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What are Spiritual Mediums REALLY connecting to? (Read 13092 times)
Claudio Pisani
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Re: What are Spiritual Mediums REALLY connecting to?
Reply #15 - Sep 26th, 2009 at 7:26am
Hi, all.
This is the old question about the "Super-PSI". In a nutshell, do Mediums contact Spirits, or do they "suck" memories from a Cosmic Library where each thought of billions of humans are stored like in a hard disk? I think that both explanations sound good. In a recent post, one of my readers wrote about her experiences with a talented italian Medium and with a bereaved mother who contacts the deceased by the means of her tape recorder (EVP's). The EVP was very clear: "Please greet Ivan's mother". Here deceased son Gaetano hadn't friends with this name, nor her relatives and friends, so she was very puzzled until, in the evening, she met another bereaved mother (they were at a congress). This lady, talking about our usual topics on the Afterlife, showed her a picture of her deceased son...guess his name?  IVAN!
Now, how can we think that this piece of info has been "sucked" from the Akashic Records? Could your HD store an info about a future occurence (in this case the casual meeting between the ladies?)
More. This same person, got a message from another Medium who told her many true details about her son, telling even the name of his best friend and even his job. The Medium frankly admitted that these news hadn't came from her son, but from her (medium's) Guide in spirit, because her son was still "sleeping". This second set of informations seems to be a good one taken from the Ak. Records, because it doesn't forecast anything.
What's your thoughts? Wink
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Love,Light & Serenity!&&Claudio
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Re: What are Spiritual Mediums REALLY connecting to?
Reply #16 - Sep 26th, 2009 at 3:06pm
Thanks Claudio,

The discomfort of data that don't fit our perspective generally robs our spirituality quest of honest openness.  For example, posters here seek out NDEs in which the Being of Light is construed as the Higher Self in keeping with New Age preconceptions.  So what we need is unique data that force us to confront the complexity of the mysteries of afterlife contact.  Examples like yours are antidotes to a naive New Age fundamentalism.  Thank you!

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Re: What are Spiritual Mediums REALLY connecting to?
Reply #17 - Sep 27th, 2009 at 2:08am
Bruce Moen wrote on Sep 22nd, 2009 at 11:16pm:
Berserk2 wrote on Sep 22nd, 2009 at 9:16pm:
Consider 2 ways skeptics discredit psychically gifted mediums.  (1) Channeling is discredited by cases in which the medium channels a loved one with accurate details that she would have no way of knowing when in fact this loved one is not dead at all and the channeling session is a charade.

(2) Psychologists can invent a fictitious personality, meditate on it, and then go to a medium to contact it.  In two famous cases, the medium channeled the fictitious personality as if it were real and recently deceased!  The mediums even provided accurate details of this "personality's" life, but were humiliated when the bogus nature of their channeling was brutally exposed. 

Cases like (1) and (2) place the burden of proof on the believer in channeling to show cause why alleged verifiable channeling should be construed as genuine contact with their deceased loved one.  Of course, one can claim that such cases are exceptions that do not apply to all cases.  But in my view, there is no credible reason to rationalize counter-cases in this way. 


Hi Don,

I mean no disrespect I just want to point to other possible explanations.

For #1 above:
I have run into this one myself.  I once attempted to retrieve an old high school buddy, thinking he was dead, after unexpectedly encountering him while I exploring some nonphysical area of consciousness.  It happens occassional but I don't understand how this fact "discredits" contact with the deceased.  All it does that I can see is to show that contact with the physically living is just as possible as contact with the deceased.  It may be that it is difficult to tell the dead ones from the live ones within a nonphysical perspective.  From my own experience it can be difficult to tell whether or not the person alive or deceased.

There are reports by those skilled in OBE describing observing physically alive people while the observer is in the OBE state.  Sometimes the observed activity of the alive person is later verified.  They also report observing deceased people while in the OBE state with details from the contact later verified.  So, does this "discredit" validated observation by OBE'ers, or suggest that perhaps both types of observation are possible?

