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My problem with reincarnation and karma (Read 37934 times)
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Re: My problem with reincarnation and karma
Reply #90 - Oct 29th, 2009 at 12:42pm
In my own experience there is no certainty outside of my own experience and my subjective experience is influenced by my own biases therefore I have to accept that this is the case for others as well. Not right or wrong just approaching the cabin from a different set of coordinates from way out in the forest. There may be a bear on one path but perhaps that path is shorter ultimately than the long and winding path where I can see the cabin down in the valley, but must climb endlessly down a high mountain to get to it. It's a metaphor, of course. It's one thing to say you disagree, but to feel you are helping others find there way is like using a map for the bear path when you're on the winding one that has no bear. You think its shorter because you're working from someone else's map and maybe you get eaten by another bear because you get lost. Now, if we were all on the same path then it's fine to say "this is how it is" but we are not unless we are all looking at the same map. In Shakespeare's day they didn't give the whole play to the actors, they only got what is called a side which had their cues and the lines that the particular actor would speak. No one could discuss the whole play until they rehearsed to see where their part fit in. So no one could say the other guy had it wrong. I think our maps are like this. We're all meant to find our own way and that's how we grow. Telling someone they are on the wrong path or that their source is not accurate makes no sense to me. See what I'm saying? "Telling them". Certainly we all have our own opinions...but until you are there in the cabin it is an opinion. Sorry for the wordiness.
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Re: My problem with reincarnation and karma
Reply #91 - Oct 29th, 2009 at 2:07pm
I pretty much agree with you Beau but would just add that that we're not alone on our individual journeys - there are sources which can help us go where we want to go. Some sources we intuitively 'resonate' with and some we don't - thats perfectly fine we're all at different places anyway. I think the problem comes when someone tries to introduce 'a one size fits all approach' for everyone regardless where on the path they are, suggesting that things which resonate for me should resonate for you...
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Re: My problem with reincarnation and karma
Reply #92 - Oct 31st, 2009 at 11:44am
Hi All:


I was not just a little disturbed by the vitriolic attacks on various so called spiritual leaders, cultist and the like some probably deserved and some not deserved. But be that as it may, the problem is Maya and the goal of the Disk or Oversoul. Maya is an illusion. It is indestructible and everlasting. Dwelling on it too strenuously is pointless. The goal of the Oversoul probes are to gather experience and eventually return to its respective Oversoul cluster or disk and eventually when all the members of that cluster are retrieved the cluster winks out. Most of us who have found Monroe, Moen and to some extent Robert Bruce now have the tools to return to our cluster. That is the long and short of it.  Smiley
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Re: My problem with reincarnation and karma
Reply #93 - Nov 1st, 2009 at 7:59am
Alan McDougall wrote on Oct 27th, 2009 at 9:52am:
The concept of reincarnation is widely accepted among non-Christians, probably because it appeals to many who would like to believe that they would be given a second chance in case they failed to make the grade in this life.

Christianity disputes reincarnation because it is unnecessary, since anybody can "make the grade" simply through an act of their own will through faith in Jesus Christ.

Not true. Reincarnation was an original tenet of the Bible until the Council of Nicea under the Emperor Justinian in AD557, where it was declared anathema. Justinian had a mistress who turned him on to another cult altogether, and he decided that getting rid of reincarnation was a really good way of extending the church's power base.
The council was so controversial that the pope of the time refused to attend -he knew a frame up when he saw it.

The scientific rebuttal to reincarnation is quite simple. Because of the population explosion, more people are currently living on the earth than have ever lived on the earth for the entire history of humankind. In other words, over half of the people who have ever lived on earth have never died even once! There simply are not enough dead souls to go around for a second time. This does not absolutely eliminate reincarnation, but it does severely restrict its extent, especially for those who have claimed to have lived several times before.

