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Accepting PUL (Read 4126 times)
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Accepting PUL
Feb 3rd, 2010 at 9:23am
I just wanted to make a note of something that happened during the night. I woke with the beginning of one of my typical migraines. I took some aleve, as I was close but not yet at the point in the headache where I usually am sick to my stomach for quite a while. Most of the time, lately, I have gotten quite sick at this point, because I have not been able to keep medicine in my stomach at these times. I was having waves of hot flashes, as well. My whole body felt like pins were pricking it, but mostly in the hands and feet. I put on my brainsync meditation music to relax, and I felt like I was constantly breaking into a sweat, flipping the covers off and on me.

I felt that edge. But I decided I would go ahead and accept healing from this group --- even though I had not asked for it.

I kept that in my mind, and just opened up to it, having received it before from so many sources, but not trying this one, this way, for this particular purpose.

Well, it worked. I gradually fell into a twilight sleep, woke with the headache still present, and continued. I am now sitting here with my coffee as if it is a normal morning, ready to go to work.

Normally, nothing would have prevented me from having a night I just refuse to describe.

Seems like that's all it took to tip me over the edge into additional wellness. Just opening up and accepting it. No bolt of lightening. Nothing like that.

But, try it sometime. Maybe it'll work for you too.
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North/West Coast
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Re: Accepting PUL
Reply #1 - Feb 3rd, 2010 at 3:06pm
B2; i truly believe it's a matter of asking and we should received.
Whatever group we belong to will work also. Including our cluster.
I personally more that once ask my IShissh (InnerSelfhelper) or my HigherSelf and quite often my healing guides for health ...and it work.
Like you said so wisely it's a matter of opening up to it and  welcoming/accepting it for the good of all.
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Re: Accepting PUL
Reply #2 - Feb 3rd, 2010 at 4:46pm
Thank you, Romain, for your comment. It hadn't occurred to me that there might be other groups in my life (or invisible helpers) who might be able to assist me in just this way. Now that I can recognize that 'tipping point' I can try it again next time, because I was amazed that this 'acceptance' was a genuine moment, a genuine experience 'at the ready' for me to enter, and one which I can remember.
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Re: Accepting PUL
Reply #3 - Feb 5th, 2010 at 2:36pm
Hi B2:
  I woke with the beginning of one of my typical migraines. I took some aleve, as I was close but not yet at the point in the headache where I usually am sick to my stomach for quite a while. Most of the time, lately, I have gotten quite sick at this point, because I have not been able to keep medicine in my stomach at these times. I was having waves of hot flashes, as well. My whole body felt like pins were pricking it, but mostly in the hands and feet   

As a followup to:(opening up to it and  welcoming/accepting it for the good of all.)

IMPO  in any healing the goal is to find the limitation, recognize the pattern, recognize where it came from, and let it go, not an easy task agreed.

We accomplishes this by providing the intent (us/recipients) of energy to step above (metaphorically) to see all that and have the courage to let go.
This usually does not happen always consciously, but sometimes it does happen and  gives the recipient the conscious awareness of the pattern and recognizing where it came from. (which sure you know where some of these symptoms come from)

Our lives are a constant flow of patterns of activity (such as the pattern used to accomplish eating breakfast) and it is our choice to have these patterns remain stuck in limited expression, or to release the old patterns and try on new and shinier ones.
PUL the way i see it is also a gateway shining pure love into the universe.  It is this love which allows us to transcend our wounds and help us remember our true nature. being passed from person to person, lighting a light within each person it touches.Like lighting a candle, the flame is not diminished by lighting more candles, instead there is more light.

Once we get a better idea of how unconditional love feels, we can clean up your energy space by intending that only unconditional love will enter it.You have the right to say so.
Just as you are choosy about whom you allow to enter your home, and what food you allow inside your body, you can be selective about what energies you allow to enter and remain in your energy space. If you're unsure whether a certain energetic presence is unconditionally loving or not, throw it out!
You deserve only the best energy in your life.

Ok; got carry away here...hope this make sense.
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Re: Accepting PUL
Reply #4 - Feb 10th, 2010 at 9:31am
Thank you for your comments, Romain. It worked again this morning, pretty quickly, no brainwave music needed. I am now sitting with my coffee again. Only took about a hour this time.

I have been practicing, occasionally, a 'sinking into love and safety net' feeling for a month or two -- this is one practical application.

Oh, forgot to mention, I added a few other groups in, from the outset, just a quick overview, then the simple 'sinking in' thing that I do.
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Posts: 817
North/West Coast
Gender: male
Re: Accepting PUL
Reply #5 - Feb 11th, 2010 at 12:32pm
Hello; This is great news. You've found a practical application (sinking in ) that works for you, what can i say, keep using it until it become second nature.

Like they say, some applications work and some don't, it's what you make out of it and how you used it (making it work for you)
that's how we evolve.
I've done a few of those in my time and kept the one that works for me and throw the others out, the one i kept work for me..until i found something better  Cool
We have to keep on trying.


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