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My problem with reincarnation and karma (Read 37973 times)
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Re: My problem with reincarnation and karma
Reply #60 - Oct 27th, 2009 at 7:42pm
Out of Body Dude, take a look at the name Recoverer. What does that say?

Imagine someone who nearly drank himself to death. Well, he joins AA and really wants to live. This person is not really going to be very happy about walking down the aisle of a liquor store. All the red flags are going up, all the warning bells are sounding. For him.

I think it's better, at least for my own part, to let the 'recoverer' go look at some magazines or something else, and maybe he doesn't even want to come to the party.

That's okay, someday he may enjoy a party again. Some people might think he has a problem. Well, that's okay. He has to live his own life.

I completely understand why you lose patience at times. I find this Bashar fellow interesting. But that's me.
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I Am Dude
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Re: My problem with reincarnation and karma
Reply #61 - Oct 27th, 2009 at 7:58pm

You bringing up some questionable things that Bashar says is fine.  I knew far before you said anything that Bashar isn't 100% accurate in what he says- no single source of information is.  However, to claim that his goal is to mislead people is a biased and uneducated opinion which serves noone.  It cuts you off from the possible experience of gaining knowledge and perspective you did not have before through Bashar's material, and it dissuades others from doing the same.  If you witnessed any of his sessions you would have a better understanding of what he is about, but your bias of channelled sources will probably prevent this anyway, so I suppose it is a waisted effort. 

You are mistaken if you believe you can change people's beliefs by trying to prove that a source they benefit from is false- for even if you can prove to them that some of the things the source in question says are false, the fact remains that that individual still benefited from whatever perspective that source offered them.  THIS is what's important.  Just like the book Convos with God.  If the book helps the reader to live a better, happier, more fulfilled life, as it has with many, many readers, then obviously that book is what that individual needed at that time- and if it serves as a positive influence and encourages that individual to grow, then THAT is what's important.  And if some things they picked up while reading are false, this will also be revealed when that individual is ready. 

Name one person you have helped by attempting to disprove a source they trusted in.
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Re: My problem with reincarnation and karma
Reply #62 - Oct 27th, 2009 at 8:15pm
Actually B2, when I joined another forum the need to quickly choose a name came up, and because I had recently overcome back and neck pain through psychological and spiritual means, I choose the name Recoverer.

I have never been an alcoholic, but I used to belong to a cult.  It was led by a guru who seemed quite sincere and was good at pontificating supposed higher truth. I have no regrets about being a member of his group, because it taught me the importance of using discrimination when considering sources of information that claim to represent higher knowledge in some way.

Discrimination can be a hard thing to gain, partly because people judge what another person will do when dealing with spiritual matters, according to what they will do. It takes time to realize that there are a lot of people who can read a bunch of books and then use the book based knowledge to mislead other people.

If you have a planet with over 6 billion people, then only a "very" small percentage of these people need to be dishonest enough to become fake gurus and channelers, in order for a large number of them to exist.

If you prefer to learn the hard way and have a fake channeler or guru mislead you for a while that is your choice. I speak only for people who are interested in avoiding the pitfalls of being involved with new ageism as it exists. It is a money factory for unethical people.
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Re: My problem with reincarnation and karma
Reply #63 - Oct 27th, 2009 at 8:26pm
Yeah, you're right, Recoverer. Orange soda is sometimes not good for you. But sometimes it is.
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Re: My problem with reincarnation and karma
Reply #64 - Oct 27th, 2009 at 10:09pm
Beau wrote on Oct 27th, 2009 at 9:31am:
I think that perhaps the people who are looking at the karma of others are missing the point. That's like Christians who look at the sins of others and judge them based on what they perceive.

Hi Beau: The reason reincarnation is important and why we do encounter it during the TMI programs is because eventually you must gather all of your phantoms and release them. Monroe over the course of three books with a lot of time between released three aspects of himself connected with being speared in the back... Moen cured himself of sardo (sp)sis or something like that by contacting his phantom in a lifetime in which he was severely wounded in war and took a long time to die, that phantom who still did not know he was dead and needed to be released and it was...Moen is cured of that condition... but, we all have these phantoms and they must eventually be confronted and dealt with...

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Re: My problem with reincarnation and karma
Reply #65 - Oct 27th, 2009 at 11:32pm
“There is no book so bad,” said the bachelor, “but something good may be found in it.” 28
          Don Quixote. Part ii. Chap. iii.

