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Afterlife Exploration Techniques (Read 3376 times)
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Afterlife Exploration Techniques
Dec 16th, 2009 at 8:32pm
For the last 30 years I have been having the “classic” Robert Monroe type OOBE where just before falling asleep I feel vibrations throughout my body and experience the sensation of leaving my body. I would always be totally blind and could see nothing until about 10 years ago when I learned to “will” myself to see.

Just two months ago after talking to a psychic on the phone, my OOBEs have increased dramatically to where I have them spontaneously or on demand just about every day. I have full vision and can will myself to go any direction I want, but I rarely see my immediate physical surroundings like my bedroom or house, etc. I usually find myself in some kind of wonderland or funhouse with inhabitants. I’m doing this while sober by the way.

I want to learn to explore the afterlife, but I usually get pulled back into my body within 2 minutes. As soon as I think about my body lying in bed asleep, I get pulled back immediately into my body. Sometimes after this happens, I still feel the vibrations and can lift out again only to get sucked back a couple minutes later.

I’m basically just muddling my way around and not getting any quality time to explore. I haven’t yet been able to communicate with another non-physical entity though I can see other people occasionally. I am very interested in learning the “phasing” technique that Bruce teaches and have his Afterlife Exploration Guidebook.

Does anyone know if I would be better able to control my afterlife exploration using this method rather than the classic OOBE? I have been practicing using the Afterlife Exploration Guidebook, but really have no idea what Focus Level (if any) I am in. I get to a certain point where I can block all random incoming thoughts, worries and mindless chatter out and just focus on an area of consciousness where I see a multitude of visual imagery. Sometimes its random colors, cartoon animation, scenery, people, characters, and all kinds of things. I try to feel motion like I am moving. I don’t know if that is something you are suppose to do.

Some of what I see, I feel I am controlling and some of it seems to appear on its own. Every so often, I dip just a bit “deeper” into trance and can hear nonsensical words. I have to be deeper into relaxation before I begin hearing things. I never get to the point where I feel I am having a classic OOBE and can float around and move in any direction.

Does anyone know if this is normal for a beginner? Am I going in the right direction, but just haven’t tuned in to the right Focus Level? Any thoughts?


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Re: Afterlife Exploration Techniques
Reply #1 - Dec 17th, 2009 at 12:27am
Hi Dave,

Congratulations on the progress so far!

One thought would be that you are just being entertained by enough stimuli to keep you interested until you set your intent to do a particular thing while there.  That's one reason retrievals are of value --they give us a purpose while there and also use the PUL / kind consideration that is the emotional energy most in tune with higher realms. 

You seem to be relying more on curiosity, which is important but is not the whole picture, as you are seeing.

Phasing does seem more efficient, but the above issue is too, imo.

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Bruce Moen
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Re: Afterlife Exploration Techniques
Reply #2 - Dec 17th, 2009 at 5:31am

If it was me I would stick with the OOBE method you have developed, as a "platform" from which to launch explorations.  The Guidebook might be able to help with concepts for tools of exploring.

It is my feeling that even though the OOBE can seem more real because the sensory style is so similar to the physical that the content is still greatly influenced by our perceptual biases and beliefs.  It may be that allowing yourself to pretend a little during an OOBE will get things moving toward exploring.  It may be that you will begin to gather information There that you can verify Here.  That seems to be the key.

Helpers are so useful.  Took me years to remember to ask for their assistance. 

The information on learning to use nonphysical senses might be relevant even in the early OOBEs.  For example, it isn't necessary to "hear" words in the same way as within physical reality.  Hearing There can have a much broader meaning than the physical sense Here.

I wouldn't call you a beginner in any sense of the word.  In all the time I tried to learn classic OOBE I never got any level of predictable control.  You are way ahead.

About Focus levels.  They are just descriptions of the "state of mind" the inhabitants are in.  If they are stuck alone or in groups, or not stuck.  You can know the Focus level you are in by interacting with the inhabitants.  That's what "tuning in" is.  And, by asking a Helper to guide you to where you want to go.

