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The problem with writers before Monroe and Moen! (Read 25209 times)
I Am Dude
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Re: The problem with writers before Monroe and Moen!
Reply #45 - Nov 8th, 2009 at 2:01pm
Getting this thread back on track a bit...

I recently began reading Swedenborg's Heaven and Hell.  I must say, I am very, very impressed.  So far, what he says about the nature of heaven seems to fit in nicely with what Robert Monroe has found in many ways.  He also offers new perspectives which really resonate with me.

I was hoping that Don (or anyone else) could address these issues I had with some things Swedenborg says:

"They have also told me that when people arrive from earth with the idea of three divine beings
they cannot be admitted to heaven. This is because their thinking
vacillates between one opinion and the other, and in heaven they are not
allowed to think “three” and say “one.

This means that if people have divided the Divine into three in the world and
held a separate image of each one without gathering and focusing these
three into one, they cannot be accepted. In heaven, there is a communication
of all thoughts, so if people arrive who think “three” and say “one,”
they are recognized immediately for what they are and are sent away" 

So he is saying that if you believe in the trinity as three separate beings, you will not be "admitted" into heaven?  But how can he say that what level of heaven you are in depends upon how great your love of the lord and love of your neighbors is, and then say this?  Ones love and goodness has nothing to do with whether you believe the trinity is one being or three.

Towards the end of the quote I see he is saying that your true self is displayed for all to see, so you cannot hide behind lies and falseness.  But I don't see how this applies to one's beliefs on the trinity.
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Re: The problem with writers before Monroe and Moen!
Reply #46 - Nov 8th, 2009 at 3:50pm
Hi Dude: I think what he is saying is he is not on focus 27 but in the belief system territories... and the hollow heavens this is what I mean by Monroe and Moen are the templates by which to identify where the writers are coming from. But the hells and hollow heavens are strictly Moenic. Cheesy

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Re: The problem with writers before Monroe and Moen!
Reply #47 - Nov 8th, 2009 at 4:28pm

I recently checked out Swendenborg's Heaven and  Hell from the library, and even though I believe it has some good things to say, some things are hard to believe.

For example, the very words you referred to.  On the one hand Swedenborg says non-Christians who are good people can precede to heaven, but then says Christians such as Catholics have to go to the right rather than heaven, because they believe in the trinity.

What else is somebody such as a Catholic supposed to believe? They believe as they were taught. What about somebody such as Betty Eadie? When she had her NDE she was surprised to find that God and Jesus are two beings, because she believed they were one.

Or in other words, two people with non-physical experiences contradict each other.

How is a person supposed to know which version is  true? I still don't know.

Another thing about Swedenborg is that his explanations are "so" body based.

Consider the below words.

pg. 373 (488,5): If people have devoted their lives wholly to pleasure, living elegantly, pandering to the gullet and the belly, loving this as the greatest good of life, in the other life they love feces and latrines (bathrooms) and find them delightful. This is because pleasures like these are spiritual filth. They avoid places that are clean and free from filth because they find them distasteful."

Is a person supposed to take the above seriously?

I wonder if any of us obtain information through non-physical means that is completely accurate. It is partly a matter of what we are open to, and partly a matter of what the audience we speak to is willing to hear.

Since Swedenborg was from the 1700's,  he had to be provided with information people from the 1700's were open to. People who probably believed in eternal hellfire and needed a more reasonable explanation.

Swedenborg couldn't speak of disks/oversouls because for the most part people from his time weren't open to find out about such information. Today, some people are.
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I Am Dude
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Re: The problem with writers before Monroe and Moen!
Reply #48 - Nov 8th, 2009 at 6:56pm
I agree Recoverer.  Although much of what Swedenborg says seems pretty accurate, there are some things he "learns" which are obviously distorted by false beliefs he  probably acquired through the church.  But these inaccuracies are very apparent, and easily dismissed without really affecting the quality and significance of the truths he discovers.  I am interested in what Don thinks of these obvious inaccuracies. 

I was also playing with the idea that if the angels he speaks with in heaven are in fact telling him these untruths, then perhaps the heaven he is experiencing is actually a belief system territory.  He does refer to the heaven as a "Christian" heaven.  However, the truths he speaks of does make the heavens he visits seem genuine.  I have yet to finish the book, so I am trying not to draw too many conclusions until I have assimilated the entire work.
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Re: The problem with writers before Monroe and Moen!
Reply #49 - Nov 8th, 2009 at 7:52pm

You aren't getting what ES was tallking about.  First off, he did not say catholics don't go to heaven because of belief in the trinity.  Rather, his point was that God is a unity, and that when loving people come to heaven, they are told this fact, and that the trinity represents different facets of the unity.  If they don't get this, and insist on worshipping the son as a different deity than the father, it is similar to idolatry, in some ways.  His writings state that until they could understand the nature of love and the unity of God they would be in a "heaven" but not enlightened enough to progress in the heavenly planes.

