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OBE vs Focused Attention to Explore the Afterlife (Read 3374 times)
Good Vibrations
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OBE vs Focused Attention to Explore the Afterlife
Dec 21st, 2009 at 6:24pm
Does anyone have a guess as to what percentage of people on this board use OBE vs Focused Attention as a means to explore the afterlife? I'm just curious. I've had no success so far with FA, probably because I'm impatient and expect the same physical sensory perception I get with an OBE.

Each method seems to have its benefits. From my own experience and what I have read from Bruce’s Afterlife Exploration Guidebook, OBE’s feel much more exhilarating because of the similar sensory perception to the physical body. When I have an OBE, I don’t have to pretend or use my imagination in order to see “things” in the non-physical world -- I just see them. I also feel the sensation of flying and floating up or down and the texture of passing through physical walls or roofs. I do need to focus and use “intent” to see and move however.

From what I understand with Focused Attention you do not get the same level of sensory perception and there is quite a lot of imagination necessary to “prime the pump” as Bruce says.  However, my guess with using Focused Attention is that it is much easier and quicker to attain a connection with non-physical consciousness than it is with an OBE. For example, once you learn FA, my guess is that you can connect to the non-physical pretty much any time you want given you have a somewhat quiet location and 15-20 minutes of preparatory time.

With OBE as my only means of exploration, my body and mind must be in just the right state in order to achieve them. I don’t really do much initial preparatory work in order to have them, but I have found that affirmations and intent to have them do help. Once I drift off and begin to lose waking consciousness, it’s pretty much out of my hands as to whether I stay awake and begin feeling the vibrations in order to lift out of my body. So for me, OBE’s are pretty much hit or miss.

Since OBE is my only method of exploration right now, does anyone have any advice for me in order to increase them and to make them more predictable? Early mornings and sometimes late mornings after eating breakfast and going back to bed are the best times for me. Every now and then I can achieve an OBE at night when I go to bed.


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Re: OBE vs Focused Attention to Explore the Afterlife
Reply #1 - Dec 22nd, 2009 at 11:11am
Hi Good Vibes. Seems to me, whatever method you use, you will get there. Where you need to be, I mean. From what you have written here, you seem to know the difference between the 'phasing' method and the 'out of body' thing that some people do. i agree that the 'out of body' thing that people do seems more physically oriented (not having experienced it, myself), but not necessarily so. For instance, Out of Body Dude met some folks in one of his recent experiences in such a way that there doesn't seem to be a lot of difference to me. Except for the scary thrill of it all. When you are 'phasing' (as they call it here), the body is very comfortable, and you do have a sense of it, for the most part. At least, that's my understanding. No worries. In my opinion, the phasing is more subtle, and also allows for a bit of a different emotional experience at times.
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Lights of Love
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Re: OBE vs Focused Attention to Explore the Afterlife
Reply #2 - Dec 22nd, 2009 at 2:53pm
Hi Dave,

In trying to attain your goal it may be helpful to understand that you as your total self is already existing/living in nonphysical reality. Your focused attention (FA) of your total self is the you that you recognize as Dave here in physical reality. In other words, the totality of you, what I usually call the Soul, is focusing its intent to create the you that is Dave. The consciousness of Dave must live within the laws/rules of ELS in order to have this earth life experience, so for that reason, Dave's consciousness as it is with each of us is limited to whatever information passes through from our Soul mind together with our ELS consciousness.

It is intent that moves information within consciousness and the stream of information automatically moves back and forth between the you that is Soul and the you that is recognized as Dave.  All you need do is use your intent to follow a stream of information/consciousness without any expectations whatsoever. Simply see what happens. Make note of it, but do not judge it while it is occurring. There's plenty of time for discernment later on.

To me OOBE is a meaningless expression. We are already out of body and always have been. Recognizing this can help you focus personal intent to connect with the totality of your individual Soul consciousness at the being level. Let yourself simply BE, which means to not DO anything except to have the intent to know and experience the greater you. When you are ready much knowledge and understanding can come from within you. And this can aid you in connecting with other systems of consciousness and interaction with others.

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Tread softly through life with a tender heart and a gentle, understanding spirit.
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Good Vibrations
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Re: OBE vs Focused Attention to Explore the Afterlife
Reply #3 - Dec 22nd, 2009 at 3:51pm
b2 - I would love to learn how to do "phasing" as well as my current method of exploration which is through classic OBE. I did not understand exactly what phasing was until I read Bruce Moen's Afterlife Knowledge Guidebook last week. The way Bruce described his explorations in his books seemed the same as Robert Monroe's. Now I have a much better understanding and think it would be ideal if I could learn to do both methods or maybe just phasing once I get to a decent level of "real" perception without thinking in the back of my mind that I'm making this stuff up. I believe I've broken past the belief barrier that the afterlife is indeed "real" because of my first hand experience with OBEs. I realize phasing is a more subtle experience and would love to eventually learn how to focus on the non-physical whenever I want as opposed to waiting for my physical body and soul to be in just the right state in order to explore.