Guess I'd say keep doing what you are doing.  It appears to be making progress.


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Re: Afterlife Exploration Techniques
Reply #3 - Dec 17th, 2009 at 12:20pm
Hi Dave,

Have you worked on setting an intent or desire for what you want to experience?  This is my best advice, along with Bruce's advice of asking for assistance from a Helper.  I have lots of OBEs too, but they are much better experiences when I have an intent or desire in mind ahead of time or ask for help with something specific. 

Remember also that nonphysically all we need is a thought in order to make something happen.  It's really amazing how our thoughts and beliefs control what we experience and perceive, but once you learn how to work around that dynamic, you can learn to manipulate things into going your way.  Much like what Bruce is suggesting about pretending during an OBE.  Sometimes we just don't know how we are blocking or limiting ourselves unless and until we break free from our usual habits and expectations.  By pretending, setting intent and desire, and letting go of expectations, you will open yourself up to new ways and new possibilities. 

From what you describe of your OBEs, I hear that you have some pretty straightforward expectations and beliefs about what OBEs are like.  I used to be that way too, but then I began to see that there are many forms of OBEs.  A simple example is that I used to think I'd have to "wake up" in an OBE in my physical bedroom before I could walk around and do anything while in the out of body state.  That's not true.

So one way to work on the things you want to experience is to know what you don't want to experience.  From what you describe, you don't want to experience not being able to "see" in some way, and you don't want to experience finding yourself in random places and then getting pulled back without having any control.  So these are things you can focus on when setting intent. 

Maybe one intent you can think about consciously while awake is "The next time I'm having an OBE, I will be able to perceive clearly and easily in whatever form that might be."  Or you might set intent for "The next time I'm out of body, I want to have an experience exploring the afterlife, that in whatever way is possible I will know this is a true experience." 

If you focus on a set intent, this is also where Helpers come into play.  It's always important to ask for assistance, which can be done directly like, "I'd like to have a Helper's assistance in experiencing doing a retrieval."  But you can also ask for a Helper's assistance by keeping in mind that you want, accept, and expect the assistance of a guide or helper, and you allow yourself to feel what it's like receiving it.  Sort of taking a moment to feel grateful or humble for accepting help.  Then in the next moment you state your intent.  It is implied that a helper will be helping you because you allowed yourself to believe that help is something you will accept, and in feeling gratitude for it you are practicing what it feels like to receive it. 

I once asked Bruce how I can learn to experience what it's like having a Helper be there for me.  He said to just practice pretending that one actually IS there right now, at this moment.  Just pretend what it's like.  This helped me to learn that pretending is a way to experience what it FEELS like to have my desire happen.  The act of experiencing the feeling, even though it is all pretend, is like opening the door to allowing myself to have the real experience. 

If you think about it, life is that way.  When you want to experience something, it begins with some form of "pretend" happening first.  For instance, as a teenager you can't wait to learn to drive.  You think about it all the time, fantasizing about it, practicing in your mind, and then the day finally comes where you get to actually sit behind the wheel and start to actually learn to drive.  You've already experienced the feeling of it many times, in your mind, while pretending. 

When we think about things, it's the same concept of how pretending works.  And we even do this without consciously realizing it.  I believe that a lot of what we experience physically, we already experienced nonphysically.  Like when deja vu happens, a part of us had "gone ahead" and gathered some information, saw possibilities, or practiced doing something, and brought that information back to us.  That's another form of OBE that we are not normally aware of. 

So I use that concept of pretending when I am learning to explore nonphysically.  I remember that what I'm doing by pretending is allowing myself to experience the feeling of what I want and desire, and it is that feeling that will bring the experience to me in some way or some form.  It is not even necessary to plan ahead of how it is possible or how it will happen.  All you need to know is that feeling what you want will bring you what you desire. 

So in Bruce's tip to me when he said to just practice imagining a helper with me right now, all I need to do is act like the helper is already there, even if I can't see, hear, or know he's there.  If making up what a helper looks like helps me to pretend that he's there, then that will work too.  But just the thought of it is all it takes. 