As to the gluttons eating garbage in hells, he literally meant one who showed indifference or hatred to his/her fellow person, but loved, reveled and indulged in earthly pleasures like food, wine and debauchery.  Since they went opposite to the path of love, he was able to see that upon passing over, they sought out hellish realms where they could indulge their appetites without caring for other people.  I'm not sure how you missed that part. 

Interestingly enough, ES did in fact note that there were many communities in heavens and hells some of which bore striking resemblence to soul groups or discs.  He just didn't use that temrinology.

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Re: The problem with writers before Monroe and Moen!
Reply #50 - Nov 8th, 2009 at 9:25pm

Below are some of Swedenborg's words (I haven't read all of them):

Swedenborg: Still, it needs to be realized that in the other life any people who have not put "good" in one compartment and "true" in another--who have not separated faith from love--accept the heavenly concept of the Lord as God of the universe once they have been taught.

Albert: By Lord Swedenborg means Jesus Christ, therefore he says God and Christ are one and the same.

Swedenborg: On the other hand, people who have denied the Lord's divine nature and have recognized only his human nature (like the Socinians) are also excluded from heaven. They are taken a little way forward to the right and are let down into the depths, which completely separates the from the Christian realm.

Albert: Swedenborg doesn't mention Catholics, but he does mention people who don't believe that God and Christ are one. Some sources say we select the life we incarnate into.  Why would people choose to incarnate as a Catholic, if being taught to believe in the trinity would prevent them from returning to heaven?  Perhaps the answer is that regardless of what we believe after we die, as long as we have the humility to accept divine truth as it is, we'll able to see things as they are.

Swedenborg: Things happen differently for people who are born outside the church, the ones we call non-Christians. We will discuss them later.

Albert: Going by the above, belief is irrelevant, except why does Swedenborg find it necessary to speak of Christians who believe in the trinity differently than he speaks of non-Christians? A Christian such as a Catholic is just as unlikely to believe that God and Christ are one, as a person in a non-Christian religion.

Swedenborg: There were some spirits who had acknowledged the Father but whose only concept of the Lord has been that he was a human being like everyone else. This meant they did not believe that he was the God of heaven. As a result, they were allowed to travel here and there and to ask at will whether there was a heaven that did not belong to the lord. They asked around for some days without finding any.

Albert: According to the above, they are provided with the chance to find out what's true. I figure that as long as they are humble towards divine will, they will be okay. Therefore, once again, what they believed before hand is irrelevant. This being the case, it is odd that Swedenborg makes a distinction between Christians who believe in the trinity and those who don't.
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Re: The problem with writers before Monroe and Moen!
Reply #51 - Nov 8th, 2009 at 11:12pm
Hey Albert,

You still don't seem to get it. ES believes that many who were taught that the trinity includes separate deities, when they see their loved ones and hear that heaven is based on God the father, the son and spirit as a unity - many of these people, no matter catholic or protestant, or non christian get the concept of God as a unity, and accept love as the driving force of heaven.  (for ES this is love of God and love of one's fellow man).

Yes, ES says God and Christ are one.  He says that pagans (non Christians) who are loving enter a loving heaven - but to him, it meant that they are taught about the structure of heaven based on love. 

You should know that ES never said that people are condemned to hell or a hollow heaven, by anything but by their own second nature, and degree of loving God and their fellow man....

What ES is saying is that loving souls, when shown around so to speak and being instructed, usually accept the truth as obvious, no matter if they were catholic or non-christian.

If ES entered into his exploration of the heavens or hells with pre-conceptions he would not have come up with the concepts of PUL; of pagans admitted to heaven based on their loving nature. 

Admittedly, ES had his own "interpretor" and must have put some spin on what he encountered, but he was meticulous, and very logical and methodical.  He did not want to just write down what he was told, but rather the cosmology all had to fit together and pass the sniff test.

Even as a non-christian, I find ES to be open minded and loving.  Not at all the kind to bar any one group or person from heaven.  When you read him saying that people of certain beliefs don't get the love that the universe is built on and don't enter heaven, he states this not as a proclamation, but an observation.

