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I fear death (Read 17661 times)
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I fear death
Sep 22nd, 2009 at 12:07am
Hello all, new here. I believe I may have been conditioned by Christianity beyond repair. It says in the Bible that there is no consciousness after death. We all "sleep" until Jesus returns. There is nobody and nothing that can convince me that Jesus never existed, I believe Jesus/Horus was based on a historical person, but Christianity frightens me in some ways. Can you guys please share with me the reason(s) you're so confident about life after death and you're not being fooled by any "evil beings"?

I'd like to just add that when I was 12 I was clinically dead and I experienced nothing but blackness. No NDE or anything like that. Thoughts?
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Re: I fear death
Reply #1 - Sep 22nd, 2009 at 12:43am
It's interesting that your brain recorded memories while you were in blackness and clinically dead, dear one.
It might be helpful, I don't know, to mention that when we die, we can lose the heartbeat and be clinically dead, but our energy field is still in the body, and you don't let go of your body until your energy field has dropped free of it for the last time.
I have watched people and pets in the death process, and after the heartbeat is gone and they are declared dead, I can still see the energy field as it slowly, over minutes or longer, leaves the body. You can see when it is gone, the bright colorful lights vanish at last and sometimes the clear visual outline of the person's facial structure finally vanishes. Your energy field must have been well in possession of your body while you were clinically dead, and you had apparently not left your body behind at all.
There is definite advantage in learning to watch energy fields, even in the most basic way, as it allows you to know when someone or a pet has truly "passed."I do recommend, if you do not practice this skill, to start simple exercises to spot this beautiful evidence of life beyond the physical. You can start by placing a green plant in front of a cream-colored wall. Sit and watch the plant, eventually you will thrilled and surprised to see flashes of green lights splashing around between the branches and leaves and around the outline of the plant. Then you can move on to see energy fields in other the top of a tree-covered mountain and stand out side watching the beautiful "waltz" of the massed energy fields of millions of trees all flashing their life-light together way up there, in a true orchestra of green disco color, as it moves up and down and back and forth across the mountain top. It's not hard at all, it just takes a little time and attention now and then. Best of luck in your searching's so exciting and stimulating. Vee
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Re: I fear death
Reply #2 - Sep 22nd, 2009 at 1:17am
Vee wrote on Sep 22nd, 2009 at 12:43am:
It's interesting that your brain recorded memories while you were in blackness and clinically dead, dear one.
It might be helpful, I don't know, to mention that when we die, we can lose the heartbeat and be clinically dead, but our energy field is still in the body, and you don't let go of your body until your energy field has dropped free of it for the last time.
I have watched people and pets in the death process, and after the heartbeat is gone and they are declared dead, I can still see the energy field as it slowly, over minutes or longer, leaves the body. You can see when it is gone, the bright colorful lights vanish at last and sometimes the clear visual outline of the person's facial structure finally vanishes. Your energy field must have been well in possession of your body while you were clinically dead, and you had apparently not left your body behind at all.
There is definite advantage in learning to watch energy fields, even in the most basic way, as it allows you to know when someone or a pet has truly "passed."I do recommend, if you do not practice this skill, to start simple exercises to spot this beautiful evidence of life beyond the physical. You can start by placing a green plant in front of a cream-colored wall. Sit and watch the plant, eventually you will thrilled and surprised to see flashes of green lights splashing around between the branches and leaves and around the outline of the plant. Then you can move on to see energy fields in other the top of a tree-covered mountain and stand out side watching the beautiful "waltz" of the massed energy fields of millions of trees all flashing their life-light together way up there, in a true orchestra of green disco color, as it moves up and down and back and forth across the mountain top. It's not hard at all, it just takes a little time and attention now and then. Best of luck in your searching's so exciting and stimulating. Vee

I don't doubt that's what you see, but some would argue you're being fooled by the power of demons.
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Re: I fear death
Reply #3 - Sep 22nd, 2009 at 3:45am
I would think that God will always be more powerful than a devil, so why worry so much?

I think you saw blackness because that is exactly what you Expected to see! I have read retrievals of people who were trapped on the earth plane because they believed they were supposed to 'sleep' until Jesus returned. Tongue Boy, did they get a surprise!

Just look around for the abundant evidence for retrievals, read the retrievals forum! And follow your curiosity, and learn to listen to your 'inner voice' which is your higher self guiding you to the right choices. If you feel that people are giving you the whole 'the devil is decieving you' quip, just ask Yourself, if that is really the case, if they are just trying to instill you with fears and block your curiosity to explore what lies beyond this life.

Best wishes!

love and light,

Ally Smiley
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Re: I fear death
Reply #4 - Sep 22nd, 2009 at 8:33am
Quantum Soul,

Although I am not christian, I am familiar with the Bible, and I do not see evidence that there is no consciousness after death.  There is a prominent christian scholar on this board, Don (Berserk2), and perhaps he could tell you more about it, in detail why the preacher/priest who told you this is mistaken, even by most accepted accounts of the Bible.