With practice and in time these things go more effortlessly without so much prep work.  But you get the picture of what the process is like. 

One thing I always remember to do is give thanks or feel thankful.  It helps me remember that I'm not doing anything on my own.  We are always getting assistance whether we are aware of it or not. 

It took me many OBEs to learn and realize that no matter how much control I thought I had, I still had the help of someone who was helping make the experience possible.  To this day I still have to remind myself that there is always some form of guidance going on, even when I am not aware of it. 
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Re: Afterlife Exploration Techniques
Reply #4 - Dec 17th, 2009 at 5:05pm
Thank you all for your generous replies and advice.

I think I initially used intent successfully years ago while out of body just to learn to move in the direction I wanted and also to have some sort of basic vision. In my early years, I would just aimlessly float out of my body into darkness and then gravitate to the floor where I remained. I had no control whatsoever of my non-physical body nor did I have any vision. One day during an OOBE I demanded to “have clarity now” and the darkness went away from that point on. I don’t recall how exactly I learned to float where I wanted. Would you call this intent or an affirmation?

I have only really tried to use intent to explore once while having an OOBE. I was trying to look for my father who passed away about one year ago. I just shouted out several times “DAD, DAD, DAD!” I just floated around looking for him in all directions, but did not make contact. I just wish I could stay out of body long enough to compose myself and remember to follow your advice. I’ve never tried to set intent before having an OOBE.

I’m constantly struggling with trying not to think about my physical body and to try to feel apart from it. Because as soon as the thought comes in that I’m really physically lying in bed, I’m always pulled back in and wake up. I get so excited and want to see as much as possible during my very limited 1 to 2 minute explorations that I often forget about doing anything constructive like asking for helpers.

One thing I forgot to mention is that my ability to have OOBEs dried up about a week ago and it has been very frustrating. I have been very tired this last week and I have also been practicing Bruce’s breathing techniques and exploration through the darkness of my closed eyes before bed and during the afternoon. I like the idea of the “phasing” approach because from what I have read, you can experience the afterlife much more readily than having to wait for your body and consciousness to be in just the right state without falling asleep to have an OOBE.

From what I understand, with the “phasing” technique you are much more physically conscious of what’s going on like being aware that you are in your physical body, hearing outside noises, being able to sit in a chair vs. lying in bed. When I have an OOBE, I have to be oblivious to the outside world and require absolute silence in order to get to that fine line between sleep and waking consciousness. Therefore, “phasing” seems more appealing to me because it is easier to get into the right mental state to do it.

Does anyone use both OOBE and Phasing approaches? I would like to do both so I can explore easily in the afternoon without having to achieve the catatonic state of an OOBE. Is the “phasing” experience just a series of images and feelings without the sensation of motion like you get in an OOBE? I’ve always had the impression from reading Bruce’s books that he experienced the non-physical in the exact same way Robert Monroe did.

Thanks again everyone!

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Re: Afterlife Exploration Techniques
Reply #5 - Dec 18th, 2009 at 10:37pm

Phasing for me developed naturally as an alternative to going OB through the top of the head. It seemed like a natural further step.
It somehow involves the energy center of / near the third eye, it seems, but to place attention on that spot is dangerous, I find, as mine burnt when too much attention/energy was placed there. Just lightly being aware that it can send your consciousness out beyond the physical seems enough -- when it is ready.

It seems to send 'the subtle body' that is just a speck of energy. So I couldn't do soulmelds with those I meet through phasing because  the speck doesn't haven't enough form to resonate. Frustrating   Smiley though probably' better' in the long run.

IMO  'catatonic' and 'easier' don't quite pick up the energy states that are involved.  Smiley  You might try reading the sections on PUL again, keeping in mind that many souls that have been going there for centuries did so in an awed and reverent state of mind. Their energy trail may have influence there yet today. 
Wink Call me old-fashionned.


