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What are Spiritual Mediums REALLY connecting to? (Read 13075 times)
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What are Spiritual Mediums REALLY connecting to?
Sep 22nd, 2009 at 3:57pm
I have had an experience where a medium gave me two words that she could not possibly have guessed which means that information DID come from somewhere. The odds of this being just a lucky guess are really astronomical, at least to me.

That leaves a few possibilities. Not all of them pleasant.

1. Spiritual Mediums are special people that can SUCK thoughts and past memories out of the person they are talking to.

2. Spiritual Mediums are able to connect with the thoughts of the dead person. This does not mean the thoughts are "active" The thoughts that a person had through life may be always be available in existence and the right person can connect with those thoughts. The thoughts exist but are like a computer hard drive with no power. You can access them but they in fact are not capable of anything anymore.

3. Spiritual Mediums can connect with the consciousness of a dead person that has passed into another state of existence. (Hoping for this one of course.)
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Re: What are Spiritual Mediums REALLY connecting to?
Reply #1 - Sep 22nd, 2009 at 5:50pm
Well since I can connect to the dead...your third choice is the correct one...   or the men in the white coats should be on their way to get me.

Peace....Chantilly Chopper
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Re: What are Spiritual Mediums REALLY connecting to?
Reply #2 - Sep 22nd, 2009 at 9:16pm
Consider 2 ways skeptics discredit psychically gifted mediums.  (1) Channeling is discredited by cases in which the medium channels a loved one with accurate details that she would have no way of knowing when in fact this loved one is not dead at all and the channeling session is a charade. For example,
Dr. Sam Soal's brother died.  So Sam visited a famous medium, Blanche Cooper, in the hope of making contact. The seance was interrupted by "Gordon Davis," a former classmate of Sam's.  Sam had been told that Gordon was killed during World War I.  Gordon "proved" his identity with all sorts of accurate details about their life together in school.  Gordon even used jargon unique to his speaking style (e. g. "old chap," "confab)."  He lamented, "All I care about now is my wife and kiddie."  Sam later discovered that Gordon was alive after all and had been on a real estate business trip in London at the time of the seance.  The real Gordon knew nothing about this channeled communications!  You might ask, "Why isn't channeling discredited in this way more often?"  Answer: "How often are you told that a loved one is dead when in fact he [she] is alive?  Apparently, Blanche Cooper or her spirit control was able to exploit Sam's false belief in Gordon's death and then reconstruct his personality through clairvoyance! 

(2) Psychologists can invent a fictitious personality, meditate on it, and then go to a medium to contact it.  In two famous cases, the medium channeled the fictitious personality as if it were real and recently deceased!  The mediums even provided accurate details of this "personality's" life, but were humiliated when the bogus nature of their channeling was brutally exposed.  Cases like (1) and (2) place the burden of proof on the believer in channeling to show cause why alleged verifiable channeling should be construed as genuine contact with their deceased loved one.  Of course, one can claim that such cases are exceptions that do not apply to all cases.  But in my view, there is no credible reason to rationalize counter-cases in this way. 

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« Last Edit: Sep 22nd, 2009 at 10:20pm by Berserk2 »  
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Re: What are Spiritual Mediums REALLY connecting to?
Reply #3 - Sep 22nd, 2009 at 11:16pm
Berserk2 wrote on Sep 22nd, 2009 at 9:16pm:
Consider 2 ways skeptics discredit psychically gifted mediums.  (1) Channeling is discredited by cases in which the medium channels a loved one with accurate details that she would have no way of knowing when in fact this loved one is not dead at all and the channeling session is a charade.

(2) Psychologists can invent a fictitious personality, meditate on it, and then go to a medium to contact it.  In two famous cases, the medium channeled the fictitious personality as if it were real and recently deceased!  The mediums even provided accurate details of this "personality's" life, but were humiliated when the bogus nature of their channeling was brutally exposed. 

Cases like (1) and (2) place the burden of proof on the believer in channeling to show cause why alleged verifiable channeling should be construed as genuine contact with their deceased loved one.  Of course, one can claim that such cases are exceptions that do not apply to all cases.  But in my view, there is no credible reason to rationalize counter-cases in this way. 


Hi Don,

I mean no disrespect I just want to point to other possible explanations.

For #1 above:
I have run into this one myself.  I once attempted to retrieve an old high school buddy, thinking he was dead, after unexpectedly encountering him while I exploring some nonphysical area of consciousness.  It happens occassional but I don't understand how this fact "discredits" contact with the deceased.  All it does that I can see is to show that contact with the physically living is just as possible as contact with the deceased.  It may be that it is difficult to tell the dead ones from the live ones within a nonphysical perspective.  From my own experience it can be difficult to tell whether or not the person alive or deceased.