Again you're limiting yourself to the view that this planet and dimension is the only one we can experience. As stated before and in RAM's books, some folks here have been here for millenia, some have only been here a few lifetimes, and other may even be first timers. Many spiritual writers have stated that the earth at this time offers unparalleled opportunities for experience through incarnation, and that many are choosing this point in time for a 'crash course' while the opportunity presents itself. Supposedly the population will decrease markedly in the future, so they're getting in now so as not having to wait for a suitable opportunity in the future.

Best wishes,
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Re: My problem with reincarnation and karma
Reply #94 - Nov 1st, 2009 at 8:16am
Again you're limiting yourself to the view that this planet and dimension is the only one we can experience.

You're limiting yourself timewise, so why would you not accept his limitation? (couldn't resist, I'm not trying to offend you)

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Re: My problem with reincarnation and karma
Reply #95 - Nov 1st, 2009 at 10:36am
You're limiting yourself timewise, so why would you not accept his limitation? (couldn't resist, I'm not trying to offend you)


Hi Vagabond,
now why should I be limiting myself timewise? (no offence taken by the way).
As I see it -and I'm quite prepared to be corrected by the knowledgeable folks here- there is at the present time a conjunction of galactic energies that mean for those who are working their way through their incarnations that the most progress can be made all at once. I could speculate also that there are a lot of last timers who are here on earth to finish their rounds of the ELS and get it over and done with as quickly as possible so that they can go on to the next level -whatever that may mean to you.
If you miss out on this time, it could be a while until the conditions are right again for you, and that could mean many thousands of years hence.
And the reason I'm not accepting Alan's limitation is that it's one I've heard all too often from others trying to debunk reincarnation. There's always more to it than is apparent, and the idea that one lifetime follows another immediately and that that proves that it doesn't hold up seems to me to be untenable. From what I've read and experienced through hypnotic regression, your most recent past life could have ended a few weks before you were born or many centuries. There's also the theory that some have past/future lives that overlap this one. For instance, you may still be alive someewhere else on the planet and be older/younger than you are now!
Time's a curious thing.... Smiley

Best wishes,
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Alan McDougall
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Re: My problem with reincarnation and karma
Reply #96 - Nov 1st, 2009 at 11:30am
Seraphis1 wrote on Oct 31st, 2009 at 11:44am:
Hi All:


I was not just a little disturbed by the vitriolic attacks on various so called spiritual leaders, cultist and the like some probably deserved and some not deserved. But be that as it may, the problem is Maya and the goal of the Disk or Oversoul. Maya is an illusion. It is indestructible and everlasting. Dwelling on it too strenuously is pointless. The goal of the Oversoul probes are to gather experience and eventually return to its respective Oversoul cluster or disk and eventually when all the members of that cluster are retrieved the cluster winks out. Most of us who have found Monroe, Moen and to some extent Robert Bruce now have the tools to return to our cluster. That is the long and short of it.  Smiley

Simple as that??? The only One with all the answers is God Simple as that!!!
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Alan McDougall
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Re: My problem with reincarnation and karma
Reply #97 - Nov 1st, 2009 at 10:02pm
Detheridge:] "Reincarnation was an original tenet of the Bible until the Council of Nicea under the Emperor Justinian in AD557, where it was declared anathema."

No, this is an often discredited error invented by New Agers who have never themselves studied the primary texts of early church history.  You, of course, have no first hand knowledge of the Council of Nicea and can cite no provisions of its proceedings. 

Your other points can be refuted by 3 observations universally accepted in the scholarly world:

(1) Rerincarnation is never taught by the Bible or for that matter, by the Judaism of late antiquity.  [No, no one imagined that John the Baptist was the reincarnation of Elijah.  Defend this claim and I'll demonstrate the error in great detail.] Only denizens of the New Age Ghetto imagine otherwise.  They need to get out more and read mainstream secular scholarship on the early church.  What a couple of intertestamental Jewish books (2 Enoch and Wisdom of Solomon) do teach is the preexistence of the soul; and this teaching seems implicit in Jesus' encounter with the man born blind in John 9:1-2. 