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I Am Dude
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Re: Afterlife Exploration Techniques
Reply #6 - Dec 19th, 2009 at 2:13am

It sounds to me like you're on the right track to having some quality nonphysical experiences.  It is normal for beginners to have short projections.  In fact, it is actually best, because the longer you're out, the more difficult it is to remember all the details, and the greater your chances of slipping into a dream and forgetting much of the experience.  You want your projections to be longer, but they are cut short when you think about your body.  The solution is obvious- stop thinking about your body!  It is a mental hurdle you must overcome to obtain the results you desire.

As for wanting to learn to phase- I'd say stick with what you're doing.  I started out having classic OBEs, and they gradually evolved into sort of an OBE/phasing combo.  A lot of people say that when they phase they have dual consciousness, being aware of both their body and the nonphysical level they are exploring simultaneously.  But for me, I am always totally immersed in the nonphysical, and I prefer this.  The experience is far more real and exhilarating.  Phasing and OBEs are just two different methods of achieving the same result, so if you have one down, you are good to go.

About wanting to explore specific focus levels- intent is the key.  Thought is the mode of travel while out of body, as I'm sure you know, so you simply need to focus your thoughts on the focus level you wish to experience.  It may be difficult to discern exactly "where" you are.. it will be more of an intuitional knowing, unless you communicate with guides or inhabitants there and they tell you.
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Re: Afterlife Exploration Techniques
Reply #7 - Dec 21st, 2009 at 1:34am
Thanks everyone for all your advice. I'm happy to say that my OBE drought is finally over. I had three successive OBE's this afternoon after almost two weeks of nothing. I have been practicing Focused Attention (phasing) during this time and wonder if that had something to do with it. I have been tired as well.

Your right OutOfBodyDude. I have had OBE's where I was fully conscious and then fell into a dream state. I was able to stay out a lot longer this time and woke up because my wife shook the bed or made noise. It wasn't because I thought about my body. So I made some progress there.

I had to use the rollout method to get out of my body on the 2nd and 3rd trips. I was stuck about halfway in my body. I find rolling out a little easier sometime rather than just floating straight up and shooting through the roof. As soon as I leave my body, I try to leave the room through the roof or a wall as soon as I can. I'm always worried I'm going to get sucked back into my body and cut my trip short.

I had full 3D color vision and tried summoning a Helper/Guide. I tried this three different times, but did not see or feel the presence of anything. I don't remember using intent or PUL when I tried asking for a Helper. I did not have a mission in mind either. I just first wanted to see if I could communicate with a Helper and go from there.

I did see many non-physical inhabitants. Don't know where I was. I never see my immediate physical surroundings like my house or neighborhood. I felt like I was in the center of a small city. I felt there were at least 50 inhabitants I could see. Some were outdoors and some were indoors. I went inside a house where there were about 20 people. Some ignored me and I could tell some were staring at me. I did not try to communicate with any of the inhabitants this time and none of them tried to communicate with me.

When I was outside, none of the inhabitants seemed shocked or anything when I flew up about three stories or floated back down. Everyone seemed to be residing at ground level. I was the only one flying around the place. Its been many many years since I read Robert Monroe's Journeys out of the Body and I feel like I'm in on of those Locale's he described. I don't know why I keep gravitating to these cities with non-physical people.

I really want to meet a Helper so I can explore, but unfortunately I'm still just muddling around kind of like Bob Monroe in his early years. I guess I will continue focusing on OBE's for afterlife exploration rather than trying to learn Focused Attention and see what happens with my success rate at achieving non-physical awareness.

Thanks everyone.

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Re: Afterlife Exploration Techniques
Reply #8 - Dec 24th, 2009 at 10:51am
Congratulations, Dave!

You are probably being given the range of experiences that will lead you most directly onward!
Or you may have inadvertently slipped some qualifier into your intent.

If the life forms were gravity bound (or thought they were) you may have been in a FL of the lower 20's where some but not all of their Earth-lives were still part of their beliefs.
Could you visit them again and talk abit with one that sees you?  Ask him what life is like there, what he does  Cheesy pretend you're thinking of getting a home there... That inormation-- from beyond your own knowing -- will help establish where you're 'visiting.'

When you need a Helper one will appear.  You apparently don't need a helper in the sense of a partner for these explorations.

Again, congratulations!

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
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