There are reports by those skilled in OBE describing observing physically alive people while the observer is in the OBE state.  Sometimes the observed activity of the alive person is later verified.  They also report observing deceased people while in the OBE state with details from the contact later verified.  So, does this "discredit" validated observation by OBE'ers, or suggest that perhaps both types of observation are possible?

Without looking at the "bigger picture" of one consciousness observing a second consciousness within a nonphysical perspective I can see how a skeptic could arrive at the conclusion you suggest.  But that may imply more about the skeptic's level of experience and understanding of nonphysical interaction between beings than about the "facts" of consciousness interaction.

For #2 above.
Several years ago a series of posts described something that, if it is true, may offer an alternate explanation for the "bogus" channelings.  A science fiction write posting on Rober Bruce's website explained that before writing his books he first, mentally created a very detailed science fiction "world" in which his story would take place.  An OBE'er posted back volunteering to try to find the writer's sci-fi world in an OBE state.  Several posts followed in which the writer was surprised at the level of detail the OBE'er gave to accurately describe the writer's bogus world.  It may be that "mentally creating" something actually creates it within a nonphysical area of consciousness.

A second example:
About 8 years ago my friend Rosalie and I created something call a "Meeting Place" for the purposes of teaching  my Partnered Exploration workshop.  We did this by actively imagining the place and tons of little details within and around it with the intention of creating a place workshop participants would later explore. 

To this day participants are able to imagine going to this Meeting Place and then accurately describe details Rosalie and I created.  Participants also routinely encounter each other while exploring this Meeting Place and accurrately describe their mutual activities.

My point is that it appears that when someone actively imagines a place, or a fictitious person, that person is creating the place or person within consciousness and these creations have a verifiable existence in the sense that these creations can be located and accurately described.

Again, I can understand how a skeptic could interpret contact with a bogus person as discrediting the medium, that is often the skeptic's goal.  But, again, this may say more about the skeptics level of understanding of the nature of consciousness than any discrediting of the medium. 

And I wonder, Don, how does the skeptic who created the fictitious person explain away the fact that "the mediums even provided accurate details of this "personality's" life."

Well, just some food for thought.  I wouldn't say that anything I have experienced or describe here is proof of anything to anyone but me.  And I feel that is as it should be.

Don, I really appreciate your clear-minded way and your presence here.

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Re: What are Spiritual Mediums REALLY connecting to?
Reply #4 - Sep 23rd, 2009 at 12:29am

Thanks for the case histories.  Let's consider the possibility that the medium contacted some level of Gordon's mind and did not gather information about Gordon via ESP from Sam's mind.  This possibility must be considered because occasionally the medium gains psychic information about a drop-in communicator unknown to both sittler and medium alike.  For example, an Icelandic medium channeled an unknown drop-in communicator who drowned in a drunken stupor and his bones later washed ashore.  A builder found these bones and hid them in the walls of a house he was building.  The dead man then came through the medium and demanded that his bones be retrieved from the walls and given a respectful burial. 

I can think of 3 alternative explanations here: (1) The medium actually was unexpectedly contacted by the deceased drowning victim.  (2) The medium psychically drew the information from the still living absent builder's mind.  (3) The medium psychically gleaned the information from the Akashic records or collective unconscious.  In cases (2) and (3), the medium would not be contacting the still living mind of the deceased.  But then how do we explain why information about this drowning victim intruded into the seance when no one present was thinking of him?  In this case, claims of spirit impersonation, though possible, seem like special pleading. 

In the Gordon Davis case, the medium might have made contact with Gordon's mind without the latter's awareness.  If so, then channeled contacts with the dead might glean information from the mind of the dead without their awareness, so that there is no genuine conversation back and forth.  But this interpretation strikes me as implausible for 3 reasons:  (1) No one present at the session was even thinking about Gordon at the time; rather, he was an unexpected drop-in communicator.  (2) I doubt this drop-in communication would have occurred unless Sam believed Davis was dead.  If so, then the medium surely derived her information psychically from Sam's mind, not Gordon's.  (3) Particularly problematic for the channeling theory is the fact that the accurate details channeled were presented with the clear implication that Gordon knew himself to be dead.  For these reasons, I think the medium was deriving her information from Sam's mind, not Gordon's.  The psychodynamics operating here should serve as a warning to those who construe verifiable details as evidence of genuine contact with a deceased loved one who is a knowing participant in that contact.

