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My problem with reincarnation and karma (Read 37886 times)
Alan McDougall
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My problem with reincarnation and karma
Oct 22nd, 2009 at 9:48am
I wonder why all these reincarnations have produced a world that is essentially no better off than it was thousands of years ago, where people still kill each other, where greed is rampant, where millions starve to death because of a lack of attention from those who could help them. And what about the first children born to Adam and Eve? (Or, if you don't like the concept of Adam and Eve, call them Chuck and Susie.)

Did Adam and Eve (Chuck and Susie) have to die for their souls to reincarnate into their children? And, how did six billion souls reincarnate out of two souls? I couldn't get reincarnation to make any sense.

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Re: My problem with reincarnation and karma
Reply #1 - Oct 22nd, 2009 at 10:03am
I"m not buying the Adam and Eve myth but if I did I would have no problem believing that there were many souls before there were two humans. Curls if you prefer, to use Bruce's terminology. I don't really see that your thought has much to do with the relevance or possibility of reincarnation or lack of that possibility. Recycling makes more sense to me than some things, but wouldn't you be reincarnated in another plane if not of the earth...especially if physical existence is a good teacher. Of course that can argued too I suppose.
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Re: My problem with reincarnation and karma
Reply #2 - Oct 22nd, 2009 at 10:21am
The mathematics won't necessarily make sense when we are talking about going from a timeless realm (thought) to earth-time.  Factor into the equation other dimensions and universes and the math is much more difficult to begin to think about.

I don't like the reincarnation model of us "helpless on the wheel of karma," doomed to reincarnate no matter what our free wheel is.  Some reincarnationalists may argue that we willingly reincarnate for we are so drawn to the attachments of the ego based lustful earth-life-system that we willingly go through it again.  I would argue that if free will exists here on earth, then it exists in spirit, and that we have the ability to choose when and where we go within the plane of love that we have raised ourself to.   

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Alan McDougall
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Re: My problem with reincarnation and karma
Reply #3 - Oct 22nd, 2009 at 10:39am
Beau wrote on Oct 22nd, 2009 at 10:03am:
I"m not buying the Adam and Eve myth but if I did I would have no problem believing that there were many souls before there were two humans. Curls if you prefer, to use Bruce's terminology. I don't really see that your thought has much to do with the relevance or possibility of reincarnation or lack of that possibility. Recycling makes more sense to me than some things, but wouldn't you be reincarnated in another plane if not of the earth...especially if physical existence is a good teacher. Of course that can argued too I suppose.

What about the two original humans, humanity must have started off with a male and female, that is hard science not myth?
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Alan McDougall
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Re: My problem with reincarnation and karma
Reply #4 - Oct 22nd, 2009 at 10:46am
Two humans is not hard science....yet. It well might have been a gradual evolutionary process and when you say human I assume you mean Homo Sapien Sapien

Would this mean that Neanderthals did not reincarnate? Or Astrialepithecus? What about the amoebas long before mankind. Why do you assume Humans had to be the first to reincarnate. It could all be an evolutionary process.
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Alan McDougall
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Re: My problem with reincarnation and karma
Reply #5 - Oct 22nd, 2009 at 11:10am
Beau wrote on Oct 22nd, 2009 at 10:46am:
Two humans is not hard science....yet. It well might have been a gradual evolutionary process and when you say human I assume you mean Homo Sapien Sapien

Would this mean that Neanderthals did not reincarnate? Or Astrialepithecus? What about the amoebas long before mankind. Why do you assume Humans had to be the first to reincarnate. It could all be an evolutionary process.

Then we must take the karmic reincarnation view that we all started out as microbes became cockroaches etc etc. But how the heck can one cockroach become better than his fellows and by the process of karma reincarnate into a higher form of life, say a frog??  Grin
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Alan McDougall
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Re: My problem with reincarnation and karma
Reply #6 - Oct 22nd, 2009 at 12:08pm
I find the idea that we as humans are superior to anything to be ridiculous personally. I was just saying that your concept of the beginning makes no sense to me. I think you have not surveyed this at all you are making assumptions based on your own religious or spiritual or even scientific biases based on something that is no more provable than what you attempt to disprove. I have no problem with questioning anything but to prove your point with "facts" that are anything but, would make me question everything you write about. If you are trying to explain the big picture with little picture logic...which you are, then you are hopelessly going to find yourself thinking you are something you are not.