(2) There is no Judaeo-Christian reincarnationism in first-century Palestine.  A very tiny Jewish baptismal  sect, the Elchasaites east of the Jordan River, did teach reincarnation in the early second century AD, as did a small minority of second century Gnostic sects (e. g. the Carpocratians).  But their reincarnationism is rare even among the Gnostics and does not infect the early Catholic church. 

(3) An early church council did condemn reincarnationism in the form attibuted the early third century church father, Origen.  But in fact they misuunderstood Origen who merely developed the doctine of the soul's preexistence in greater detail.  In fact, Origen repeatedly CONDEMNS reincarnationism!    


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« Last Edit: Nov 2nd, 2009 at 1:00am by Berserk2 »  
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Re: My problem with reincarnation and karma
Reply #98 - Nov 1st, 2009 at 10:26pm
And I say who cares about what the Bible says about reincarnation. Irrelevant. But in case anyone wants another perspective, I suggest:
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Re: My problem with reincarnation and karma
Reply #99 - Nov 2nd, 2009 at 1:15am

Conversely, I likewise care nothing about what you think because you are making comments about ancient sources you know nothing about.  Your New Age source provides no quotes from Origen and clearly has not read him.  A few years ago, I developed a long thread on Origen in which I quoted several of his denunciations of reincarnation!  You must rise above the level of the "flat earthers" who were threatened by the Apollo moon landing; so they gathered kooky sources to mount a case that Neil Armstrong's moon landing was faked in a New Mexico hangar.  Gooby, you are not even RATIONALLY entitled to an opinion on subjects with which you have not engaged by direct reading of actual literary sources in question.  Don't be a New Age Fundamentalist; be a thinker who investigate claims on her own.

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Alan McDougall
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Re: My problem with reincarnation and karma
Reply #100 - Nov 2nd, 2009 at 3:58am
Berserk2 wrote on Nov 2nd, 2009 at 1:15am:

Conversely, I likewise care nothing about what you think because you are making comments about ancient sources you know nothing about.  Your New Age source provides no quotes from Origen and clearly has not read him.  A few years ago, I developed a long thread on Origen in which I quoted several of his denunciations of reincarnation!  You must rise above the level of the "flat earthers" who were threatened by the Apollo moon landing; so they gathered kooky sources to mount a case that Neil Armstrong's moon landing was faked in a New Mexico hangar.  Gooby, you are not even RATIONALLY entitled to an opinion on subjects with which you have not engaged by direct reading of actual literary sources in question.  Don't be a New Age Fundamentalist; be a thinker who investigate claims on her own.


Hi Don I moved away from the bible but now find myself returning to its beautiful truths

The Bible says It is appointed "ONCE TO DIE" and then the Judgement No where does Jesus preach reicarnation, where people get this idea beats me.

Of course they will say John The Baptist was the reincarnation of Elijah.

"John chapter 1 verse 21 And they asked him, What then? Art thou Elias? And he saith I AM NOT Art thou that prophet? And he answered NO

(notice John twice deny s being Elijah!!)

Don I want to take this opportunity for any negative remarks I have made to you on this forum and ask for your forgiveness!!!

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Ralph Buskey
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Re: My problem with reincarnation and karma
Reply #101 - Nov 2nd, 2009 at 4:20am
The Bible says It is appointed "ONCE TO DIE" and then the Judgement No where does Jesus preach reicarnation, where people get this idea beats me.

   It's simple. Not all babies that are born come here for the first time. Some souls that want to return just jump into a new physical body.

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Ralph Buskey Ralph Buskey  
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Alan McDougall
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Re: My problem with reincarnation and karma
Reply #102 - Nov 2nd, 2009 at 5:02am
Ralph Buskey wrote on Nov 2nd, 2009 at 4:20am:
The Bible says It is appointed "ONCE TO DIE" and then the Judgement No where does Jesus preach reicarnation, where people get this idea beats me.