That being said, you can only convince yourself of the "survival hypothesis" by exploring.  For me, the first and strongest evidence came in deciding that you are more than your physical body.  Evidence from science, physics, and more directly EVP, and other means such as delving into near death experiences shows that we are more than our body.  If we indeed are more than flesh, it follows that spirit/soul may survive when the body falls away.  This type of exploration on your part can be done via reading, meditation, and other exploration including seeking out a religious community that is spiritually oriented.

Reading a copy of a book by Howard Storm's My Descent into Death may be the best way to approach this from a christian perspective.  Storm was not religious when he had a NDE with an extensive visit out of his body with Jesus and loved ones.

You are, unfortunately caught up in one person's belief system (the "eternal sleep" after death theory).  It is now time for you to learn about and explore what really happens.

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Re: I fear death
Reply #5 - Sep 22nd, 2009 at 8:41am
DocM wrote on Sep 22nd, 2009 at 8:33am:
Quantum Soul,

Although I am not christian, I am familiar with the Bible, and I do not see evidence that there is no consciousness after death.  There is a prominent christian scholar on this board, Don (Berserk2), and perhaps he could tell you more about it, in detail why the preacher/priest who told you this is mistaken, even by most accepted accounts of the Bible.

That being said, you can only convince yourself of the "survival hypothesis" by exploring.  For me, the first and strongest evidence came in deciding that you are more than your physical body.  Evidence from science, physics, and more directly EVP, and other means such as delving into near death experiences shows that we are more than our body.  If we indeed are more than flesh, it follows that spirit/soul may survive when the body falls away.  This type of exploration on your part can be done via reading, meditation, and other exploration including seeking out a religious community that is spiritually oriented.

Reading a copy of a book by Howard Storm's My Descent into Death may be the best way to approach this from a christian perspective.  Storm was not religious when he had a NDE with an extensive visit out of his body with Jesus and loved ones.

You are, unfortunately caught up in one person's belief system (the "eternal sleep" after death theory).  It is now time for you to learn about and explore what really happens.

The above video is a good watch if you want to get a Christian perspective of "the dead sleep". As for EVPs, sorry, I'm not making an excuse, it's just that I've actually came across arguments that EVPs are demons. Just check
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Re: I fear death
Reply #6 - Sep 22nd, 2009 at 9:20am

If you are going by scripture, try interpreting John 14:2.

"In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you."

Many scholars take this as a direct mention in the Bible of Heaven awaiting the followers of Jesus.  The idea that this has to occur after a sleep of millenia is not substantiated in scritpure. 

A great webpage which debunks this is:

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Re: I fear death
Reply #7 - Sep 22nd, 2009 at 10:13am
Vee wrote on Sep 22nd, 2009 at 12:43am:
It's interesting that your brain recorded memories while you were in blackness and clinically dead, dear one.

Very interesting indeed. I have asthma and stopped breathing and I started to see the most important moments of my life appear before me like a movie.

I think what you believe now will influence what you "think" will happen to you when you die.

Since you were told that you would see "nothing" until Jesus comes back, that's exactly what you saw.

You could have roamed around in complete darkness for a long time before anyone tried to come and get you.

It's like when you sleep but don't have dreams, you don't remember the "sleep" so to speak so you just awaken.  I quoted Vee because that statement makes a lot of sense. You "remember" darkness. So there must have been some consciousness.
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Re: I fear death
Reply #8 - Sep 22nd, 2009 at 2:13pm
Quantum Soul:

The doctrine of soul sleep overlooks Paul's experience of progressive revelation.  As a Pharisee, he believed in soul sleep because his Jewish milieu believed that body and soul are inseparable and one cannot survive death without a transformed physical body.  So Paul uses the language of soul sleep in his earliest epistles (1 Thessalonians 4:15-17; 1 Corinthians 15:35-55).  But as Paul receives more revelation, he learns that we survive death, fully conscious in a spiritual body.  In his later epistles like 2 Corinthians and Philippians, he relishes the prospect of being in heaven with Christ immediately after death.  I will quote just two sample texts from the New Living Translation: 

"For we know that when this earthly tent we live in is taken down--when we die and leave these bodies--we will have a home in heaven, an eternal body made for us by God Himself and not by human hands.  We grow weary in our present bodies, and we long for the day when we will put on our heavenly bodies like new clothing.  For we will not be spirits without bodies, but we will put on new heavenly bodies.  Our dying bodies make us groan and sigh, but it's not that we want to die and have no bodies at all.  We want to slip into our new bodies so that these dying bodies will be swallowed up by everlasting life...Yes, we are always confident, AND WE WOULD RATHER BE AWAY FROM THESE BODIES, FOR THEN WE WILL BE AT HOME WITH THE LORD (2 Corinthians 5:1-4, 6)."

"For me, living is for Christ, and dying is even better.  Yet if I live, that means fruitful service for Christ.  I really don't know which is better.  I'm torn between two desires: Sometimes I want to live, and sometimes I long to go and be with Christ.  THAT WOULD BE FAR BETTER FOR ME, but it is better for you that I live (Philippians 1:21-23)."