As for the cockroaches I would have to say that perhaps it is all relative.
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Ralph Buskey
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Re: My problem with reincarnation and karma
Reply #7 - Oct 22nd, 2009 at 12:26pm
   Lately, I've been tuning into parts of the animal kingdom wavelengths and can feel the association with spiritual energy. The books that I've read when my skills were non-existent at meditation gave me an idea of what happens to us and all other beings in existence that have souls.

   Reincarnation may not be mandatory at all, but a compelling desire by the being to reconcile past events for it's own reasons. The moment of death may have alot to do with what options the soul has for taking.

   The concepts that come up in some person/animal/vegetable's mind at the moment of death dictate what doors can be opened for further progress, within reasonable boundaries.

   So I feel that it's up to the individual entity to create the ability to comprehend the possibilities available to it for making progress through this multiverse of God.

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Ralph Buskey Ralph Buskey  
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Re: My problem with reincarnation and karma
Reply #8 - Oct 22nd, 2009 at 2:39pm
If you  go by what near death experiencers tend to say, attachment to this World doesn't cause souls to reincarnate into this World.

I believe it it possible that people get more attached to their identities than this World. This being the case, would they actually give up their identity in favor of a new identity in order to experience what this World has to offer?

Also, going by some accounts, if a soul isn't able to move on to the light right away, it hangs out in various astral realms until it is able to do so. The fact of how it is able to eventually do so suggests that it overcame whatever attachments it needed to overcome. This being the case, what attachments would cause it to incarnate again?

If it needs more lessons that are based upon human experience, perhaps it could obtain them through other members of its disk and soul group. It is also possible that souls can share lessons without being members of the same disk and soul group.
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Re: My problem with reincarnation and karma
Reply #9 - Oct 23rd, 2009 at 8:07pm
I really like Edgar Cayce's "Many Mansions" and ALL of Brian Weiss' books regarding reincarnation and karma.  Weiss' latest book is based on "progression therapy" which is so interesting when paired with "regression therapy."  I think you might find the answers you're looking for from those books.
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Alan McDougall
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Re: My problem with reincarnation and karma
Reply #10 - Oct 24th, 2009 at 12:35am
If I have any say in the matter I will be moving on to better pastures not returning again and again to this earthly realm.

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Alan McDougall
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Re: My problem with reincarnation and karma
Reply #11 - Oct 24th, 2009 at 1:23pm
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Re: My problem with reincarnation and karma
Reply #12 - Oct 24th, 2009 at 5:53pm
I don't think your maths make sense in six billion out of two souls. From reading Bob Monroe's books, a bunch of us are here from other realities to experience life in the Earth Life System -ergo, we've been incarnating in other forms and in other realities for ever. (No, I have no idea where I'm originally from -this universe or any other)
As to the karmic aspect, I find a correlation with Bob's idea of addiction to the ELS: you keep coming back until you either 'get it right' or you decide you've had enough of the whole thing and want to go back home -wherever home is, and Bob discovered when he went back home that he was unutterably bored by the place, and that was why he left in the first place.
So maybe (and I don't know, I'm speculating) most of the folks on earth at the moment have only been around  quite recently. Maybe they're first timers who are having a great time messing up because they don't know any different, and I've read elsewhere that a bunch of souls are here at thius time to witness earth changes, or indeed the human race being accepted back into the galactic community. Take your pick as to which suits you.
Either way, all of these ideas are to me just as valid -in fact more so- than the bible idea of Adam and Eve, original sin (what a great system of control THAT one is), and all the rest.
So reincarnation is for me the chance to explore all the things my soul/higher/total self has decided to explore, together with all the other folks in my disc and adjoining ones, which explains karmic links and debts.
For instance: 'Okay, you did that to me in that last lifetime, now this time we'll swap around and see how we get on' -and that to my mind can be both good and bad stuff, depending on what you decided to experience before you came here.
Then when everyone in a group has completed all they wanted and needed to experience, they all get together and vanish as the entire disk of souls moves to another dimension altogether.
As for the concept of starting out as an amoeba and going up through cockroaches, I find that needlessly limiting as a concept. Again, I've read of people in past life regression who could go back to being a molecule in the big bang, and that's only part of the whole thing.
Needless to say, most of the above is only my reading and speculation, all of which you may be able to correct, amplify or add other perspectives on.

