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Projection on-demand (POD) (Read 10715 times)
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Projection on-demand (POD)
Mar 26th, 2010 at 8:02pm
Hi all,

i wanted to share a progress point and ask for similar experiences from others.

For a while now, I have been developing the ability of projecting out of body at any time, place or focus level (C1, F10,12,15,21,27 etc).  Like most people, they occured mostly when I was in my daily meditations (lying down with TMI on the headphones etc), but then one day I realised I could do it in normal, awake times.

I don't know what to really call it, other than Projection On-Demand (POD). It has some of the characteristics of an OBE, RTZ projection and remote viewing etc but it doesn't really fit neatly into any of these categories.

In my own textbook OBEs which are different to this POD method, I have 'real-time' visual/auditory acuity and awareness albeit colours are dimmer than C1 reality and some acknowledgment of an energy body.

Using my POD  method, I have full 360degree up/down/back/front fluid control viewpoint. The feeling is similar to an OBE in that you have that wonderful unencumbered freedom of not being trapped inside/tethered to a heavy physical body. The movement is instantaneous. I want to be over there, and them I am. Now I want to be up that tree far off in the distance, and there I am.

I will be driving along and think I wonder what the viewpoint of me and my car looks like, from say around 20 feet up to the side/rear? and bang I will get an impression (imp) of that vantage point. (NB: I realise how dangerous that is so I don't do it when driving anymore. Hehe, how would I explain that to the police? "Well officer, I wasn't on the phone or fiddling with the stereo, I was actually out of my body at the time of the accident..."

If I'm bored waiting in line at the supermarket, I'll 'pop' over to see whats happening in that shop across the mall.

The imps are similar to what Bruce describes in his earlier work when he receives non-physical feedback. Kind of like remembering something or thinking about say a floating cube. You don't always see the cube in full colour and definition, but are rather thinking of the shape of the cube.

But sometimes the feedback I get is so clear I can accidentally believe that I'm actually at that vantagepoint. But mostly I have an awareness duality. My awareness is split approximately 40%/60% between my physical body / projection vantage point. But the more I practice, the physical body awareness is dropping away rapidly.

I find that I can't hold the viewpoint for long and return quickly to my bodily viewpoint. More practice I guess... If I try to explore too much or long past the first imp, I do find I have blanks or my mind will 'fill in the blanks' with what it thinks things should look like. So this is not a fully developed method yet.

In the beginning (like Bruce) I dismissed this as just imagination, but the more I progressed I realised (again ... like Bruce) that imagination is the gateway to non-physical reality and I am starting to get back more feedback than what I am putting into the activity.

I'm yet to gain conclusive proof of this ability like being able to see what's around a corner I have never seen in normal physical reality or being able to identify a playing card number/suite left on a high shelf by a friend.

But like most metaphysical things, trust and dealing with the doubts are critical.

Anyway, thats it. I just wanted to share... feedback welcomed!
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Re: Projection on-demand (POD)
Reply #1 - Apr 12th, 2010 at 1:29am
WoW!! That is awesome, thanks for sharing
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Re: Projection on-demand (POD)
Reply #2 - Apr 12th, 2010 at 8:33pm
Thank you for sharing your valuable experiences!
I am using Bruce's guidebook and have not gotten this level yet. However, you described my development goal.
I am very curious to find out about your methods. Did you use Monroe's Hemi-sync? Did you do OBEs?
Do you have any specific reccomendations of how one can achive this level?


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Re: Projection on-demand (POD)
Reply #3 - Apr 13th, 2010 at 4:43am
Thanks for the feedback. I have been meditating deeply for some five or so years and only realised I had this ability recently. Yes, I have been using hemi-sync and other systems. Yes I "officially" OBE,  but the sensory inputs are similar with this POD method. I keep realising that the ability is real.

The difference is the split of my awareness/consciousness. The non-physical percentage is far greater when in trance than in usual physical everyday life. No surprises there. The feeling/sensations are the same. Only the depth of the experience varies.

The biggest hurdle was to simply accept that it was possible to do whilst fully conscious. I have to admit. I am a bit of a hard  case like Bruce in that my beliefs heavily influence my development.

Immediately after I discovered that Bruce (and other people) could perform retrievals whilst fully conscious doing everyday things like driving in traffic etc. Suddenly, I could do it too.

So the ability was always there!!! Just my perceptions limited my tapping into the ability.

I urge you to explore your beliefs about these sorts of subjects, really examine them and ask yourself what would happen if they didn't exist...

Yes. there is always a bit of imagination used to 'prime the pump'. But before long, things start happening that you did not initiate ...