Not sure that I believe that, but perhaps we can apply that saying to some New Age bogus channeled sources as well? I went through the Bashar site, and it has certain pseudo-wisdom in it, but ranks right up there with the same trite sayings as are found in  a mixture of: Ramtha, Seth,  Elias, The Secret, and other common New Age sources.  And hey, you can get your own private reading at anytime (for a price).  We won't even talk about the "Santa Spirit."

Followers of Seth and Elias (who some claim to continue the Seth material), often follow thousands of hours of channeled material, and many are extremely fluent in it and can cite chapter and verse on virtually any topic.  I respect that degree of study, but I find it hard sometimes to carry on conversations about the nature of reality when I am quoted to about a so called channeled source, rather than actually discussing the topic at hand.

If your thoughts create your reality - explore it  - I have and was convinced of the truth behind this expression - though in a way that is not magical but a bit more subtle, by changing probabilities in the physical world. 

Yes, explore for yourself, as Bruce advises, don't rely on channeled sources or get snookered into following someone else's message, without personally validating it for yourself.

After much investigation into various philosophies, many seekers get tired of the rhetoric and want to move on to the direct spiritual experience.  This can only come from personal exploration and patience.  Unfortunately, this is not accomplished by buying the latest CD from the psychic channeler "du jour."

Dude - no one will begrudge you the right to follow sources like Bashar, but if you think Albert is speaking out against this channeled source for any reason other than what he perceives to be helping others, then you are mistaken.  You ask "how does it help others to speak out this way?" Hmmm.....I wonder, one could equally ask "why should we retrieve deceased humans from stuck focus levels such as focus 23, 24-26?"  If anyone's views are equally valid, why be concerned at all about helping anybody? My answer;  love.  Love is the reason we help each other.  The reason we pick each other up when we fall.  It is the reason we don't usually sit idly by when someone is following a dark path, although we could.

This is a feeling I get from many channeled sources.  The lack of love for others, and the lack of emphasis of love as the driving force for everything.  It is more a personal indulgence - a feel good message saying you can do anything, you can experience ecstasy, make your reality, without factoring love or love of others into the equation.  That is an important sniff test for me when evaluating any source of information.

Albert, no matter what else has been said here, I understand where you are coming from.  From my point of view, you help many people on this board.

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Re: My problem with reincarnation and karma
Reply #66 - Oct 28th, 2009 at 10:25am
Hi Albert-

I totally agree with Matthew, you do help people and your motives are sincere.

Unlike, I might add, so many of these "gurus" who take advantage of gullible people with their bizarre beliefs.

It would be interesting if someone were to do a serious study of these characters and do a side by side analysis of what they say.

The results, based on what I've already analyzed with some of them (Seth vs Elias), would no doubt show that they contradict each other all over the place.  These so-called enlightened, highly advanced entities can't even agree on the most basic of things (other than how easily they can bamboozle their readers).

Regarding Walsch, he's already admitted to plaigarism.  What he did with his Conversations books was to simply reformulate what he read in ACIM and pretended it came directly from God.

What's amazing is that people actually believe him.

P.T. Barnum was right.

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Re: My problem with reincarnation and karma
Reply #67 - Oct 28th, 2009 at 1:10pm
Thank you Matthew and Roger.

I find myself in quite the quandary when I post as I do at times, because on the one hand I don't want to be disrespectful towards others, and on the other hand I find it hard to just sit on my hands and be mum while the fraudulent gurus and channelers of in this World have their field day with well meaning people who have yet to develop the discrimination to see when somebody is conning them.

Dude is partly correct when he says some people obtain benefit from fraudulent sources and they move on when they want something  better. However,  because I know a number of people who have been mislead by fraudulent sources for much or all of their life, I don't believe the matter is as simple as Dude states.

Consider what J.Z. Knight (Ramtha) once did. She told her followers don't go to the light, go to the darkness. Some of her followers became very upset when they heard this. Because of where she was positioned as she spoke, she couldn't see that they had become upset (Ramtha certainly didn't tell her). She was informed about their upsettness during a break. So what did she do? She decided to use fear to regain control. She came up with this alien/reptilian thing. When the break was over she told her followers to not go to the light when they die, because reptilians use the light to trick people and strip memories from their soul. As a result, a soul will have to return to this World and reincarnate.

If a person dies while believing in J.Z. Knight's nonsense,  and looks for the darkness instead of the light, a retrievel might be needed.

