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Re:Partnered retrieval event of dream? (Read 4706 times)
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Re:Partnered retrieval event of dream?
Jan 2nd, 2010 at 7:34pm
I had a strange experience last night. As I drifted off to sleep I was told we are going to do a partnered retrieval of Adolf Hitler... I was to put out a call of help.. Romain and two females showed up... we pul'ed Adolph the whole process lasted a long time relatively speaking and we did not actually succeed as I recalled but may have put a dent in Adolph's "karmic debt". Does anyone remember showing up for this exercise? I did see Romain for sure.

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Re: Re:Partnered retrieval event of dream?
Reply #1 - Jan 5th, 2010 at 12:28pm
Late in posting this: The next night continued the event.

Hi: This was not a partnered exploration/retrieval. I assume if Romain or anyone on this board had been there they would have said so… But was it a lucid dream or an astral event? It was not the end... it came on again the next night and lasted most of the night. I found out (and it would be good if someone on the board could corroborate this) Adolph seems to be in a tightly wound "belief structure" that has collapsed into itself and become the astral equivalent of a drawf star. I am only working with my advisors from a distance and using Pure Unconditional Love... but nevertheless I've become very ill with an annoying head chest cold... there may not be anything going in inside that ball... but he seems to have created a disconnect from all outside influence based on this statement of his which is very instructive as to the power of a belief:
Hitler said: "If Germany loses the war it will be their own fault, and they do not deserve to survive." It seems he did everything he could at the end to bring the German people to an end. Of course, he failed and they even lived to be united again as a people.
I did find out why my guides think this is important to me... I am trying to make a sea change in my belief system structure... deeply rooted in my core beliefs are several of these drawf stars.. the question is how do I get to them and how do I disintergrate them.

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Re: Re:Partnered retrieval event of dream?
Reply #2 - Jan 5th, 2010 at 12:33pm
Final resolution:

Well the plot finally laid down the last piece of the puzzle.Two things are not clear: 1. Was I in a prophetic dream or was I really attempting a retrieval… no way to tell. They are two different states… 2. What was I supposed to do with the information.
Clearly, I had no way to stop the on slaught of what was being forecast.
The Hitler symbol (non-verbal-communication) something virulent was coming my way. The next night came the Cluster (non-verbal-communication) = virus… I was under attack by a virulent cold virus which last night reached its peak in a fit of constant coughing and expectoration. With another dream sequence… a guide like the jolly green giant but with two diamonds for  eyes he worked some kind of magic and all my rc helicopters (broken) were suddenly repaired and flying about, I felt euphoric and healed for sometime I didn’t cough… I assume I was obe and quite clear of my suffering body… whether it was coughing and expectorating I do not know… this was a lucid dream… because I began to question if it was real… how could all those helicopters be repair… was it over the head chest cold… gradually I returned to my body and it began the usual…
Analysis: It’s broken I am over the top of this illness event… on the other side I will be quite different… in Bruce Moen’s book he says… when you start work that is effective you will have identity crisis’s, disorientation episodes, may even become desperately ill and think you are going to die… hang in there… it gets better… looking forward to the better…

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Re: Re:Partnered retrieval event of dream?
Reply #3 - Jan 5th, 2010 at 11:16pm
Dear Seraphis,

Be well soon, sir!

I'm not sure you can assume that no one here accompanied you on that retrieval. I was thinking much of Hitler this past weekend but was trying to sort out what of it had been started by a TV show here, so i didn't say anything. I sometimes don't remember partnered events.

Romain is a healer so he would be an excellent partner for dealing with your physical level -- the onslaught of your cold. Isn't it wonderful how the Intelligence behind these Retrievals is so great that it can work many levels of meaning at once !

The dwarf star concept is an amazing rote! I've tried figuring out how to deal with a couple I have and eventually turned them over to Higher Intelligence, since I could not get a plan of my own in place.


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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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ALK Member

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Re: Re:Partnered retrieval event of dream?
Reply #4 - Jan 6th, 2010 at 1:55am
betson wrote on Jan 5th, 2010 at 11:16pm:
Dear Seraphis,

Be well soon, sir!

I'm not sure you can assume that no one here accompanied you on that retrieval. I was thinking much of Hitler this past weekend but was trying to sort out what of it had been started by a TV show here, so i didn't say anything. I sometimes don't remember partnered events.

Romain is a healer so he would be an excellent partner for dealing with your physical level -- the onslaught of your cold. Isn't it wonderful how the Intelligence behind these Retrievals is so great that it can work many levels of meaning at once !

The dwarf star concept is an amazing rote! I've tried figuring out how to deal with a couple I have and eventually turned them over to Higher Intelligence, since I could not get a plan of my own in place.


Hi Bets: I know it is quite possible that you were there I had that kind of feeling but, I saw Romain or a facimilie of Romain so I recorded that... but the whole sequence was not of the Lucid dream quality especially since telepath guide thoughts were involve... in resolution that probably was a Lucid Dream...

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