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Beau's TOE (Read 9987 times)
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Beau's TOE
Nov 13th, 2009 at 11:42pm
Remember please that this is written for my son so go easy.

Your Daddy's Code (C O D E-See O the E) He Tries To Live By:

Don't get too bogged down in the next few pages about Codes, son. This is just a trick that I use to keep me focused on what is important to me about this life. We all are actors here and we all have our own internal scripts that we work with. This is about finding your internal script so that you have a better notion of why you are here at this time and in this place. You didn't get here by yourself and I don't want to feel that you are alone, ever. I am always with you-- we are the best of friends where we come from. I love you BB.

The Golden Rule and The Golden Rule only son, is how I choose to make my decisions. To me the Ten Commandments break The Golden Rule. That's just how I see it. Therefore I cannot in all honesty say that I am a Christian though I feel there is much truth in what Jesus had to say; if he actually said it. I think he did, but I also think what he meant has been tainted since he was last here. I am certain the nativity is crap, but I don't know about the crucifixion. I just don't know. And even if it is, in the long run, it's still an illusion.

Now, if you take these ideas to another country other than our home place of England you might meet some resistance, but really there is only Athens to me...or Memphis, or London,  or Greenville or Bluffton/Hilton Head.

"I don't know everything, therefore I don't "NO" anything."---Beau Phillips You see I'm not digital but I dig it all! Did you see what I did there?

At first I believe almost anything, then I consider it. I think it makes me more gracious while someone is explaining their point of view.

The ABC's
A = An indefinite article, something that can't be described but in the most general terms. It is the beginning of all that is., the source of everything physical and meta physical or perhaps you would prefer the term non physical. It is pure source relative to us at least.

B = Anything physically in the universe. Something that considers itself able to be. Something that experiences any or all that is. B is the probe sent by A to explore the physical universe, in our case, earth. It's just away to think of things, not absolute. E was Elvis' nickname...I'm just saying to me it means something.

C = A verb meaning to See, but not with the eyes in your head. It means to see with the third eye between and above the other two or even better seeing with your heart. It is also the measure of the speed of light as in E=MCsquared. C = See in every way possible.

D = The definite article. It points to something. It is the bridge between C and E.

E = Everything seen and unseen, Energy (the Inner G)
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Re: Beau's TOE
Reply #1 - Nov 13th, 2009 at 11:42pm
F = Symbolizes what it sounds like, "if". The magic if means that you can always ask, What if? and there will be an answer immediately if you are listening. Best to do so when you are in a meditative state, but not always necessary. The letter can also symbolize feminine energy, which is an illusion really, but part of our dualistic existence in this plane.

G and H are always silent when they are together. Ah, yes, a mystery.  And knowledge of them is for a higher realm or at least a different one since high and low are fairly relative to me anyway. G is the last key of music. I wonder what the key of H would sound like? To me an H is A with a pure open mind, I say this because even A needs a little help sometime.

I = Means I or eye or both at the same time, but remember that eyes are plural, so I symbolizes the plurality of the letter I. In truth there is no I that isn't everyone, and that word is an oxymoron. Every ONE makes no sense to me. There is only ONE at the end of the day. Here we look at the little i. Notice how it looks like a person? Well, that letter symbolizes the individual, the people who think they are separate from the rest of us. Most important to me I =The plural eyes of the physical universe. It is not the opposite of E, it is a necessary path to E. Just as i is a path to I and ultimately E. Remember kid, these are symbols not actuality.  This is how I keep my thoughts straight down here. And to say I is a path to E is no more true than E is a path to I. Meaning that we learn to be "separate" while here just as we learn to be all one when we aren't here. But the point is to learn to be all one while we're here. It makes for a much more pleasant experience in my humble opinion.

J, K, L are letters that I'm not sure about. Ya kill 'em is the only thing that comes to mind but like I say it's not important. And remember that "to kill" means to fire pottery as well as to murder. but L is a right angle so I think of it as symbolizing Love, but real unconditional love, not the romantic kind. It is a right angle..even angel. The J can also be a hook as in fishing for something. or it's you as in ya. K = K.I.S.S =KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID, that's a reminder for me. L M = Love'm , but L can be a hell if you're careful.

M = Him or masculine energy and also it means Mass as you may know from science study.

N = "in" and that can describe getting inside something or it can mean having an "in" with someone or something or some group. It's a very important letter in this code.