Similarly, in the case of duped mediums channeling a fictional personality, what is troubling is that this personality is likewise channeled as if it knows itself to be dead.  I don't agree with skeptics that this PROVES all channeling is bogus.  I just object to the glib assumption that verifiable details are most rationally contrued as genuine contact with a deceased spirit.

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Re: What are Spiritual Mediums REALLY connecting to?
Reply #5 - Sep 23rd, 2009 at 10:07am

Terethian, this post was only a couple of months ago.

What has changed? You were very sure. You sounded very happy about it. It makes me wonder, what has changed, and why do you view this experience differently, so much so that you question it here. Not that I criticize you at all, for taking a new approach. I just continue to wonder, what has changed?
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Re: What are Spiritual Mediums REALLY connecting to?
Reply #6 - Sep 23rd, 2009 at 10:41am

If the collective consciousness is accessible and well organized, then it certainly answers all the situations that Don, Bruce, and Terethian have described. I believe it does so at some higher level, but that we can also contact individuals who are still in the astral.

In addition we may be personalizing (or anthropomorphizing?) the collective consciousness when we say that we are contacting a specific person, but perhaps that is just a needed interim step of understanding while we're in the mortal coil.  Don seems to think that disproves entire efforts, but to me it's just polite manners to speak of individuals to the family and friends who seek retrievals /visits with their loved ones.


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Re: What are Spiritual Mediums REALLY connecting to?
Reply #7 - Sep 23rd, 2009 at 2:57pm

There's another category of contacts with deceased persons that you didn't mention.

Namely, the medium might actually be in contact with a spirit, but not the spirit with whom the client desires. 

The spirit may instead be an impostor, passing himself off as the client's loved one and doing a pretty good job of it, fooling both the client and the medium.

This kind of situation was found by Swedenborg during his afterlife explorations.  Apparently, per ES, some mischievous and/or malicious spirits seem to derive great pleasure by misleading those of us who earnestly want to either learn about the afterlife or contact a deceased loved one.

Regarding Bruce's point about creating a nonphysical "place" in the afterlife, this probably explains the various hells ES describes.  They are places in the afterlife that conform to the desires (what ES would call our loves) of those who end up there.

Btw, the description Bruce gives about Max's hell is very consistent with Swedenborg's descriptions of the  hells he found during his explorations.

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Re: What are Spiritual Mediums REALLY connecting to?
Reply #8 - Sep 23rd, 2009 at 8:02pm
rondele wrote on Sep 23rd, 2009 at 2:57pm:

There's another category of contacts with deceased persons that you didn't mention.

Namely, the medium might actually be in contact with a spirit, but not the spirit with whom the client desires. 

That is completely irrelevant to me. If the medium is connecting with a spirit, any spirit, this proves in life after death. I don't care if it's some butt-hole spirit playing a joke, I care about the big picture. However I question even that a spirit is involved which is harder to prove.
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Re: What are Spiritual Mediums REALLY connecting to?
Reply #9 - Sep 24th, 2009 at 12:29am
Sometimes I think, though it's hard to articulate this thought, that the problem really lies in our complete misunderstanding of WHAT we actually are, ourselves. We think we are "physical" and we think this and that about our basic nature as creatures, but if we loosen up on that idea and definition, then we are actually spirit beings in a particular and temporary form and we move and breathe as part of that Out There spirit world we are all discussing...only think of ourselves as different from that world...when we are not, and when we are actually subject to all the meanderings and thought-creations and changefulness that That World Out There, spirit, is involved in. That's badly put...I don't know how to say this, I have thought about it a few times and can't articulate it right...if we stop thinking of ourselves as different, as "not-spirit", but as part and parcel of the spirit "afterlife" world, then possibilities open up and loosen up considerably. Honestly, I'm not drunk, it just sounds like it. Vee
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Re: What are Spiritual Mediums REALLY connecting to?
Reply #10 - Sep 24th, 2009 at 12:54am
I think a key point to ponder in this discussion is the concept of "mind" itself.  For western science can not really account for the causation of a coherent mind or thought.  Yes, electrochemical impulses can be mapped out in the brain.  Neurotransmitters can be followed, and levels assessed, but we can not, at this point in time explain the concept of "mind" and say it is just a reproducible physical phenomenon.

For years, many in neuroscience dismissed consciousness as some sort of feedback circuit seen in human beings but not in any other animals.  One prominent theory proposed that there really was no such thing as consciousness, it was simply an evolutionary oddity.  Rubbish.