Without looking at the "bigger picture" of one consciousness observing a second consciousness within a nonphysical perspective I can see how a skeptic could arrive at the conclusion you suggest.  But that may imply more about the skeptic's level of experience and understanding of nonphysical interaction between beings than about the "facts" of consciousness interaction.

For #2 above.
Several years ago a series of posts described something that, if it is true, may offer an alternate explanation for the "bogus" channelings.  A science fiction write posting on Rober Bruce's website explained that before writing his books he first, mentally created a very detailed science fiction "world" in which his story would take place.  An OBE'er posted back volunteering to try to find the writer's sci-fi world in an OBE state.  Several posts followed in which the writer was surprised at the level of detail the OBE'er gave to accurately describe the writer's bogus world.  It may be that "mentally creating" something actually creates it within a nonphysical area of consciousness.

A second example:
About 8 years ago my friend Rosalie and I created something call a "Meeting Place" for the purposes of teaching  my Partnered Exploration workshop.  We did this by actively imagining the place and tons of little details within and around it with the intention of creating a place workshop participants would later explore. 

To this day participants are able to imagine going to this Meeting Place and then accurately describe details Rosalie and I created.  Participants also routinely encounter each other while exploring this Meeting Place and accurrately describe their mutual activities.

My point is that it appears that when someone actively imagines a place, or a fictitious person, that person is creating the place or person within consciousness and these creations have a verifiable existence in the sense that these creations can be located and accurately described.

Again, I can understand how a skeptic could interpret contact with a bogus person as discrediting the medium, that is often the skeptic's goal.  But, again, this may say more about the skeptics level of understanding of the nature of consciousness than any discrediting of the medium. 

And I wonder, Don, how does the skeptic who created the fictitious person explain away the fact that "the mediums even provided accurate details of this "personality's" life."

Well, just some food for thought.  I wouldn't say that anything I have experienced or describe here is proof of anything to anyone but me.  And I feel that is as it should be.

Don, I really appreciate your clear-minded way and your presence here.


HI Bruce! How about giving me some other persons testimonies about what you have explained above, including members of your inner website circle? Instead of just writing about it without any written evidence or quotes from others!? If you can "imagine", as you say often, a new meeting place in the afterlife,  then visualizing it into an afterlife fact, then agreeing with others who describe it! How do we know you are not just making it up(agreeing with others in their descriptions of your imagined or make-believe place)for future eventual monetary gain? How about "imagining" a new place in the afterlife, and telling Don about it, whom I honestly trust, then asking your inner circle group to describe it on your website? Or are you going to put this into your "too hard basket?" And bar me and delete this post!? Sincerely. Carl & Family.
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Re: What are Spiritual Mediums REALLY connecting to?
Reply #18 - Sep 27th, 2009 at 2:21am
Somewhat related, Carl,
is my husband's recent vivid dream.  He does not read Afterlife material and we've talked about very few posts here. So I was surprised the other morning when he described a dream scene where he met with another couple, with me off to the side abit, and they talked at an outdoor cafe in front of broad lawns. The building behind them was buff-colored stone  and stucco, a material rarely used around our area.

To me it seemed as though he had found the Reception Center in the AL.  If so, did we OB there together, was he reading my mind, or pulling the information from the cosmic cosnsciousness?

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: What are Spiritual Mediums REALLY connecting to?
Reply #19 - Sep 27th, 2009 at 10:18am
Berserk2 wrote on Sep 26th, 2009 at 3:06pm:
The discomfort of data that don't fit our perspective generally robs our spirituality quest of honest openness.  For example, posters here seek out NDEs in which the Being of Light is construed as the Higher Self in keeping with New Age preconceptions.  So what we need is unique data that force us to confront the complexity of the mysteries of afterlife contact. 