O = The two dimensional representation of a sphere. It can also be an exclamation like "Oh!" The way it fits into the sentence of the alphabet (and why isn't it called an alpha zeta since there are many more than 2 letters in it?) Those first two letters are pretty important because they set up the whole story. But back to O. In this sentence it gets combined with P to sound out "hope". Something we're all talking about these days.  O = zero, but that's a myth. O=owe, but I think of it as a verb like sending something to someone or holding it for them. I O U means I keep this for you until you're ready for it. It's a tedious idea that I don't explain very well. Its the idea that the O keeps the energy one sends another going in a circle back and forth between the two. Kind of like love. O is also a measure of resistance as in Ohm. Truly there is only ON and Ohm, there is no off, trust me, it can't happen, ever...regardless of what some physists say.
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Re: Beau's TOE
Reply #2 - Nov 13th, 2009 at 11:43pm
P = The other half of hope plus E, so that you get the phrase Hope, E (cue is next, you see.)
P is also an upside down b and that can have meaning too. Crazy huh? It's a language of imagination. These symbols are just reminders of how things are beyond the veil of fear that has encased this world. OP= The innocence of Opie Taylor. Ron Howard directs the movie of my life in my imagination (Im a genie, shh, E on)

Q = The cue. An actors most important contrivance. Without it there would be no show. All would simply stop dead in its tracks. Notice how the Q is shaped like an O, but has a stem emanating out of it. I think that implies that source is providing what is needed to keep things in motion, the cue. See you E...that's just a small example of how the code falls into place. The grammer is not always perfect as I wrote this when I was very very young. Wink

R =  "Are" or "Or" and I guess it seems kind of obvious once you get the hang of this code, huh? Or it can just be an R. But in this sentence it gets combined with S and T to sound out "A Rest" or Arrest, but I prefer the former. It's kind of the same thing anyway. An R is an open minded active B.

S = half of 8 which can be important later, but it's also ESS or E8, do you see that? The meaning of E8 will be described in the numbers section, but half of 8 can be half of infinity, which 3 can symbolize as well, but really of course there's no such thing as half of infinity. Also it can mean "Ass" which you may feel you dad is being by writing all this down for you. But also S can mean "yes" and "is" in a letter sentence.

T = This letter is a big tease. Take it out of the language and suddenly things make more sense. I kind of feel that way about the cross in religion too. Take it out and look at what you really have there. Take the T out of Christian and you can't tell the difference in Chrishun and Grecian when you hear them pronounced.

U = You, or universe (you/I in verse, and that means under the spell of matter--something we can talk about later)

V = symbolizes 5, (five = if for E) which can mean pure unconditional love. So V can be the symbol for PUL, but it can be a wild card, but the VW hex is what all of us are under on this plane of existence. We are all in cars that we think are all we are, when in reality what is really us is the driver and not the car. this one's a stretch I know. Mostly V is the fifth vibration or dimension here. I mean dimension in the true sense of the word and not some nutsy description of science fiction. When a vibration is low it has a more dense consciousness so dense that it may not appear conscious at all, like a rock or a tree. When the vibration is high or fast the object has increased its consciousness toward light or light speed which may be the fastest speed the physical world can contain--or not, I just don't know that one. You are the 5th William, so you are V and I am IV, the fourth. And you are also the fifth letter of alpha zeta to me E.

W = Double you. Meaning we have two selves.  Our physical body and our spiritual body and actually we have several more bodies that make us up completely but these will do for this
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Re: Beau's TOE
Reply #3 - Nov 13th, 2009 at 11:44pm
purpose. W can symbolize Will, like the will to do something or your can even be you, but I think of it as your eternal self and Buddy is your nick name like mine is Bo or Beau.

X = hex or x marks the spot. sometimes I replace the word x with the word "marks" and the sentence within the letters makes more sense. As in "Exit" which would be E marks it. X marks the spot. You see?

Y = Why? it also symbolizes two paths converging to one or one becoming two, depending on how you look at it. But when combined with Z you get Wise E. or Why Z? The latter meaning why end this story here. The former meaning you have mastered the E by understanding the letters of the Alphabet code. Everything leads to the ultimate home or OM as they say in meditations.

Z  = A plural of something, or remember that a Z is two sides of a triangle inverted so there is great symbolism there. Angles can be very important when trying to identify what something is all about.

So here it is: A B see d' E if (GH)-silent here, I J Keep it simple stupid, L(love) in Opie,(innocence) Cue a rest you V, W marks the spot, wise E.

1 = The beginning, all that is, the source, but also the words, "won", "one" and "wan"

2 = To is the most obvious meaning and of course it is it's own number as well and "too".

3 = Free and symbolizes half of infinity and it's a backwards E, right?

4 = for, fore, four. ex: I M 4 U, B 4 U R 4 ME (ME=Mass Energy, what we are)

5 = if i v e = if I be E or if for E, I get the for because of IV symbolizing the number 4 inside the spelling of the number Five.

