Hi Floriferous,
Here’s a link to the description of phasing as given by Bruce.
http://afterlife-knowledge.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi?num=1185034327I wouldn’t say that Bruce intended for us to reach focus 10, or any other particular focus level, as a goal. It is not necessary, but it's probably an easy starting point when you're learning. I myself tend to have better success when I am mind awake/body asleep. I think it’s probably a byproduct of doing any type of focused relaxation technique, but it’s not a requirement. And no, it’s not necessary to be in focus 10 before using the priming the pump method. Priming the pump of imagination is an example of what I mean by a type of focused relaxation which could easily result in reaching Focus 10.
Even getting visuals isn’t necessarily the target goal either. I used to think it was, and I still fall into the habit of thinking that. But I remind myself that the visuals come later…another byproduct of the process. As you move through the process of Bruce’s techniques and reaching some level of relaxation (which is nothing more than being able to focus your awareness on what your intention is) your mind will give you whatever visuals your Interpreter comes up with. And sometimes we don't even get visuals at all. I've had contact experiences with no visuals, only a sense of hearing.
If by classic separation you mean the same as what is meant by out-of-body, then no. That is not the intended goal in Bruce’s techniques, although I know from my own experience that classic separation is yet another possible byproduct.
The purpose of Bruce’s techniques is simply to give you a way to learn how easy it is to perceive using the nonphysical senses we all have. We just don’t easily realize we have them or how to access them.