betson wrote on Dec 10th, 2009 at 10:22am:Greetings Seraphis1,
I realize you've been studying all this from several sources, but are you OK with so many sessions in such a short time?
I hope you are not overdoing it because it can be strenuous.
Your NDE was a gift to you when you were ready. Now you are choosing time and place and asking for more experience, so it may not be the same as your original experience of enlightenment.
Take care, friend
12/13/09 ~ 13:51hrs – Critique
Hi Bets: After taking your advice about slowing down I took Sat off and figured to take Sun off as well and am doing so… but, I just awoke from an afternoon nap and I think I am under instruction in the Astral… I am not sure, but, I seem to have had a discussion… but, now I am completely different… personality wise… I am less prone to snap judgments… I notice I think more quickly though… but, I am thinking before I act or speak to people around me… but, my thinking process is very fast… and I am coming up with interesting wrinkles in my conversations that are involving a kind of sparring with others around me over political issues… but responding with clever asides which throw them back on their opinions… LoL!! It is amusing to watch… this is amazing…