Regarding Walsch, how much lack of character does it take to tell people you channel God when you don't? It is disrespectful to God, and it is disrespectful to the  people you mislead. It is downright arrogant for a person to assume that it is okay for he or she to share his or her ideas with other people as if they come from God or some other high level being, when they don't.

I watched some Bashar videos on Youtube last night and I can't say I was impressed.

As I mentioned before, is grace and genuine guidance so lacking that we have to rely on fraudulent sources of information that mislead people to varying extents? Is a honest person with integrity more likely to find wisdom within his or her self, or from a person who lacks such qualities and misleads others.
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I Am Dude
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Re: My problem with reincarnation and karma
Reply #68 - Oct 28th, 2009 at 1:55pm
It's true, no one should rely on any one source for all the answers- except, of course, the Inner Self.  Of course, it is also sometimes a tricky situation when receiving guidance from one's Inner Self, for everything is filtered through one's belief systems, and if one holds limiting beliefs, it is difficult for even the Higher Self to penetrate through- which is why many people remain unaware of the higher aspects of their being. 

One thing that strikes me as real with channels such as Seth and Bashar is that they constantly stress that one finds the answers for themselves by exploring the higher realms of their own consciousness.  I benefit from these sources by taking in what resonates with me and leaving out the rest- in other words, discrimination.  Rather than judging the source as genuine or phoney based on preconceived beliefs, I simply see what they have to say, and if I like what I hear, if it arrises excitement within me, if it helps me to broaden my perspectives, if it encourages me to grow, then that is obviously a positive thing.  If I come across something that does not seem accurate then I simply pass it by.  An open mind is key to growth.

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But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.
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Re: My problem with reincarnation and karma
Reply #69 - Oct 28th, 2009 at 2:01pm

"Gurus" have a long and sordid history. Thing is, just like unscrupulous internet scammers, they will always be with us. 

Here are just a few examples from

Ramakrishna was a homoerotic pedophile.

His chief disciple, Vivekananda, visited brothels in India.

Krishnamurti carried on an affair for over twenty years with the wife of a good friend. Chögyam Trungpa drank himself into an early grave. One of Adi Da's nine "wives" was a former Playboy centerfold. Bhagwan Rajneesh sniffed laughing gas to get high. Andrew Cohen, guru and publisher of What Is Enlightenment? magazine, by his own reported admission sometimes feels "like a god."

These are typical of the "wizened sages" to whom otherwise-sensible people give their devotion and unquestioning obedience, surrendering their independence, willpower, and life's savings in the hope of realizing for themselves the same "enlightenment" as they ascribe to the "perfect, God-realized" master.

But just as Bruce says, belief systems are almost impossible to change.  If a person is convinced that somebody named Lobsang Rampa is an enlightened master, regardless of how much evidence there is showing that he's a shameless fraud, there's not much you or I can do about it.

Maybe the best course is for you to continue to post your own experiences and let them speak for themselves.  A lot of the guru groupies are frankly young and immature persons and logic doesn't have much sway.

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Re: My problem with reincarnation and karma
Reply #70 - Oct 28th, 2009 at 2:22pm
rondele wrote on Oct 28th, 2009 at 2:01pm:
But just as Bruce says, belief systems are almost impossible to change.  If a person is convinced that somebody named Lobsang Rampa is an enlightened master, regardless of how much evidence there is showing that he's a shameless fraud, there's not much you or I can do about it.


Hi All: Therein lies the key.... the belief system territories are broad and wide... they are loaded with every sort of practice... but, perversion is in the mind of the beholder... the path that Monroe and Moen have laid out... walks a very narrow line... if you've read and understood monroe and moen you have have the rosetta stone of mysticism and cosmology... but, YOU, have to do the work of freeing yourself from the illusion. Monroe said: the greatest illusion is that mankind has limitations... judge not that you be not judged... free yourself... others must find there own way... it's that simple.

Roll Eyes
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Re: My problem with reincarnation and karma
Reply #71 - Oct 28th, 2009 at 2:47pm
So, where do everyone's 'dead relatives' fit into all this. Where do all these previously 'living' folks come from that near death experiencers run into, folks that they've never even met? Why do they meet people who are no longer here? It seems to me that if it's all in our imagination then people would report meeting all kinds of people who are still alive, as if they were dreaming. It is tempting to think that perhaps all these experiences originate within the brain itself, from a brain which operates through more than one 'system'. But it just doesn't explain to me all knowledge that people come back from near death experiences carrying with them.
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Re: My problem with reincarnation and karma
Reply #72 - Oct 28th, 2009 at 2:54pm
Yes Rondelle, Ramakrishna did as you wrote, yet he claimed to be an Avatar, an incarnation of Rama and Krishna at the same time, hence his name.