Don, who do you thing the being of light is? I think it could be Christ or maybe it is a greater part of me. I would like to know what you think it is. Thanks.

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Re: What are Spiritual Mediums REALLY connecting to?
Reply #20 - Sep 27th, 2009 at 11:25am
The really funny thing about all this is technically I had a medium tell me some very dead on facts about the dead person and me, things that could have been guesses but the odds of making those guesses with NO WRONG answers is amazing.

Then she says that the deceased says "they are beautiful." This is definitely not coming from me because I really don't care about looks at all. Obviously the dead person cared how she looked because in life she was stuck in a wheel chair and was very big.

Still, my mind cannot accept this as proof. Cannot except this as absolute proof of an afterlife. It's great being an intelligent questioning / thinking / reasoning human being! Hooray! I think I'll go have another panic attack. My blood drained from my body. Corpse rotting away. Blackness. The end of everything... the end of me.
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Re: What are Spiritual Mediums REALLY connecting to?
Reply #21 - Sep 28th, 2009 at 4:20pm
Don, who do you thing the being of light is? I think it could be Christ or maybe it is a greater part of me. I would like to know what you think it is. Thanks".
Good question, Smidee.  It is important to note that not everyone experiences the Being of Light as an overwhelmingly loving divine being.  Spirit beings routinely manifest as light beings, especially when they see no need to assume human shape.  The being of light can be artificially created through skilled electro-stimulation of the brain by medical researchers.  So at its most basic level, it may just be a human archetype.  But for some, the Being of Light is brighter than the sun, though it does not hurt the "spirit eyes."  In its brightest manifestations, it usually does not identify itself; rather, it entices a projected identity from the NDEr that often reflects that person's needs and preconceptions.  So the Being of Light can be different discarnate humans, an angelic presence, or God [Christ] Himself.  Who we attract depends on our level of spiritual growth and the bias of our belief system. 

Jesus often seems to be an exception.  He routinely makes His identity as Jesus clear, even to atheists-- amd sometimes, unexpectedly to Jews and Muslims.  Does He often appear to non-Christians and merely conceal His identity to avoid shocking their belief system?  I think so; but this possibility remains an open question.

I think posters often make the same mistake about the Being of Light that they do about astral park experiences.  One must not infer a location in Paradise or Focus 27 simply on the grounds that one experiences a pretty park.  Parks or gardens are archtypal and, as such, may well be a standard initial locale for many spirit planes, including hollow heavens.  One does not simply drop out of the astral sky and crash flat-butt into the "ground" of one's new astral home!   Cheesy


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Re: What are Spiritual Mediums REALLY connecting to?
Reply #22 - Sep 28th, 2009 at 6:14pm
Gogo, finally a few posts that make me want to check in from time to time on this site again - Don, Bruce, and now Terethian's great post all in one thread!

In response to Terethian's long post in the middle of this thread I'd say that Jesus makes the claim that if we seek after God hard enough we can find him.

[quote/] "So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. [/quote]

This is a testable claim.  I'd say test it.  Ask that God make it clear to you from something or someone that the afterlife exists.  The trick for you though is that it sounds to me like there might not be evidence that could do it for you, or that you've already had great evidence and seem to be not accepting it for some reason.  If you really want to do this, have an open mind and be willing to accept the evidence as it comes in (if it does), and earnestly pray for evidence of the afterlife.  It also may not work out to ask for things that are impossible (God please make me a square circle) or ask for things that are very specific (please make an elephant invade my apartment and pick me up with its trunk).  Just earnestly ask & pray, and be open to what happens.  If God exists, and you are honestly asking, he will respond.  Also keep in mind your proof may work for you but not someone else; they may need their own evidence.

