Hi All: Started out doing my AKG - exercise and then:
12/22/09 - afternoon session: Gathering love exercise
Love fritos, see the package, now eyes crossing and focusing on the brow point… see helicopter blades spinning… must be a symbol of an o.b.e. exit coming… solar plexus tension… energy filling my hands and feet… nice control… popping… body jerk… I am o.b.e. momentarily… no sensation of being out of body… I am hovering above a funeral in progress… see yellow flowers... oh, oh, am I going to do a retrieval I think to myself,… “Yes, this is your guide Sibilious,” I hear telepathically... I slide my arm under the man's armpit, there is no resistence... he has a high forehead… he is Russian… I ascend to f21, continue to ascend… f23, f24... He is still there…. I am at f27... There is the nurse in the blue uniform I’ve seen her before…. The weight is gone, I see white soft billowing pillow shapes… floating… I become aware of BM's voice guiding me through the exercise… decide to go back at C1…