Yet, in this thread, people talk about mediums reading minds, and seem to be saying that if this happens, it is not proof of the afterlife.  Huh?  Did I miss something?  What is actually being read in "mind reading?"  Since science does not support a coherent separate "mind" explained by physiological means, (other than psychiatry and psychology which do so not in explanatory form but for functional purposes), then if one person can read another's mind, we have a major breakthrough here. 

We have (dare I say it?), proof that we are more than our physical bodies.  If there is a realm of mind and thought, then that gives some of the strongest evidence to the notion of a realm independent of physical reality, including, yes, the afterlife.   

I have long rejected the "mind reading" argument as proof against an afterlife existence for these reasons.  Yes, one can argue that the metaphysical mind and thought in general, is somehow operant only in physical reality, but there is more and more proof that this premise is false.  So many verifications come through in one way or another that would need to be dismissed from NDEs to dream contacts, to visitations, visions, and miracles of all kind.

If we are more than our physical bodies, then what my friend Dave-MBS, on this board referred to as "the primacy of thought" must be considered - i.e. - that mind and thought are primary, and physical reality is secondary.

Once the primacy of thought is established, then Don's warnings still apply, namely that we may be contacting a still living person, or that mind reading may occur by a medium - yet we've just entered a realm where thought now exists on a separate plane from the physical world - which is, in my opinion more reason to believe in an afterlife then to doubt its existence.

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Re: What are Spiritual Mediums REALLY connecting to?
Reply #11 - Sep 24th, 2009 at 1:30pm
One situation that helps (but I'm not sure if it's under our control), is when someone like me can get basic, emotion or simple thought communication from their loved one, but not complex ideas or actual words.

So in my case, I *know* when I'm communicating with John (he's the other half of my soul, and my spouse for almost twenty years), and I can get "yes", "no", and feelings from him.

So I talk to a medium, they give me more complicated info, and I can ask him "That you?" and get an answer I know I can trust.

But as I said, that's not necessarily something we can just choose to have/use as a check on their input.
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Re: What are Spiritual Mediums REALLY connecting to?
Reply #12 - Sep 24th, 2009 at 4:48pm
I know what I am, I just don't understand it completely.

While high on drugs, I had the epiphany that:

"I am a thought."

This does not mean I cannot be based on psychical cells combined which create thought. I do not know what the thought that is me comes from.... I cannot prove how it exists and where it comes from.

Then I thought, most likely, I am a thought. A passing thought, thinking for a short time, and then gone. Destroyed. Thoughtless.

Sure, it's also possible I am something more than a thought kept alive because of a body... but you cannot prove this to me.

My thoughts will live in agony and constant panic attacks due to the uncertainty. I so love life.

Actually I wish this was over. If I am this entity, this thing, possessing a psychical body, it stands to reason that I may choose to leave it at any time.

I choose to leave and never come back. This is horrible. I want to be what I am, not pretend to be something else. This entire existence is just a useless experience. My thought has traveled beyond this. What I feel, what others feel, the useless things I think I have to do. It's all pointless you know. And when I return to being a metaphysical being I will see it all as well. Even fun little fantasies and things I can concoct which may seem so real and fun are all nothing. Nothing and everything at the same time. No single word to describe it. Ultimately though I see the point is nothing. Don't you see? It only matters because we think it does. Nothing matters. If I would destroy the entire world, the entire existence, would it really make a difference? Things would be different or perhaps exactly the same since you cannot base anything on anything when nothing matters.

(The is no difference between a living body and a dead body, they are both made up of the same number of cells. - Dr Manhattan.)

I want to leave. I want to become the alpha and the omega. The beginning and the end.
Something and nothing.

Oh yeah and before people hate on me I am not seriously addicted to drugs. I drink 1 to 3 glasses of wine a week or a few beers. I smoke sometimes yet I don't even enjoy it... Smoking the ganja is always followed by a return of my floating thoughts to death. My death, rotting, twitching, blood drained from the corpse death. Blackness. Nothingness. The End. These thoughts are guaranteed to come in fact. I am really really most likely not gonna smoke in the future. Drinking doesn't effect my mind.... I just wish it was safer to drink.

I need an absolute truth. I need an absolute complete PROVABLE fact that there is an afterlife, this is what happens. Here is the scientific test you can perform to prove it. This is it. The one thing that will put my mind to rest. Well, If I could see dead and or hear dead people that would work.

Satan devil, Jehova God, whatever powers that may be, I call forth upon you. Send me the powers to contact the dead. Do you not understand? I don't care if I have trouble sleeping from constant speaking. I don't care if "demons" come and tell me bad things and I go crazy from it.