Edit; hmm - how do I change this in text to make that an actual quote?
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Re: What are Spiritual Mediums REALLY connecting to?
Reply #23 - Sep 28th, 2009 at 8:44pm

I like your style.  And I love these quotes from the New Testament (although I am not a Christian - they resonate truth in me).  They are taken by many spiritual people even some in the "New Age" movement, as sayings that prove that we can either be empowered through God and our own deep seated conviction/belief, or we can believe in nothing and feel that we are adrift in an ocean in the midst of a torrential storm, where we have no way to control our fate. 

I've often thought that to explore the "ask and ye shall receive" axiom, one can try experimenting at night in that twilight state just prior to sleep.  If, while completely relaxed, you give yourself a simple suggestion, be it a time to wake up the next morning, or the answer to a problem that has been vexing you - if whatever your issue is, you apply it with the intent and follow through (the "see it as being done" or solved already as some christian healing groups do),  you will often see results in manifest in the real world.  Often, giving thanks, and cultivating a feeling of grace, and asking that things be done in the best interest of all involved help one apply intent.  Admittedly, this technique can work during the daytime too, but only when relaxed and resolute.

This type of exercise, in my opinion shows several things.  First, that we have a connection to something greater than ourselves (i.e. God and the universal mind).  Second, that we are more than our physical bodies, for physiology alone does not explain how applying human intent could achieve anything.  Third, if we can create our own reality in the physical plane, might we be able to do it more easily in the afterlife or mental planes?

It is through such experiences that I've experienced the most stunning responses personally to date, apart from dreams, lucid dreams and a few paranormal experiences.

Good discussion,

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Re: What are Spiritual Mediums REALLY connecting to?
Reply #24 - Sep 29th, 2009 at 7:22am
I think my primary issue with finding proof is I am quite familiar with human nature.....

Finding a pattern, an image in the blobs of ink. We see what we want to see. We expect the image to exist because then the picture makes sense.

But that is just us fooling ourselves...
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Re: What are Spiritual Mediums REALLY connecting to?
Reply #25 - Sep 29th, 2009 at 12:29pm
Thank you for infos Don. I remeber when I was sleeping one time I saw a light that was way off a long ways but I could feel it sending out PUL and when I felt it I wanted to go to it, but then just felt me waking up. It was a very bright light and like you said and it didn't hurt to see it.  I don't know what it was but maybe Christ or an angel. It felt like it was somethin good because of it sending the PUL.
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Re: What are Spiritual Mediums REALLY connecting to?
Reply #26 - Sep 29th, 2009 at 4:07pm
In regards to Terethian's latest post about human nature finding patterns where one is expected -
  I agree, people make meaning from their experiences, and that meaning can be positive or negative.  Two people can see the same event and one can call it a miracle and one can call it good fortune.  In fact Jesus addressed this on different levels as well.  In one passage he said

[/quote] "The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness! [\quote]

So perception does play a big role in our internal reality, or rather maybe our internal reality affects our perception of life a great deal.

  However, the bigger issue is whether there is not objective truth and reality outside of our own subjective observation / intuition / knowledge of that reality.  The surest way we can do this is through using principles of science and logic.  And using principles of science and logic lend a lot of rational people to believe in the afterlife and God.  Here are some objective reasons:
1.  The creation of the universe.  This event began all of matter, time, space and energy.  We know that:
A.  All things that begin to exist have a cause
B.  The universe began to exist
C.  Therefore the universe had a beginning and a cause.

So there was something that was beyond all matter, time, space and energy that actually caused all of these things.  This does not imply monotheism, or even Christianity necessarily, but does imply something that is beyond all matter, time, space and energy that caused creation.  Something that is greater than those attributes.

I need to go but will add more later.
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Bruce Moen
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Re: What are Spiritual Mediums REALLY connecting to?
Reply #27 - Sep 30th, 2009 at 6:18am
Hi Carl,

carl wrote on Sep 27th, 2009 at 2:08am:
HI Bruce!
How about giving me some other persons testimonies about what you have explained above, including members of your inner website circle? Instead of just writing about it without any written evidence or quotes from others!?       