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Re: The problem with writers before Monroe and Moen!
Reply #52 - Nov 9th, 2009 at 3:11am
Hi All: Seems as I read the posts that I am more and more right about Monroe and Moen. Since, the two have realigned mysticism and cosmology with "knowns" that have brought all that past information into line with the truth about what is actually happening in the physical and non-physical realms and are defining very clearly the road ahead and its goals... the caviat is this... these "knowns" for Monroe and Moen are still only "beliefs" for us until we turn them into knowns... past writers didn't have the technology to get "knowns"... remember Monroe's hemi-sync work is all reversed engineered... no past mystic ever thought to reverse engineer... nor had they the technology to do it... or even possibly the inclination to do it... Monroe is one of a kind... I don't know if the board knows it but Joe McMonagle has the original manuscript for Ultimate Journey and it is many time larger than the published version and his publisher didn't think the real version could be profitably published because it was so far out... that is why Monroe after he died engaged Moen to start finishing the job... Moen wrote what Monroe wanted to write... that is my opinion...

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Re: The problem with writers before Monroe and Moen!
Reply #53 - Nov 9th, 2009 at 10:55am
Hi Seraphis,

You're all right!  Cheesy  Cheesy Regale, regale!

I don't know about your last statement but over all I salute your POV!

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Re: The problem with writers before Monroe and Moen!
Reply #54 - Nov 9th, 2009 at 11:06am
Thank you betson... I love you.  Smiley
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Re: The problem with writers before Monroe and Moen!
Reply #55 - Nov 9th, 2009 at 1:24pm
Matthew (Doc): I understand that Swedenborg says that people who believe in the trinity are provided with an opportunity to see that they are wrong. This is why I provided some of his words I provided.

Perhaps I had a knee jerk reaction. As a doctor, I figure you know about them, or do you own one of those little rubber hammers? Smiley

Perhaps he wrote what he wrote not so much to focus on people who believe in the trinity, but simply to explain how it works out in their case.
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Re: The problem with writers before Monroe and Moen!
Reply #56 - Nov 9th, 2009 at 2:03pm
What I find interesting about ES in heaven and hell is to read his discussion of the three stages of man after death.  they ring true with a lot of modern explorers, including Bruce (in fact I had a thread about this, and Bruce correlated his explorations/retrievals with ES's description.

In a nutshell, nowhere does ES pretend to condemn people to hell.  He asserts that our post mortem fate is determined by our ability to love God and our fellow human beings, and to the degree we achieve either or both, we enter a heavenly realm.  To the degree we turn away from both, we voluntarily enter the hellish planes.  Free will persists though.

The trinity example is, for ES a teaching point.  That there is one God; that God is not subdivided, that the trinity looks at different aspects of one God, but in Heaven one does not address the holy ghost or father differently.  True he said anyone who didn't get this would likely not enter into the heavens - more for their understanding and attempt to subdivide the divine unity than anything else. 

ES states that for most people entering Monroe/Moen's focus 27, after the mask of earthlife falls away they will enter a third stage of death, namely a stage of instruction.  For those who are selfish and unloving, once they migrate toward others who feel the same way, there is no formal heavenly instruction (though admittedly there may be types of hellish instructions). 

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Re: The problem with writers before Monroe and Moen!
Reply #57 - Nov 9th, 2009 at 3:38pm

Matthew said: The trinity example is, for ES a teaching point.  That there is one God; that God is not subdivided, that the trinity looks at different aspects of one God, but in Heaven one does not address the holy ghost or father differently.

Recoverer responds: Perhaps I'm wrong, but it seems as if you are understating how Swedenborg states that Christ and God are one, not two seperate beings. According to Swedenborg, when Jesus walked on this planet he was in fact God. Swedenborg referenced gospel verses that make this point.

Consider your words, "but in Heaven one does not address the holy ghost or father differently." You didn't include the name Jesus Christ.
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Re: The problem with writers before Monroe and Moen!
Reply #58 - Nov 9th, 2009 at 4:08pm

This is more in Don's arena, but I would say that for ES, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and the father/God were always one and the same.  It is the paradox of the trinity, namely appearing to be separate yet being a unity that he mentions.  Apparently, in the heavenly realms, he found the understanding of this unity to be essential to proceed in the heavens.

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Re: The problem with writers before Monroe and Moen!
Reply #59 - Nov 9th, 2009 at 8:10pm
Has anybody read Swedenborg's book "Life on other planets?" Below is a description. Kind of hard to believe.

Is there life on other planets? This intriguing question is still being debated in scientific circles, but Emanuel Swedenborg attested that he had actually spoken with spirits from other planets in the afterlife. Originally published in 1758, this startling book details Swedenborg's conversations with angels unlike any other spirits he encountered in the afterlife. Spirits from Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Saturn, Venus, and the moon discuss their lives on other planets and how their cultures differed from those of earthly life. Swedenborg also explains why the Lord chose Earth as the planet on which he would be born. Translated by the late Cambridge scholar John Chadwick and co-published with the Swedenborg Society of London, this volume also offers an introduction by Dr. Raymond Moody, author of Life after Life, who ruminates on how modern science is validating some of Swedenborg's assertions.
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