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Secrets of Projecting! (Read 2527 times)
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Secrets of Projecting!
Nov 7th, 2009 at 12:30pm
Secrets of Projecting:

Well, they are not secrets but they act like it:

Robert Bruce gives four conditions to fulfill... to project.

But, the thing is a bit more complex than just that… you have to have a foundation upon which to build for the four conditions to be functional.

1. See Bruce Moen’s: Voyage Beyond Doubt... Appendix B – How to change or eliminate an Old, Outdated Belief.

The root of all difficulty with projecting lies in ancient belief systems that have the effect of preventing you from experiencing the non-physical world.

The truth is you can’t project because you don’t think you can at some deep place in your consciousness.

2. Borderland/The Tightrope/On the Edge of Awake/Sleep

The reason fasting and sleep deprivation will allow you to project is because they weaken your connection to the physical world. The long and the short of the thing is the weaker you are physically the easier it is to project.

What each individual has to do is discover what borderland/Edge of Sleep is and recognize you are there then allow the natural projection reflex to operate… you project every night… you just don’t fulfill Robert Bruce’s second requirement to project… i.e…

   2. Have the ability to shift your point-of-consciousness into the astral body.

That is all there is to it. With practice and determination you will get there.  Smiley
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Re: Secrets of Projecting!
Reply #1 - Nov 7th, 2009 at 8:59pm
I don't want to sound harsh about Robert Bruce, but it is my impression his approach is a little high and mighty.  Don't know how else to say it.  The thing is, once you make it so there's so many "requirements", you are setting yourself up for failure by the intrinsic nature of how expectation plays a role in our belief system.  I don't agree that it's so difficult to project.  That's like saying it's difficult to dream.  A lot of people say they don't dream, don't dream often, or don't know if they dream or not.  We all know what the truth is.  If you didn't dream, you'd have a psychotic break within a week and your body and health would begin to deteriorate.  I have no doubt that everyone projects all the time, awake or asleep, they just don't normally recall these parts of their experience. 

It seems to me that people like Robert Bruce are putting the focus on the belief "I don't project, I can't project, but I want to learn to, so how can I?"  When in my opinion the focus should be on "This is something I want to explore and experience, I believe I'm already doing it, and I want to become consciously aware of these experiences."  If you changed your attitude to this approach, you'd have a lot more success. 

Please correct me if I'm wrong about RB's opinions on how difficult it is to project unless "requirements are met".  I know that there are many types of projection and OBEs besides just the "classic type".  In my opinion, if there seem to be certain elements that make up how we project in the classic sense of the meaning, then it's only because we're noticing these certain elements.  But to say that you have to control and set them up first or you won't project is really the wrong approach.  Why not just go the simple route...tell yourself you will project and then expect that it will happen??  With enough desire and the right attitude, you can get rid of those blockages. 

The first time I ever heard anyone talk about astral projection I was 15.  He said he had a routine of fasting for no less than 3 days and would cut himself off from outside stimuli during this time in order to mentally and psychologically prepare to disconnect...yadda yadda yadda.  At 15 I was impressed!!  How I wished I could one day be such a disciplined soul.  Well, it took me many years of trying and studying, and then finding out that it doesn't take all that effort after all.  And as far as belief blockages go...just the simple fact that you want something bad enough will take care of those blockages one way or another.  No need to think they are holding you back.  It's good to ask for them to become apparent so that you can work on them, but don't think that it's impossible to get what you want. 
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Re: Secrets of Projecting!
Reply #2 - Nov 7th, 2009 at 9:37pm
I agree with you, Vicky

See the thing is, that we are points of perception, not truly confined by physical bodies (who believe that we are confined by physical bodies).  In this sense, the need to use set methods to pull yourself out into an astral body is, in my humble opinion, a bit like deconstructing belief in one illusory body to give yourself a belief in another illusory body.  Um, er.....hello?  The truth behind the insight is, that there is no body.  So why concentrate on lifting yourself out of one illusory body and confining your consciousness into another (albeit lighter) astral body?

Its not that I am against projecting, traveling, or exploring.  I guess I just believe that our true nature is not defined by confined vehicles of consciousness. 

I agree with Vicky.  State intent to travel.  Ask your higher self/God and the universe to remove you from confining belief systems - that you don't need them anymore.

If you want to you R. Bruce's methods, that is fine.  Just don't lose perspective.  If we adopt new beliefs it should be for the purpose of freeing ourselves, not binding ourselves in new systems. 

I have heard R. Bruce talk about building a "light body" prior to passing away so that when one does cross over, it is seamless.  This to me is misguided.  It is not the vehicle, but it is what we have done with our consciousness and the love expressed that matters. 

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Re: Secrets of Projecting!
Reply #3 - Nov 7th, 2009 at 10:03pm
I'm amazed at how much people read into something that is really quite simple in practice, but, to explain how it works is quite complex. Bertand Russell took a major series of volumes to explain why 2 + 2 = 4

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Re: Secrets of Projecting!
Reply #4 - Nov 7th, 2009 at 10:18pm
I agree about the "building an astral body" part-it seems kind of weird, but I would kind of like to have a hang out like Bruce M has in focus 27, but I wouldn't want to live there year round either. Good points in this thread so far.

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All the world's a stage...whose stage?--that is the question!...or is it the answer...Who is on first.
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Re: Secrets of Projecting!
Reply #5 - Nov 8th, 2009 at 11:00am
Hi Beau: Interesting you should bring this up. When I did TMI guidelines I found out I have a residence on focus 21... it is a Greco/Roman portico... white marble... stone seats on either side a recliner... it overlooks a lovely blue lake against a backdrop of white granite mountains... Cheesy
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Re: Secrets of Projecting!
Reply #6 - Nov 8th, 2009 at 11:22pm
I think my comments, while well-intended might not have been understood.  I should be more direct in what I mean:

Traveling in the astral is wonderful proof that we are more than our physical bodies.  It also is exciting.  For those who wish to pursue that aspect of our minds, it is a worthy adventure.

My point was, that at some point in our travels, we start to see that the physical body does not define or contain our minds.  The astral then, is just another temporary vehicle for travel.  Then, there comes a sort of "aha" moment (at least for me), that the pursuit of of love, as trite as it sounds, is what prepares us for our future, and that when we concentrate on the vehicle (physical or astral body).

I do encourage Seraphis and everyone to pursue projecting for its benefits, however.

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