Beau wrote on Apr 3rd, 2010 at 9:27am:YES! The director is the audience but the director is everything...perhaps? even the actors, now that is a thought. I think (at this moment) that perhaps non physical reality is much like unsculpted clay and what we bring back each time gives more dimension to The Afterlife or however you want to look at the Non Physical. As far as coming back here I would only say that when I was young there were thousands of roles I wanted to play on the stage and even film, but as I've gotten older I only go on stage once or twice a year instead of doing a show every day. Perhaps as we progress the need to come back here in order to bring more back to the other work in progress (Non Physical) becomes less of an attraction. It's the idea of separation that trips us up when we are here, I think. We are the director, the actor, even the scenery..? once the ego is surpassed. I can wrap my head around how I can one with it all, but sometimes I can't figure out how YOU can be one with all but we still could have a conversation unless that conversation is all in OUR head. Well its food for thought for me anyway.
I think you are right on, Beau, and it goes as well with an overall view of reincarnation. As younger souls we always played with apparant separation, were wholly in character, and dove into everything, playing any and every role. When we began to see glimpses of the backstage, began to hear the director giving helpful suggestions, we played our roles with greater purpose, understanding and satisfaction...and achieved greater results, thus diminishing our need, and maybe desire, to play just anything.
I really like your metaphor...