6 = S ix is sex of 69 "yes I marks"...whatever it marks. It is a masculine half of the number.

7 = is heaven. Not in the biblical sense but in the sense of even, no more one up man ship, Peace Yes, even. S even...see?

8 = Infinity. All time and space removed from thought. The total vastness of all that is.

9 = an I in E, can you see it? N I N E. Meaning that 9 symbolizes the ability to place the plural I in the vastness of E, well, what they symbolize. Nine is the feminine number and it is magical because it doesn't really exist. 6 and 9 should be written together as one number, but for some reason it was translated that way--but that's a whole other can of worms. The proper sequence of numbers should be 1 2 3 4 5 69 8 7
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Re: Beau's TOE
Reply #4 - Nov 13th, 2009 at 11:45pm
I have not covered the term zero here because 0 is not a number. It is a contrivance that allows man to think nothing is there, but that is impossible. The energy has merely changed. Zero is a myth. It gets into the difference between conserved energy and kinetic energy. The energy is still there in conserved energy so it can't be measured as 0. 0 is like time and space, it is an illusion.

There are many more areas to talk about with this codification of the English Language. Just remember that every word is a sentence, for example: Cure = see you are E, Cancer = See Answer, Bible = Buy Bull (maybe not but I like this one), Christian = Christ Shun (Of course most people would say that's not true but I have believe that Jesus would not care to belong to such a religion. That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it. It doesn't pass the Golden Rule test, but when you get into a discussion with someone about it they sure do pull out all the stops. What's really being said in a word is often obvious and you don't have to spell it out, but I find this to be helpful. Everyone's calling is in there name but it will only make sense to them. How we are called is very important. That's where your calling is, not in your given name per say.

It takes a little creativity to follow this train of thought but in can be a lot of fun to read license plate when they pass in front of you and wonder if there's some reason behind it all.

Learn all you can about M theory. It's very fascinating and it proves things unseen.

The word "True" is a question. T (tease) are you E? There's no answer for it, it's rhetorical.

The truth is spherical. There are as many points of view as there are molecules and each one holds its own truth until we are all at one again. I apply the Golden Rule to see if something is worth my while. That's how I measure the truth.

Everything connects to everything else all through everything. You are connected to me, we are one in the great scheme of things.

Life is like a play. We have a director who put us here, but the director is something that must be listened for and never seen because the whole world is the stage. Sometimes a message from the director comes to you unexpectedly. Always pay attention when you think it's not important, that's when the directions come in to you. Coincidences are never what they seem at first. They are ways the director lets you know that you are watched and that there is a purpose under all this what seems like a big mess sometimes. The desire to be open minded is the greatest gift you will ever take with you from here. It is extremely hard to be open minded in this world and that is the real test. From birth you have been inundated with what we think is best for you and what they say is best. Only you really know the truth for you, but your mind has been poisoned by all the other opinions. That's why some people seek to get away from humanity and live with nature. And why some get caught up in there own fears that have been passed down from parent to child to parent to child all the way down the line.

The one thing you can do in this world is ease your own fear. You can't really help anyone else with their fear if they are too afraid to lose that fear. Tread carefully in that regard, because you can lose friends by trying to show them a "better" way. Religion is built on fear of not doing
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Re: Beau's TOE
Reply #5 - Nov 13th, 2009 at 11:46pm
what is written, but it's written by people of fear so I take what works from it and move on. Most truth is universal. But how it be if I just said earlier that Truth is Spherical...well, The universe in all it's dimensions is probably spherical too. Truth holds up under scrutiny, but there is very little truth on this "plan it". Here we are expected to live by a plan of someone else's choosing. But there is a better way. Find your own reality. Don't get pigeon holed into having to agree with someone because you are afraid they won't love you if you don't agree and never try to change yourself for anyone. It's not worth it ever.

Think of E = Energy (All that is), even mass is highly compressed energy and ultimately light, but energy makes up everything seen and unseen. It can change dimensions. Think of I = The collective of all that is physical; therefore e = the awakened consciousness, the mind understanding that it is more than physical, but i represents the basic human still operating in mostly a computerized fashion, relying on the programming of it's time in this life on earth. To break free of the i and advance to the e we have to be more than sheep going along with what others are saying is how things are. We have to think for ourselves, like Jonathan Livingston Seagull (That's a palatable book that you might enjoy). To appreciate e one must understand I from the perspective of the i, that we all are connected physically and spiritually. What you do unto someone else you do unto yourself, whether it is vengeful or rewarding. Many people deny this and it is because their ego is driving their body, like a person drives a car.