   It's simple. Not all babies that are born come here for the first time. Some souls that want to return just jump into a new physical body.


Are you sure???? You made this statement as if it were fact, how do you know this???
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Alan McDougall
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Re: My problem with reincarnation and karma
Reply #103 - Nov 2nd, 2009 at 6:03am
Hi Don,
thanks for the reply. However, I would point out that the original quoted source for this assertion is from the Catholic Encyclopedia itself.
Also try here:

Best wishes,

Berserk2 wrote on Nov 1st, 2009 at 10:02pm:
Detheridge:] "Reincarnation was an original tenet of the Bible until the Council of Nicea under the Emperor Justinian in AD557, where it was declared anathema."

No, this is an often discredited error invented by New Agers who have never themselves studied the primary texts of early church history.  You, of course, have no first hand knowledge of the Council of Nicea and can cite no provisions of its proceedings. 

Your other points can be refuted by 3 observations universally accepted in the scholarly world:

(1) Rerincarnation is never taught by the Bible or for that matter, by the Judaism of late antiquity.  [No, no one imagined that John the Baptist was the reincarnation of Elijah.  Defend this claim and I'll demonstrate the error in great detail.] Only denizens of the New Age Ghetto imagine otherwise.  They need to get out more and read mainstream secular scholarship on the early church.  What a couple of intertestamental Jewish books (2 Enoch and Wisdom of Solomon) do teach is the preexistence of the soul; and this teaching seems implicit in Jesus' encounter with the man born blind in John 9:1-2. 

(2) There is no Judaeo-Christian reincarnationism in first-century Palestine.  A very tiny Jewish baptismal  sect, the Elchasaites east of the Jordan River, did teach reincarnation in the early second century AD, as did a small minority of second century Gnostic sects (e. g. the Carpocratians).  But their reincarnationism is rare even among the Gnostics and does not infect the early Catholic church. 

(3) An early church council did condemn reincarnationism in the form attibuted the early third century church father, Origen.  But in fact they misuunderstood Origen who merely developed the doctine of the soul's preexistence in greater detail.  In fact, Origen repeatedly CONDEMNS reincarnationism!    


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Alan McDougall
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Re: My problem with reincarnation and karma
Reply #104 - Nov 2nd, 2009 at 6:17am
detheridge wrote on Nov 2nd, 2009 at 6:03am:
Hi Don,
thanks for the reply. However, I would point out that the original quoted source for this assertion is from the Catholic Encyclopedia itself.
Also try here:

Best wishes,

Berserk2 wrote on Nov 1st, 2009 at 10:02pm:
Detheridge:] "Reincarnation was an original tenet of the Bible until the Council of Nicea under the Emperor Justinian in AD557, where it was declared anathema."

No, this is an often discredited error invented by New Agers who have never themselves studied the primary texts of early church history.  You, of course, have no first hand knowledge of the Council of Nicea and can cite no provisions of its proceedings. 

Your other points can be refuted by 3 observations universally accepted in the scholarly world:

(1) Rerincarnation is never taught by the Bible or for that matter, by the Judaism of late antiquity.  [No, no one imagined that John the Baptist was the reincarnation of Elijah.  Defend this claim and I'll demonstrate the error in great detail.] Only denizens of the New Age Ghetto imagine otherwise.  They need to get out more and read mainstream secular scholarship on the early church.  What a couple of intertestamental Jewish books (2 Enoch and Wisdom of Solomon) do teach is the preexistence of the soul; and this teaching seems implicit in Jesus' encounter with the man born blind in John 9:1-2. 

(2) There is no Judaeo-Christian reincarnationism in first-century Palestine.  A very tiny Jewish baptismal  sect, the Elchasaites east of the Jordan River, did teach reincarnation in the early second century AD, as did a small minority of second century Gnostic sects (e. g. the Carpocratians).  But their reincarnationism is rare even among the Gnostics and does not infect the early Catholic church. 