This imagination priming the pump is really interesting. A bit off topic that I want to start another thread for but yesterday, I realised that "my place" (the place in the non-physical that I have created for myself) had changed without my doing. I have a beach hut scenario with three stairs leading from the sand onto a front porch which then opens into the hut.

When I arrived yesterday, someone had "installed" a visitor's register!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This was 100% not part of my initial construct ...

maks wrote on Apr 12th, 2010 at 8:33pm:
Thank you for sharing your valuable experiences!
I am using Bruce's guidebook and have not gotten this level yet. However, you described my development goal.
I am very curious to find out about your methods. Did you use Monroe's Hemi-sync? Did you do OBEs?
Do you have any specific reccomendations of how one can achive this level?



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Re: Projection on-demand (POD)
Reply #4 - Apr 14th, 2010 at 11:09am
thank you for sharing very interesting and useful information!
In Bruce's Guidebook, he talks about the importance of beliefs. I will explore my belief system.
Evidently, the conscious mind is either busy or in lala land. It takes an effort to keep it quite and to tap into the ability.   
What technique would recommend to expand ones perceptions during daily activities?
It is funny that you mentioned your place at Focus 27. I have always imagined a beach hut with a patio and white table outside on the sand. The problem for me is to know that you are in Focus 27. It feels like everything is a product of your imagination.
How did you find Focus levels?

Thank you,

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Re: Projection on-demand (POD)
Reply #5 - Apr 14th, 2010 at 6:05pm
Hi Maks

1: What I used to quiet the mind was a combination of the work by these two people.
     a) Bentinho Massaro:
     b) Ekhart Tolle: A new earth (Book)

both these authors come from completely different perspectives but are talking about the exact same thing ... about creating a space between the mind and consciousness. An awareness that 'witnesses' the mind and its uncontrollable emotions. When one identifies with the mind in this way, one's perception of the world is limited and imprisoned by the mind's perceptions... Sounds way out there, but its not once you do some work with it.

I had been studying these authors' work for a couple years until one day whilst walking through a shopping mall talking on my mobile phone, my perception/viewpoint moved out of my head. Simultaneously I experienced seeing the mall from a perspective/viewpoint about 3 feet to my right and 1 foot to the rear whilst I felt my physical body almost collapsed. I caught myself in time and was back in my head within a couple seconds.

Practice: Again, You need to have overcome the "sensible, common sense logic" that this should not be possible and opened your mind to the possibility. Then each day, spend a few minutes when you have some quiet time (and you aren't driving your car etc) suggest to yourself "I wonder what the surroundings and/or myself looks like if I was positioned over there ("Over there" could be one or a hundred feet away from your physical body). Try to visualise it. Yes, you are "pretending" at first but remember- imagination is the doorway to the subconscious. With time, once you have broken down the barrier and unlocked conscious access to the subconsciousness, you will start to perceive things in the non-physical.

At first you may see nothing. Keep imagining it... For some it may happen immediately, others (like me) may take years before they have some success. After some practice you may get 'glimpses' or impressions. With practice, you can project your viewpoint in any direction 360degrees in a fluid motion. If you are having difficulties imagining this, think back to some movies that begin with the camera panning around objects. You temporarily get caught up in the action and feel you are really there. Thats what this feels like Wink

2: Knowing you are in focus 27. I haven't attended the TMI program yet so I don't get too caught up in "am I there yet" and just trust in myself and my guides that I am in the right focus level to achieve what I want for that session.

maks wrote on Apr 14th, 2010 at 11:09am:
thank you for sharing very interesting and useful information!
In Bruce's Guidebook, he talks about the importance of beliefs. I will explore my belief system.
Evidently, the conscious mind is either busy or in lala land. It takes an effort to keep it quite and to tap into the ability.   
What technique would recommend to expand ones perceptions during daily activities?
It is funny that you mentioned your place at Focus 27. I have always imagined a beach hut with a patio and white table outside on the sand. The problem for me is to know that you are in Focus 27. It feels like everything is a product of your imagination.
How did you find Focus levels?

Thank you,


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Re: Projection on-demand (POD)
Reply #6 - Apr 14th, 2010 at 6:54pm
alchemist wrote on Apr 14th, 2010 at 6:05pm:
Hi Maks

1: What I used to quiet the mind was a combination of the work by these two people.
     a) Bentinho Massaro:
     b) Ekhart Tolle: A new earth (Book)

both these authors come from completely different perspectives but are talking about the exact same thing ... about creating a space between the mind and consciousness. An awareness that 'witnesses' the mind and its uncontrollable emotions. When one identifies with the mind in this way, one's perception of the world is limited and imprisoned by the mind's perceptions... Sounds way out there, but its not once you do some work with it. You gain a wonderful, unencumbered perspective of the world.