Until the the mind is aware of the ego it cannot control it. Controlling the ego is likened to the difference between having a chauffer to drive your car and just letting the chauffer drive anywhere it wants. The ego is the driver, but it does not have to be the controlling factor of the mind. If we make our decisions based on what our ego voice wants to do we will always be approaching life from a fear mentality. Once we are aware that the ego cannot perceive of life beyond the physical and is therefore scared of anything that might take that life away, or even cause pain to our life, we can begin to identify when the ego is working on our thoughts and how we function in everyday life.

Money is the root of all that is wrong here in a sense. Payment is a short cut for actually doing work that betters the life of your friends. It causes some to appear more well off than others. Having money while others go hungry is wrong, but changing the world takes time. Someday there will be no money except in museums. The equality of man is not found in his wallet. Most people would do what they do if their needs were met, whether there was an exchange of money or not. Money is just a way of classifying people and the church has done as much to forge this path as anyone. Money has all but taken away the idea of doing for others. Even when we do for others now there is the idea of money coming into play somewhere along the line from help to helped. One day man will lay his money down as he lays his weapons down in surrender. And truly we all do that in death, but to lead a full life on earth for all money will always be the big "sin" until it is undone. I don't believe that Good and Evil are opposites nor are they real. I can climb up the mountain or down it but I can't do both at the same time. Evil is rooted in fear and it takes many years to understand why this is so. I know it doesn't seem that way perhaps to you now. Good is a result, not an action and it comes from releasing your fears and living the life you want for yourself. You will have this opportunity and I hope you run out into the world and really enjoy the whole experience.
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Re: Beau's TOE
Reply #6 - Nov 13th, 2009 at 11:47pm
There is a method to my Madness, Bud. I want you to see that just because someone believes something to be true and preaches it all over the world, it isn't true if it doesn't strike a chord in your own heart. We are all different. We all have a different perspective on the truth. There are no absolutes as long as we are in the physical body, none. People will go to amazing extremes to try and get you to buy into their idea, but it's all bull shit unless it speaks to you. The ideas must speak, not how much respect you have for the person spouting them. I see things like this: what I have written here is what I think mostly. I use tricks to remind me that I am in the physical right now cause I have a tendency to forget at times and it makes other people very heh. I don't really care what they think, but I don't care for hospital confinement and since they can't see past their own doofahsity which is the religion of doofuses. I am forced to go along while I'm here until I decide I've had enough of their BS. It has cost me dearly in what I had planned to accomplish in this life let me tell you but that's okay. I'll live to learn another day. I love you Bud, more than you could ever know. You are the wonder of my whole life.

We are all actors. There are no parents and children really. The Eternal Actor makes his way through this world only to relinquish his character after a great learning process. The physical laws of this world keep us from knowing we are actors first. An actor is pure consciousness that requires no physical body. It is merely makeup along with the ego which gives the character the actor plays in life its motivation. I don't think we're here to overcome that character in most cases, but a good actor knows he is acting and a foolish one gets so caught up in the role he is playing that he can't remember he is an actor. We all get caught up from time to time, but that is no excuse for breaking the golden rule in my opinion. Always do unto others as you would have them do unto you...if you can. Love your neighbor as yourself. Try to get in touch with the REAL actor that is you experiencing this Physical Reality that is no more real than your dreams in the great scheme of all things. I will always remember you because you are a part of me. Listen to REM's Reveal when you are missing me. Listen to Buddy Holly or put on some of my music. We are one. Love is eternal (E turn all) my sweet wonderful son!

425 is me calling you
524 you calling me?

You are my Ollie Vee!

You if ever need it, I will pay your way. I promise you forever...but eventually my super son you will have to BE yourself. Pick a letter and follow it to your dreams, baby boy.

Love, Beau (your DAD) My dad called me huey luey... don't you prefer Budder B. to that? Wink

107-- Sound it out very slowly.
Allways remember Heaven is a metaphor. What's a meta for? you ask. your meta is your soul and we share it in the great scheme of all things.

Universe = you /I in Verse (V(5) E are Yes E
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Re: Beau's TOE
Reply #7 - Nov 13th, 2009 at 11:47pm
CANCER? ooh scary. See a in See Emergency Room

CURE See you are E

Imagine = I'm a genie

This is our language and metaphorically I call these words Angelish. It's just a  play on words, but words are words if you put some L(love) in the middle.

Play with your imagination all ways.

MUSIC = Him U, yes I see or M u seek if you play with it.

SUCK=Yes You See K (K.I.S.S)

I know the JKL is a bit sketchy still. I go round and round with it sometimes but it keeps this life interesting. Jackel? That's what I see when I look at it oh well.

