anything.
Best wishes,