Sai Baba also claimed to be an Avatar, a direct incarnation of God, yet he molested the male children of his disciples.

Robert Bruce claimed that Sai Baba materialized to him in white light. When the allegations came out that Sai Baba was a pedophile Bruce said they were false. Eventually things reached the point where Bruce had to conceed that the allegations are true. He defended Sai Baba's actions in about 5 ways. He said things such as the actions of Avatars are mysterious. He said the boys Sai Baba molested agreed to have sex with him.

Each defense is preposterous. When it comes to the boys Sai Baba molested, even if they were (they weren't) mentally and emotionally mature enough to decide whether or not they want to have sex with a narcissistic guru who claimed to be God, Sai Baba idn't give them the chance to decide, because as soon as they would enter his room he would start molesting them.

Perhaps Robert Bruce backed himself into a corner when he claimed that Sai Baba materialized to him within white light, and in order to defend his story, he defended Sai Baba's actions.

The things you said about the other gurus including the hoax of T. Lopsang Rampa are accurate.

P.S. Adi Da also claimed to be an Avatar. Back in the 80s he said in one of his books that all of the slugs of this World would someday follow him. He claimed that he was the World teacher. He claimed that there has never been a master as advanced as him, and there never will be again. He said that when he died he would be resurrected within a few days. This claim ended up being false. Robert Bruce recommends one of Adi Da's books at his site.

He also recommends one of Trungpa's books  on how to deal with one's ego. It is hard to imagine that a guru who died of alcoholism at such a young age, and had sexual affairs with followers, actually overcame his ego.

I  guess a person could deny what is said about some gurus, but they might end up in the same quandary Robert Bruce ended up in when he spoke of Sai Baba.

I don't understand how a person can be considered a manifestation of love and wisdom, if his or actions aren't reflective of such qualities.
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Re: My problem with reincarnation and karma
Reply #73 - Oct 28th, 2009 at 3:07pm
Dude said: Rather than judging the source as genuine or phoney based on preconceived beliefs, I simply see what they have to say, and if I like what I hear, if it arrises excitement within me, if it helps me to broaden my perspectives, if it encourages me to grow, then that is obviously a positive thing.

Recoverer responds: Certainly we can discriminate things in a manner that goes beyond playing around with preconceived ideas.

I gave some channeled sources a shot, until I found that they were lacking.

One of the reasons people don't question the false gurus they follow is because they take the stance, "How could little old unenlightened me determine if this person is enlightened?" I believe it is a big mistake when they take on such a self-defeating approach. WE CAN discern if a source of information is valid if we allow ourselves to do so.
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Re: My problem with reincarnation and karma
Reply #74 - Oct 28th, 2009 at 3:27pm
rondele wrote on Oct 28th, 2009 at 2:01pm:
[b]Ramakrishna was a homoerotic pedophile.


Hi All: Ramakrishna never had physical sex with anyone. You can’t prove he did beyond a reasonable doubt and absolute certainty. I can’t prove he didn’t to a moral certainty. But, as a student of his writings I know he claims not to have had even a “wet dream” which is natural for male humans at specific developmental times. He married by custom but never consummated the marriage. He was in my opinion a high level avatar in the Hindu/yogic belief system, probably operating in what TMI would deem levels at or above focus 34 and 37 (when I am skilled enough to verify directly this premise I will report it here). Some of you are displaying an appalling lack of information about cultures. In the India of that time and place what you call pedohilia was not a taboo… to an Indian that was just part of their way of life. Those of you who are screaming and yelling about other practices are doing so from your own rigid belief system restraints, imposing your personal values or hang ups on the Indian world. What their practices are today I do not know.  Men in the Muslim world walk about holding hands which is appalling to westerners. Those of you who are jumping out of your skin over these cultural variations without looking into the cultural norms of those societies are displaying an amazing level of intolerance and ignorance, that is rising to the level of obscene. But that is just my opinion. When in Rome do as the Romans do… if these Indian mystics come to America and practice pedophilia I wholeheartedly endorse prosecution to the full extent of the law. Here it is illegal. But in their own countries it is the business of that society and that society alone.
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