usetawuz wrote on Mar 19th, 2010 at 2:07pm:My understanding is that in heaven we are essentially energy in motion. With a thought we can manifest anything we can imagine. We can become a man, we can become a woman...we may be able to become both and effectively copulate with ourselves, but I cannot imagine being in heaven, with the capacity to indulge in an all-encompassing, fully-involving sensation of love, compassion, acceptance in merging with another soul, and choosing instead to attempt to stimulate a limited portion of our manifested anatomy to relive a moment of ecstacy for what? Old time's sake?
To each his own...
Why not have both the merge AND the physical act at the SAME time? That sounds even better to me. Do you think people will be able to do this?
Earth sex is a merge of the physical body basically, heaven sex in a merge of the spiritual body.
So the question still stands, do people in heaven still have sex hormones of a type?