I had been studying these authors' work for a couple years until one day whilst walking through a shopping mall talking on my mobile phone, my perception/viewpoint actually moved out of my head. Simultaneously I experienced seeing the mall from a perspective/viewpoint about 3 feet to my right and 1 foot to the rear whilst I felt my physical vision and hearing failing and my physical body almost collapsed. I caught myself in time and was back in my head within a couple seconds.

That sort of experience hasn't happened spontaneously again (which is good because it could be disastrous if I was driving a car!), but since then I just need to quiet my mind for a minute or so then do the visualization. Its a much more controlled, subdued, enjoyable experience nowadays thankfully.


Step 1: The 1st thing you need to do is overcome the "sensible, common sense logic" that this should not be possible and open your mind to the possibility.

Step 2: Then each day, spend a few minutes when you have some quiet time (and you aren't driving your car etc) suggest to yourself "I wonder what the surroundings and/or myself looks like if I was positioned over there ("Over there" could be one or a hundred feet away from your physical body). Try to visualise it. If you have problems doing this, try walking over to the desired position and look at the surroundings from there, then go back to your original position and try to remember what you saw.

Switch back and forth between your physical and projected viewpoints.

Step 3: Once you have had some success (quick wins), try stepping it up and trying a moving projection. Visualise an object maybe 20 feet away from you. Think about what that object looks like from all sides.

Perhaps its a book and the pages are facing your physical viewpoint. Pretend what that books like when viewing it from 180 degrees behind it. Imagine the spine and the writing on it. Then get creative and do a fly-by circling the book.

Overcoming obstacles: Another way to trick your mind into allowing this to happen is to imagine you are a fly or in a minature helicopter and have the ability to remain afloat and spin around at will. Yes, I know these might be silly tricks, but it doesn't matter- use whatever means that works to let your mind believe its possible.

Yes, you are "pretending" at first (therefore rationale 'logic' says it doesn't count) but remember- imagination is the doorway to the subconscious. With time, once you have broken down the barrier and unlocked conscious access to the subconsciousness, you will start to perceive things in the non-physical.

At first you may see nothing. Keep imagining it... For some it may happen immediately, others (like me) may take years before they have some success. After some practice you may get 'glimpses' or impressions. With practice, you can project your viewpoint in any direction 360degrees in a fluid motion.

If you are having difficulties imagining this, think back to some movies that begin with the camera panning around objects. You temporarily get caught up in the action and feel you are really there. Thats what this feels like Wink Also the movie Avatar is an excellent example of this activity. Sam Worthington has science and technology doing the "projecting" for him, but the concept is identical.

2: Knowing you are in focus 27. I haven't attended the TMI program yet so I don't get too caught up in "am I there yet". I've used all the tapes and with tips from Bruce's books have got a bit of what I'd call a rough map. But these days I just trust in myself and my guides that I am in the right focus level to achieve what I want for that session. If I want to do a retrieval, I'll place my intent, relax and ask a helper to take me to the individual needing assistance.

maks wrote on Apr 14th, 2010 at 11:09am:
thank you for sharing very interesting and useful information!
In Bruce's Guidebook, he talks about the importance of beliefs. I will explore my belief system.
Evidently, the conscious mind is either busy or in lala land. It takes an effort to keep it quite and to tap into the ability.   
What technique would recommend to expand ones perceptions during daily activities?
It is funny that you mentioned your place at Focus 27. I have always imagined a beach hut with a patio and white table outside on the sand. The problem for me is to know that you are in Focus 27. It feels like everything is a product of your imagination.
How did you find Focus levels?

Thank you,


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Re: Projection on-demand (POD)
Reply #7 - Apr 14th, 2010 at 6:57pm
Hi Maks

1: What I used to quiet the mind was a combination of the work by these two people.
     a) Bentinho Massaro:
     b) Ekhart Tolle: A new earth (Book)

both these authors come from completely different perspectives but are talking about the exact same thing ... about creating a space between the mind and consciousness. An awareness that 'witnesses' the mind and its uncontrollable emotions. When one identifies with the mind in this way, one's perception of the world is limited and imprisoned by the mind's perceptions... Sounds way out there, but its not once you do some work with it. You gain a wonderful, unencumbered perspective of the world.

I had been studying these authors' work for a couple years until one day whilst walking through a shopping mall talking on my mobile phone, my perception/viewpoint actually moved out of my head. Simultaneously I experienced seeing the mall from a perspective/viewpoint about 3 feet to my right and 1 foot to the rear whilst I felt my physical vision and hearing failing and my physical body almost collapsed. I caught myself in time and was back in my head within a couple seconds.

That sort of experience hasn't happened spontaneously again (which is good because it could be disastrous if I was driving a car!), but since then I just need to quiet my mind for a minute or so then do the visualization. Its a much more controlled, subdued, enjoyable experience nowadays thankfully.