You can do this with any word in any language I'm sure I just don't speak anything but this ONE language and I'm glad, but I do speak a bit of french and italian from time to time, I don't have clue about greek or do I? Dionysis, Euripides I know those words and that's about it.

When in Rome, Roam.

Radio = Ray Dio,  People complain that computers decide what's going to be played but I think that most DJs don't know their asses from a whole in the ground. Random suits me fine because in it is the only truthful order until you can make sense of it.

I got a million of 'em. Ask me sometime. I love you (Hello V, E)

Death (deaf) is a convention to get you off the stage, but we can't party in the green room, there's no room there for all of us...or is there?

This life (program) is menu driven, by me n u. and I can thank another William for showing the gates along with a whole lot of others.

Ultimately Son, we are ONE thing period. There is no zero only resistance, but that's an OM not off.

Our only limitation is our inner G enie.

Thank Jodie for Ron Howard, whew.
Sincerely --Bo
And one more thing--dear ONE. I figured this out by serving my sentence (pun intended)
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Re: Beau's TOE
Reply #8 - Nov 13th, 2009 at 11:48pm
one more short page buddy--
And punishment = pun is A ssh, meant.

E = ye and so u r and that's it.

There is no DIE, it's pronounced Dee, like in Marie, see? and a D is a bridge to E. It's all in your mind of me.

In Fakesfears day when he wrote Romeo and Juliet "to die" meant to have an orgasm. That's it, period.

If anyone ever hurts you you just say "I'm telling my Dad". Because nobody crappity smacks with me or mine.

My sweet one, your calling is in your name I wouldn't have it any other way. just spell it out.

I OU wrote this for you. thank DecLan He made Man Us. It was his idea and we just threw in our two pence. We are the MAKE MAN US.

My name is dd and you can always see me on the Beverly Hillbillies

Lucifer = Lose' zuh Fear, man


I have to give credit to thee clan mcManus or maybe it's the emmer one for pushing me to write this for you.
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I Am Dude
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Re: Beau's TOE
Reply #9 - Nov 14th, 2009 at 7:45am
Hahaha.  Beau, one of a kind...  Much knowledge contained within your stanky toe.  I'll have more to comment tomorrow.
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But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.
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Re: Beau's TOE
Reply #10 - Nov 14th, 2009 at 8:36am
I O U A E dude, and that is my vow to you, Dude. I don't know your real name, but I will be happy to help you decifer your calling someitme. I'd love to meet you in the body sometime.
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Re: Beau's TOE
Reply #11 - Nov 14th, 2009 at 9:02am
1.      Rock of Ages, cleft for me,
     let me hide myself in thee;
     let the water and the blood,
     from thy wounded side which flowed,
     be of sin the double cure;
     save from wrath and make me pure.

2.      Not the labors of my hands
     can fulfill thy law's commands;
     could my zeal no respite know,
     could my tears forever flow,
     all for sin could not atone;
     thou must save, and thou alone.

3.      Nothing in my hand I bring,
     simply to the cross I cling;
     naked, come to thee for dress;
     helpless, look to thee for grace;
     foul, I to the fountain fly;
     wash me, Savior, or I die.

4.      While I draw this fleeting breath,
     when mine eyes shall close in death,
     when I soar to worlds unknown,
     see thee on thy judgment throne,
     Rock of Ages, cleft for me,
     let me hide myself in thee.

I just thought it might make sense to somebody
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Re: Beau's TOE
Reply #12 - Nov 15th, 2009 at 8:36am
I'm not trying to be secretive  but I ll be so happy to explain anything that is in here. the rock of ages to me is Rock n Roll, see? dd is donna douglas who played elle mae on the beverly hill billies. I will show what I mean if any of this inspires curiosity. I want your help to perfect this toe of mine. It's not set in stone it's just Angelish (English) Can you follow?
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All the world's a stage...whose stage?--that is the question!...or is it the answer...Who is on first.
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Re: Beau's TOE
Reply #13 - Nov 15th, 2009 at 9:44am
Thank you for posting, Beau, I find your take on the world fascinating. And, still absorbing it, here on my end of things.

I worked on 'Rock of Ages' all day yesterday, and never would have realized 'Rock n Roll', mister funny. Thanks for turning my way of seeing things upside down. I think I needed that. Smiley
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Re: Beau's TOE
Reply #14 - Nov 15th, 2009 at 10:53am
At first I had to pretend the music was G.O.D. singing to me and now it's first nature. It works and it's true.

Randomness of the raydio is the only order.

Love Allways,

Check me out sometime at http://myspace/beau145

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