detheridge wrote on Mar 2nd, 2010 at 10:51am:So, to give a theoretical scenario:
You travel to work one day by a route that you wouldn't normally take and as a result you meet someone who will be important in your life -it could be a future partner, employer or co-worker, guru, or someone who is (pre-life review) destined to help you in some way. That scenario unfolds.
But if on that particular day you decided to travel to work by your usual route or an entirely different route, then you wouldn't meet that person and that scenario wouldn't occur.
Best wishes,
If the two people are destined to meet for a purpose, I believe it will happen. Maybe it didn't happen that day, but why couldn't it be arranged to happen on another day under other circumstances?
We here in the physical have free will, but we as our higher selves also have free will. Before we came into this life we used free will to make plans to meet, then here in the physical we have to contend with all sorts of obsticles that make life challenging. But there isn't just one chance to get things right. We get many chances. We also get help that we don't know about. This is what is meant by synchronicity, coincidence, and serendipity, and terms like that, where we go "Whoa, what are the odds!"
I'm sure it's likely that not every plan gets carried out according to plan. But maybe when the time came down to it, other circumstances were more important? Maybe something changed, or maybe one of those people chose not to follow through with the plan? We can only be responsible for our own choices and have to allow others to be responsible for theirs.
And to add to that, I really do believe that any given moment in time our conscious intent can override some of those previous plans and make them "outdated" so to speak. I say this because I believe we come into life with lessons to learn. If one lesson gets learned more easily and quickly than planned, it might make some pre-arranged meeting not be necessary anymore.
So maybe it's a matter of being the optimist or the pessimist. Rather than looking at things as being something missed out on, maybe it is a case of being a necessary change that holds a higher purpose than we are aware of at the moment. Maybe something even better is in the works at the moment, trying to unfold.
We must place more importance on the now moment than on "what is meant to be". Because if what is meant to be really does happen no matter what, then it will happen no matter what, right? But if our conscious will and decisions really do hold the power to make a change and make a difference, then we should never be afraid of anything.
But I'm a Libra. I think there's a balance to all things, even if we'll never figure out what it is and how it works.