Best wishes,
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Re: My problem with reincarnation and karma
Reply #13 - Oct 24th, 2009 at 7:45pm
I have many reasons for rejecting reincarnation, but will restrict myself to just 6:

(1) Emanuel Swedenborg is the astral explorer with the best verifications.  ES was initially convinced that he was recalling his past lives during astral exploration.  But when he ascended to the higher heavens, his guide warned him that these were not past lives, but rather undetected possessing spirits.  It is well known that the memories of such spirits are mistakenly experienced as if they were those of the astral traveler.  Then ES's guide descended with him to a reincarnationist hollow heaven and offered to demonstrate to its denizens that their reincarnation beliefs were mistaken.  But they were far too stuck in their overview even to witness such a demonstration.  Modern New Agers freeze like Bambi in the headlights in the face of ES's discovery and invoke other members of the New Age Ghetto who merely reinforce their discredited beliefs.   

(2) The best evidence for reincarnation comes from Dr. Ian Stevenson's research on the past life recall of young children.  Yet even here, in two of his cases the child is already alive well BEFORE the alleged incarnating spirit incarnates!  Thus, the children seem to confuse possession by an undetected discarnte spirit with reincarnation.

(3) Occasional cases in which birthmarks are alleged to correspond to the fatal wound to the prior life strike me as worthless evidence.  Such cases are rare and our bodies are blotched with all sorts of skin marks.  It would be shocking if there rarely were correspondence between the birthmark and the fatai wound of the prior personality!  Besides, how do we know whether the birthmark is merely close to the wound in question?  And if the reincarnating soul can cause such a birthmark sign, why not ensure that the initials of the prior personality are "engraved?"

(4) The absurdity of Robert Monroe's past lives refute themselves. e. g. (a) a past life as a pilot in another world dodging spears thrown by cavemen; (b)  a past life as a priest ritually torturing Nancy (his late current wife) with a spear in an ecstatic intiation ritual.  Such past lives rank with his astrally discovered claim that space aliens visit the earth to explore human jokes.   No rational reader outside the New Age Ghetto would find such claims plausible.  So much for past life memories.

(5) Karmic based reincarnation implies increased wisdom and spirituality over many reincarnations. But if anything, humans are getting morally worse.  For example, Christians in India are now being increasingly murdered by increasingly violent Hindus.   

(6) Much evidence from OBEs and NDEs demonstrates that the afterlife is our future career in which several schools exist to teach us how to face the challenges of new worlds.  Such a scenario implies that we don't need several earthly incarnations.  In my view, karmic reincarnationists are earthbound souls.   

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« Last Edit: Oct 25th, 2009 at 1:20am by Berserk2 »  
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I Am Dude
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Re: My problem with reincarnation and karma
Reply #14 - Oct 24th, 2009 at 8:29pm

My thoughts on your six points:

(1)  I was hoping you could elaborate on what exactly an "undetected possessing spirit" is.  What exactly is meant by "possess?" 

(2)  I am sure Dr. Stevenson has done research on more than just those two children you mention.  What of the reality of their experience?  As for the children having reincarnations born after themselves- these two cases only disprove the theory if the linear concept of reincarnation is correct- which, as most will agree, is false.  Our higher selves are not limited by time, and can have incarnations at any point of time and in any order. 

(3)  This is simply a biased opinion.

(4)  Monroe was not dodging spears while flying a plane.  If reincarnation is true in some sense, then is it so far fetched for one to remember being a pilot?  Being a caveman?  Being a sadistic priest in a life with another close aspect of his higer self, possibly a "soul mate"?  I don't think so.

(5)  The problem is not that people are getting morally worse.  In fact, we are capable of more goodness now then anytime before.  Humans have the potential to become more advanced now technologically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally, then ever before- unfortunatly not all are living up to their potentials.   The problem is that society is developing in a manner which cuts people off from their true nature, and in my opinion this is not an accident or a natural evolution, but rather a method of control by the ruling elite. 

(6)  I am not sure if this is true for everyone, but I partially agree that multiple lives on earth may not be neccessary- for every one individual.  I believe that if an individual does have the choice to reincarnate, which probably is true, it is done out of false belief rather than following one's inner self.  We share the experience of all the incarnations of our higher self, and as the higher self sends incarnations as needed for optimal growth and experience, it seems unneccessary.
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