Kathy - I think I understand what you are saying. I have learned a lot about the importance of intent first hand over the last two months and just recently a little about expectations. I think my expectations have been directly holding me back and/or indirectly hindering the flow of information and lack of discernment. 

Your last paragraph is a little "heavy" for me to completely grasp, but I think I know what you are saying. I will practice and also be patient to simply BE with the intent to know and experience the greater me. I think I accidently stumbled on this mindset a couple months ago which opened the door for me. But now I am hungry to learn more and at a faster rate which may have caused me to throw everything that got me where I am today out the window.

Thanks everyone.


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Lights of Love
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Re: OBE vs Focused Attention to Explore the Afterlife
Reply #4 - Dec 22nd, 2009 at 5:07pm
Dave, let your hunger help you to focus intent. I call "hunger" our deepest longing. So what is it that you long for? Try to get specific with yourself. For example, do you long to know who you really are? Or do you long to create more love in your life? Or heal a physical, emotional, mental or spiritual aspect or yourself? Whatever it is that you long for, let that help you focus intent.

Once a channel is open/connection made then information can come/flow very, very quickly. Don't try to analyze it, or expect it to be like a particular thing, just let it be what it is while holding intent to understand.

Don't worry if you miss pieces of information, seek the understanding deep within and it will come to you automatically because you will have made yourself aware of the stream of information that exists within your greater being. Most likely you will only receive information that is deemed beneficial to your spiritual growth. The more we grow in love, the more natural the connection to the greater system becomes.


PS To try to clarify... OBE is limiting because you are limited to what you are consciously aware of from your physical reality understanding. Connecting to the totality of you is far less limiting because of the capacity of consciousness/information that exists within the soul.

RAM said that you don't really go out of body, but that it is more like phasing or following a stream of consciousness. This is like what I'm saying with the main difference being the focus of connecting with the capacity of your total being consciousness. I call this inner guidance that will serve you well in your spiritual growth.

Anytime that you are not aware of physical reality then technically, you are out of body, phasing, connecting to the greater consciousness of your soul, experiencing a nonphysical frame of reality, etc. Or in other words you have let go of awareness of the physical frame of reality and become aware of a nonphysical frame of reality.  There are many, many frames of realities... "places" to experience, but the nonphysical connection that will provide the greatest benefit is the awareness of and communication with, the greater you.
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Re: OBE vs Focused Attention to Explore the Afterlife
Reply #5 - Dec 22nd, 2009 at 5:30pm
Perhaps this relates to what Kathy (lights of love) said. In the past when I'd go OBE with the effects, I "wouldn't" experience myself traveling through something such as the ceiling of my house. I'd simply travel somewhere.

During the past couple of weeks I went OBE a couple of times with some of the effects, and got stuck when I reached the ceiling of my room. I had it in mind to travel to my total self/disk.

Perhaps the point is that I should look inward, rather than think in terms of traveling to a physical location.
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Re: OBE vs Focused Attention to Explore the Afterlife
Reply #6 - Dec 22nd, 2009 at 7:11pm
recoverer - Once I get my vision after leaving my body, I usually just find myself in some location too. I rarely see my "real" physical surroundings.

I think I know what you mean. Instead of getting into an elevator, pushing a button and going up to the 27th floor, it's like pushing a button and the 27th floor comes down to you.


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Lights of Love
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Re: OBE vs Focused Attention to Explore the Afterlife
Reply #7 - Dec 22nd, 2009 at 7:14pm
Hi Albert,

Yes, I think you are correct. The idea that we travel somewhere implies that "it" is "out there" and that is a false concept. We have our being within the One Consciousness as an individuated soul/total being, which includes the portion of the consciousness we fondly know of as our ELS self. Within brackets [] is my interpretation/correspondence with what is being said.

Consider Acts 26 - 28 with what I mentioned earlier: "God made from one [consciousness] every nation of men to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods [time frames of perceived ELS reality] and boundaries [laws of physics to limit awareness] of their habitation, that they should seek God, [grow in love] in the hope that they might feel after him and find him. [Feel is only experienced within.] Yet he is not far from each one of us, for In him [God/One Consciousness] we live and move and have our being."

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Tread softly through life with a tender heart and a gentle, understanding spirit.
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Good Vibrations
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Re: OBE vs Focused Attention to Explore the Afterlife
Reply #8 - Dec 22nd, 2009 at 7:18pm
Kathy - I think I know exactly what you are saying now. Your advice makes sense and I think I've experienced a tiny bit of it in action. I will continue to move forward with this information in mind and see how it plays out.

Thank you so much.

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Lights of Love
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Re: OBE vs Focused Attention to Explore the Afterlife
Reply #9 - Dec 23rd, 2009 at 10:42am
You're very welcome, Dave.

btw you are correct. Once you're practiced, you can connect to the nonphysical anytime you want, even standing in a noisy room without any prep work.

All the best to you.  Smiley

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Tread softly through life with a tender heart and a gentle, understanding spirit.
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