Step 1: The 1st thing you need to do is overcome the "sensible, common sense logic" that this should not be possible and open your mind to the possibility.

Step 2: Then each day, spend a few minutes when you have some quiet time (and you aren't driving your car etc) suggest to yourself "I wonder what the surroundings and/or myself looks like if I was positioned over there ("Over there" could be one or a hundred feet away from your physical body). Try to visualise it. If you have problems doing this, try walking over to the desired position and look at the surroundings from there, then go back to your original position and try to remember what you saw.

Switch back and forth between your physical and projected viewpoints.

Step 3: Once you have had some success (quick wins), try stepping it up and trying a moving projection. Visualise an object maybe 20 feet away from you. Think about what that object looks like from all sides.

Perhaps its a book and the pages are facing your physical viewpoint. Pretend what that books like when viewing it from 180 degrees behind it. Imagine the spine and the writing on it. Then get creative and do a fly-by circling the book.

Overcoming obstacles: Another way to trick your mind into allowing this to happen is to imagine you are a fly or in a minature helicopter and have the ability to remain afloat and spin around at will. Yes, I know these might be silly tricks, but it doesn't matter- use whatever means that works to let your mind believe its possible.

Yes, you are "pretending" at first (therefore rationale 'logic' says it doesn't count) but remember- imagination is the doorway to the subconscious. With time, once you have broken down the barrier and unlocked conscious access to the subconsciousness, you will start to perceive things in the non-physical.

At first you may see nothing. Keep imagining it... For some it may happen immediately, others (like me) may take years before they have some success. After some practice you may get 'glimpses' or impressions. With practice, you can project your viewpoint in any direction 360degrees in a fluid motion.

If you are having difficulties imagining this, think back to some movies that begin with the camera panning around objects. You temporarily get caught up in the action and feel you are really there. Thats what this feels like Wink Also the movie Avatar is an excellent example of this activity. Sam Worthington has science and technology doing the "projecting" for him, but the concept is identical.

2: Knowing you are in focus 27. I haven't attended the TMI program yet so I don't get too caught up in "am I there yet". I've used all the tapes and with tips from Bruce's books have got a bit of what I'd call a rough map. But these days I just trust in myself and my guides that I am in the right focus level to achieve what I want for that session. If I want to do a retrieval, I'll place my intent, relax and ask a helper to take me to the individual needing assistance.

maks wrote on Apr 14th, 2010 at 11:09am:
thank you for sharing very interesting and useful information!
In Bruce's Guidebook, he talks about the importance of beliefs. I will explore my belief system.
Evidently, the conscious mind is either busy or in lala land. It takes an effort to keep it quite and to tap into the ability.   
What technique would recommend to expand ones perceptions during daily activities?
It is funny that you mentioned your place at Focus 27. I have always imagined a beach hut with a patio and white table outside on the sand. The problem for me is to know that you are in Focus 27. It feels like everything is a product of your imagination.
How did you find Focus levels?

Thank you,


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Re: Projection on-demand (POD)
Reply #8 - Apr 22nd, 2010 at 6:54pm
Good tips, alchemist.

A little notice of mine:
When I remember something from my past, very often I don't perceive a scene from the vantage point of my body, but from a bit above and left of my body. When I talked to others about this I found that with some it's similar, but to most it sounded strange, as they remember a scene of their past from the "normal" position.

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: Projection on-demand (POD)
Reply #9 - Dec 18th, 2010 at 5:38pm

I've come to the realisation (knowing) that we can project to anywhere (including the afterlife) at any time and at any consciousness level without the need for any tools/systems. The quality of the information we receive back (feedback in the form of visual, auditory, kinesthetic etc) is dependant on:

  • The consciousness level we are in at that time.
  • The filters we have overlayed on ourselves from years of being stuck in the physical and any social upbringing about what's supposed to be real and whats not.
  • The interpreter (source: Bruce's Afterlife knowledge guidebook).

I've realised its these filters we have subconsciously overlayed which prevent us "believing" this is possible and blurring our perception of the feedback available to us when we push through the blinkers. Smiley

When we push through the first hurdle (overcoming the belief that this "isn't possible"), the second (that initially pretending is OK as pretending really is the gateway) and open yourself up to the experience, you quickly realise how much information/feedback that is there all the time that we can tap into if only we get out of our own way.

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Re: Projection on-demand (POD)
Reply #10 - Jul 15th, 2011 at 6:23pm
I forgot I created this thread! Am still using this on a daily basis. Amazing that after a while, you can stop "pretending" and things take on a life of their own. This works in all levels of consciousness, although the results seem to be clearer/sharper when in deeper states.
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