(3) An early church council did condemn reincarnationism in the form attibuted the early third century church father, Origen.  But in fact they misuunderstood Origen who merely developed the doctine of the soul's preexistence in greater detail.  In fact, Origen repeatedly CONDEMNS reincarnationism!    


Hi I dont need to go to any human source to find out if reincarnation is true or not. The Divine Christ Jesus said it was not true and that is good enough for me


There are so many things wrong with reincarnation that I feel it's one of the more puzzling beliefs out there.

1) First of all, to accept reincarnation, you have to accept dualism. After all, it is the soul that survives and merely changes bodies when the current host dies. ?

2) Living creatures, reincarnation claims that a new baby that doesn't have the same biological materials, don't have any of the same memories, doesn't have any sort of viable link to an old lady recently deceased from a heart attack, is indeed that old lady. It's patently absurd.

But let's assume that the soul does exist and inhabits a new body when the old one dies.

3) Why does the soul forget its past experiences? What would make the soul's memories stop when the old body dies?

4) Why would the self - the  soul - not be able to remember? Is the soul not the ultimate self? Why would a new body limit the self's ability to conjure its own memories?

And for those who claim that déjà-vu or whatever is repressed past memories?

5) I ask what is the mechanism is for memories to be blocked or let through?. If they are blocked, how are they getting through? Why can't they all get through?

6) And if your old memories are lost forever, then what is the point of being reincarnated?

7) The point of reincarnation is to extend life, but if you can't retain memories or lessons or knowledge from those past lives, how exactly have you extended your life?

8) It's not much better than saying you achieve immortality by living on in the hearts and minds of your friends.

9) I want to live forever by living forever. I don't want some memory or trace of me living on.

10) Where were all the souls before the earth existed?

11) Where will they go when the earth is destroyed?

12) Will they continue to exist and be sentient, to interact in soul-land?

13) Then why come into bodies at all??? the spiritual body is much superior why leave it for bleak flesh and blood

14) And then what if the ratio of bodies-to-souls is off, say more souls than bodies?

15) Do the souls just hang out in soul-land waiting for a new body to inhabit?

16) Or what if there are more bodies than souls? Are new souls born?

17) Or are there some people who are just automatons - functioning robots without souls at all? Could we tell the automatons apart from the real people?

18) Now let's deal with animals, if you accept trans-special reincarnation. Clearly some animals have different sorts of mental functioning abilities.

19) We can reason better, rats can discern smells better, bats can hear well. Different animals can see in different colors, very much a mental process of the mind.

20) How does the soul make up for these things?

21) When we get transferred to a chicken, do we lose our ability to reason?

22) When we are transferred out of a wolf, do we lose the knowledge of how to hunt?

23) Are our souls restricted in what they can express on their host? And then of course, what's the cutoff point of creatures imbued with souls?

24) Do rats have souls? Bees? Roaches? Bacteria? Viruses? Replicating proteins like Mad Cow?

25) Even if you restrict reincarnation to just humans; at what point in the human evolutionary chain was the first soul imbued?

26) How do we explain Hitler heck what karma was he working off???

27) Now how about the idea that the creature you get to inhabit depends on how good you were in your past life. Who keeps track? Who is the great record-keeper that sends you to your new body? What criteria are used? Is it objective, could it be objective? Does it make mistakes? How does it force our souls into the hosts? Could the soul refuse? And you have to wonder; is your fate graded on a curve?

28) What if everyone in one generation acts perfectly and kindly and loving to everyone?

29) Surely the less desirable bodies are still being born and need to be inhabited.

30)) Would a couple of hugs be the difference between a hawk and a slug?

Etc , etc , etc adinfinitum adinfinitum
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Blessings and Light

Alan McDougall
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