In my view no amount of any other person's testimonies or evidence, mine or anyone elses, can possibly prove that I, or they, have actually experienced anything that existes beyond physical reality.  No matter whether it is written, tape recorded, delivered in a face to face contact, delivered with a hand on a stack of Bibles, or in a court of law.  There will ALWAYS be room for doubt on the part of someone who has not directly experience these things.

To some that may seem to be a cop out, but after years and years of exploring beyond physical reality I find it to be true.  No amount of other people's evidence can be completely convincing.  Even after a person begins to have these experiences it is typically difficult to accept ones own experiences as anything other than some sort of self-deceptive hoax.  It took me years of having these kinds of experiences before I could begin to believe I wasn't just making them up.  I had to find ways to prove it to myself beyond my own doubts.  What I finally came up with was what I call the Basic Premise:

1.  Find a way to make contact and communicate and communicate with person who is known to be deceased.

2.  Gather information from this person you have absolutely no way of knowing except by this contact and communication.

3.  Seek to verify within physical reality that this informations is accurate and real.

4.  If you can verify the information you still  haven't "proven" anything, but you have gathered evidence that this deceased person still exists, somewhere beyond physical reality.

As you can see in posts by others in this thread there are possible alternate explanations to cause dismissal of evidence gathered using my approach.  In my case eventually the weight of all the evidence, and its internal consistency within a much larger perspective crushed my doubts.  But I tell everyone in every workshop I give to not believe a single word I say, rather, gather your own evidence through your own direct experience, and then come to your own conclusions.

Nothing anyone says can or should be cause for you to change your beliefs, only your own direct experience can or should be cause for you to consider changing your beliefs.

carl wrote on Sep 27th, 2009 at 2:08am:
If you can "imagine", as you say often, a new meeting place in the afterlife,  then visualizing it into an afterlife fact, then agreeing with others who describe it! 

There are two ways this is done in the Partnered Exploring workshops.  First, the descriptions of the details Rosalie and I created have been written in the teaching outline I use for years.  Those who have attended the workshop more than once would tell you that the descriptions I give don't change from one workshop to the next.  Second, there are often real-time events, during the exercises in which we are exploring the Meeting Place, that are verified after the exercises.  There are two basic types of these events that often occur during the exercises: interactions between participants; interactions between myself and participants.

Participants routinely encounter each other, nonphysically, during the exercises and routinely verify whatever mutal experience they had together. 

Sometimes during an exercise I will attempt to interact with individuals or groups, nonphysically, in a way that might be remembered by them after the exercise and serve to verify their experience of the encounter.  Here's an example from a workshop in Tokyo.

There were about seven groups of participants with five to seven people in each group.  I was guiding an exercise to explore the Meeting Place (through a translator) when suddenly realized that I was nonphyically standing with one of the groups.  It was a group of five or six women.  I decided to try to interact with this group with the intent that they would be aware of my presence in their group and remember the interaction after the exercise.  They were standing together, talking (nonphysically) to each other.  I moved  (nonphysically) to the center of their group and began talking loudly to them (nonphysically) to try to get their attention.  That ploy worked and so I began saying and doing things that I hoped they might remember later.  As I was doing this I happened to look off to my left  (nonphysically) and saw another of the groups in the workshop, and saw that I was also standing  (nonphysically) in the middle of that group, talking to them at the same time.  This came as a bit of a surprise to me, but it isn't the first time I have found myself in two different places at the same time.  Thinking this was a perfect opportunity to give the ladies in the group I was standing in something to remember after the exercise, I made exggerated movements with my hands to get the ladies to focus on them.  Then with an exaggerated sweep of my hands I pointed at the other me standing with the other group, hoping they would look at what I was pointing to.  When I did this I was in for another surprise as I realized that the me in the other group had done the same thing and that me was pointing back at the me standing with the ladies.  And then as I looked around I was in for another surprise.  I saw all the other groups (remember, all of this is happening nonphysically) and saw that there was another me standing in each group point a finger at one of the other me's in another group.  I hope that description wasn't too confusing.