At least I can go crazy AND have proof of an afterlife.
In the end this proof is everything to me. If I fail to obtain it..... then that means what happens is not guaranteed.

I have firmly established my fear of death, my phobia of death. It is rooted firmly in my soul. My fear is constant, continuous, it negatively effects my life. I am not living my life, I am slogging through it, only thinking of my death.

Come on. Dead spirits, come to me. I call you. I call all of you. Come all at once. Come into my dreams. Haunt me. Show me you are real. Scare the crap out of me. I call you with text, I call you verbally, I call you with my mind. ALL of you. Come to me. Prove yourself. Mess with me. Make me freak out from strange things. I challenge you. I seek you. I need you. Do your worst.

After all of this you know what happens? All of this begging for contact? What in the world is the end result?

....... nothing.

Then you reply to me, well of course, you expect nothing so you get nothing.

Ahh my friend, this is not completely true.
1. It's true that I do not expect a result whatsoever.
2. I do hope for a result, I want one.

If you ask me the wanting should be enough to make it through, especially when I want it this badly.

I am selfish. I tell you now I would do anything for the truth. I would pay anything. I would kill anyone. I would destroy the world. If I had a nuclear bomb and a button in front of me, I would hit it if that was what it took to prove an afterlife exists. I would suck the life and soul from every being in this world if it meant the continuation of my existence. My selfishness is complete, utter, terrible. I feel no remorse. I feel only what I consider a natural reaction.

Actually that would be pretty cool. I love sci-fi. I would be the bad guy. I accept this as a fact. I am at terms with it. I don't feel bad. I am inherently selfish, evil. Of course, since none of this is possible I am pretty nice on the outside.

Isn't there someone that can help me? I am begging for help. Please. What do you want? all of my money? Want me to be your slave? Whatever, I just need absolute scientific proof. The kind that is so complete that everyone can publish it in a text book and sell it and teach it in schools. Nothing short of this will suffice.

I am in torment.
Yes. torment. turmoil. I am lost. I am without hope.
I have no faith since faith is not logical.

I want to stupidly believe in an afterlife. I want to be content and smile when I look at grave stones, knowing they are safe and happy. Why can't I be stupid. Why must I question so. Why do I think like this. It is not okay. I am not okay. I am very very not okay.

HAHA!!! You could argue I am stupid. You could say I am ruining what I have by this panic and obsession. Yes I see that point as well. Funny when you think about it.

Before anyone says It's just me not being busy enough.... no... I work 12-16 hour days sometimes. I have many youtube videos I am working on, I have a zombie story I am working on. I keep myself pretty busy. It doesn't matter. Death is always there. Always follows me.

How about this, I call the metaphysical oneness or whatever, hear my call... let me live forever. Come on, think about it, maybe I will learn more. Let me be the forever man. No longer mortal. Come on, it could be fun. The world needs more excitement anyway. Oh yeah, I am the metaphysical oneness. I am the alpha omega. I can simply do anything because I am everything and nothing, connected with all things.

Yep, I choose a non mortal human body. I will live forever.

Problem solved.
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Re: What are Spiritual Mediums REALLY connecting to?
Reply #13 - Sep 24th, 2009 at 5:27pm
Terethian, you said (among other things)
"I have firmly established my fear of death, my phobia of death. It is rooted firmly in my soul. My fear is constant, continuous, it negatively effects my life. I am not living my life, I am slogging through it, only thinking of my death."

Wow, I am listening intently to this statement. I can only imagine that it is true, that you are describing your actual state of mind much of the time. Who needs demons or tormentors when you can do this to yourself?

I cannot and never have been able to tolerate these kinds of thoughts, which I began having when I was in my teens and early twenties. This is precisely why I use guided meditation to change my thoughts. Because I believe that I am my thoughts, that I am my beliefs.

So, great, that you recognize that you are your thoughts.

But that is so small. You are also more than your thoughts. Much more. There is an interplay between your thoughts and those of others, living and dead. In this reality you are the medium. You are asking but not yet believing.

I honestly think we must come to these experiences just like little children. When it feels right, when it happens, when it is right, you will just know it.
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Re: What are Spiritual Mediums REALLY connecting to?
Reply #14 - Sep 24th, 2009 at 9:31pm
Terethian, some lines of your thoughts are familiar to me. I ended up with the conclusion that finally, I will know- at the latest when my physical existence ends. That's a fact, isn't it? Until that, I have to find a way to live on as comfortable as possible. Maybe we'll get all the answers within our physical life, maybe not, we don't know. So we just move on, until we move on.

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