After the exercise, when I shared this experience with the whole group, one man, named Ken, suddenly looked very shocked.  He then shared with the entire workshop group that he had witnessed it all just as I had described, but, he had seen me in all the groups before I had seen myself in the second group.  Kn experienced a quite strong belief system crash as a result of his experience.  Coincidently (?).  Ken was in the second group.  Ken also supplied, in his debriefing, details of the Meeting Place that to me indicated that he had been there and observed the place.

BTW, Ken recently informed me that he has written a manuscript for a book, in Japanese of course, and is working toward getting it published.

carl wrote on Sep 27th, 2009 at 2:08am:
How do we know you are not just making it up(agreeing with others in their descriptions of your imagined or make-believe place) for future eventual monetary gain?

Carl, the Afterlife Knowledge Guidebook contains every concept, technique and exercise I have ever taught in the Exploring the Afterlife workshop.  everything you need to begin learning how to have these experiences is contained in that book.  There are written scripts for all twenty-six exercises so that readers can make their own exercise tapes or CDs instead of buying the set I recorded in my own voice.  When someone buys a copy of that book in a bookstore my "monetary gain?" is approximately 85 cents.  If I am doing this only for the money it is a really inefficient, stupid way on my part to try to swindle people out of their money for my own "monetary gain" don't you think" 

carl wrote on Sep 27th, 2009 at 2:08am:
How about "imagining" a new place in the afterlife, and telling Don about it, whom I honestly trust, then asking your inner circle group to describe it on your website? Or are you going to put this into your "too hard basket?"

Carl, I don't have any "inner circle group."  And if you expect that doing this would actually prove anything to you, in my opinion, it is not something for the "too hard basket" it goes into the "impossible to do basket."  If it is someone else's experience there wll ALWAYS be some room for you to doubt it, distrust it, and dismiss it.  In my opinion to prove it to yourself is only possible through your own direct experience.

Carl, are you going to put this task into "your too hard basket?" "

carl wrote on Sep 27th, 2009 at 2:08am:
And bar me and delete this post!?   

Carl, the only people (and there are very few of them) who are ever banned from this site are those who, after being warned via email, repeatedly, flaggantly violate the Posting Guidelines.  Disagreeing with me isn't listed there and quite frankly I expect  folks will disagree with me.  Proving the existence of anything that exists beyond physical reality to ones self (let alone to others) isn't an easy task.

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Bruce Moen
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Re: What are Spiritual Mediums REALLY connecting to?
Reply #28 - Sep 30th, 2009 at 6:36am

pratekya wrote on Sep 28th, 2009 at 6:14pm:
Edit; hmm - how do I change this in text to make that an actual quote?

To do this type the word  quote  within brackets like these  [ ]  and then your desire quotation, and then the word  /quote  inside those same kind of brackets.

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Re: What are Spiritual Mediums REALLY connecting to?
Reply #29 - Sep 30th, 2009 at 12:34pm
Related to what Bruce found, I agree that people have to have their own experience in order to get rid of their doubt. I've told people things for which I believed they would end up being convinced, then later on I'd be surprised to find that they weren't. It's puzzling, because if you knew me you wouldn't think I'm crazy or lying.

Even though verifications can be usefull, what really has an impact are experiences that don't include information that can be verified, but take place in a manner that is beyond what World based memories could lead to and in a manner that is certain while you have the experience.

I've also kept detailed notes and analyzed them very thoroughly, and after a while the dots connect quite well. Nevertheless, a portion of one's mind can be quite stubborn. It seems as if this portion of mind doesn't want to be convinced. When you finally get it to keep quiet, it is a relief.
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« Last Edit: Sep 30th, 2009 at 2:22pm by recoverer »  
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