This new perspective brings Paul's teaching in line with Jesus' teaching in Luke 23:42-43 and elsewhere:

"Then he [the dying thief on the adjacent cross] said, "Remember me when you come into your kingdom.'  Jesus replied, `TODAY you will be with me in Paradise (Lk 23:42-43).'"


P.S.  Quantum Soul, for 12 years I was a college Theology professor, but now i'm a United Methodist pastor.  I'd advise you to read through my Swedenborg thread for amazing evidence of survival from the onset of death.
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I know how you feel, I have a Death Phobia.
Reply #9 - Sep 22nd, 2009 at 3:47pm
Even though I have had an amazing experience with a medium I still Have a phobia of death which is always with me and REALLY kicks in EVERY time I smoke weed. =( Which sucks cause I really want to enjoy it.

We all try to ignore it, to pretend it doesn't exist. Our thoughts, our mind, we focus on the daily tasks, the simple things, what we need, what we want, what we enjoy. The harsh reality is that it's all just a facade, a sham. Someday, my cat that greets me, follows me, adores me, will perhaps be lying on the ground, mewing pathetically from kidney failure. I will take him to the vet and say goodbye, knowing all the while that it's all so pointless, so hopeless. This same scenario will most likely take place with my parents. The ones that gave me life. Why? Is this existence? What am I? The base of myself, this voice in my head, I appear to be merely a thought. Yes a thought. And when that thought can no longer be supported by cells / organs, the thought will die, cease to think. The endless nothing. Ultimately this is unacceptable. No mind can truly accept this. My mind never will. How can I? How can I be happy like the stupid people going about they're lives? How can I take a hit and ENJOY it instead of freaking out about death? How can I go to work every day, producing envelopes and knowing what I do is nothing. The human mind does not seem to be capable of accepting this. It seems to me that even those that THINK they accept death in reality are only pretending, tricking they're own mind. Fools.
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Right here and right there
Re: I fear death
Reply #10 - Sep 22nd, 2009 at 5:32pm
"We all try to ignore it, to pretend it doesn't exist. [...] The human mind does not seem to be capable of accepting this. It seems to me that even those that THINK they accept death in reality are only pretending, tricking they're own mind. Fools."

We all, really? The 'fools' ending seem to indicate jealousy. The out of body experiences were the easy part in dealing with this huge fear, and I've earned every ounce of dissipation of it. In my younger years I found out that at some point the body can take full control for a while to ensure survival, and I'm fine with that. The body can throw the hands up and dance like a headless chicken when the time comes to stop animating. Also wouldn't mind if at the same time the vocal chords started doing tribal chants high-pitched-bee-gees-stayin'-alive style. Bottom line, I'm not the body in the same way electricity isn't a waffle iron.
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Vegetarian is an old indian word for bad hunter.
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Re: I fear death
Reply #11 - Sep 22nd, 2009 at 5:45pm
I wonder, do you think the devil or Jesus lead you to this sight?    I believe Jesus walked this earth.  I believe that the bible is in most part a teaching tool.  To teach us to be good and kind to others.   I also believe that fear was used to convince us that there was only one way to heaven.

I know that there is a Heaven of sorts, not so much like that of the biblical account and the reason I believe that is because my fiance and I were in a terrible accident and he was killed.   And with that death became my search for life after death.  Mainly because I wasn't going to let death separate us.  And because he speaks to me and because he predicts certain events before they happen,  I know he has truly lived past his physical body.   I could give you a hundred accounts of my knowing things I could not possibly know, but you will say it is the devil speaking to me to fool me. 

I think you must believe in the after life, because you certainly seem to believe in the devil.   

I have no fear of death.  I welcome it when it is my turn to go, because my honey is there, my family is there, my spirit family is there and I believe that many many good souls are there....and that includes Jesus and many other great teachers of life and lessons.  I hope you find some answers, because until you believe good will overcome any evil, you will live with fear, and with that fear, the devil lives with you. 

Chantilly Chopper
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We ride and never worry about the fall!
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Re: I fear death
Reply #12 - Sep 22nd, 2009 at 6:28pm
Is this a reply to me?

I believe the bible was written by man.

man writing the bible = I don't believe that crap.

Oh you can say it was "inspired" by God as much as you want....

I am far more accepting of we ourselves are all God way before accepting a single omnipotent force. No offense really intended to those that believe in this God / devil combination. If that works for you and get's you through life then it doesn't matter whether it is true or you. It matters to me though. Faith is not an option. Truth, proven scientific facts are all that I can trust.

A medium told me two things she couldn't possibly know and the possibility that they were guesses is very rare. Still....

The information given to me was within my own mind. Perhaps sucked from my own mind. - I hope this is not true.

Perhaps we are all just hard drives and when we die the data is still there, stored on the hard drive even though it has no power and mediums can connect to this powerless thought. My what a horrible thought. I do hope this is not true.

Perhaps the medium did contact her. She would have done anything to contact me. She wants to help me, I know she does. She wants me to live my life. Well, At this point I cannot really live and enjoy my life without more information. I need the deceased to confirm that everything where SHE exists is ok. I need to know if she could contact the pets. I need to know If I can. You don't understand how badly I need this information. I cannot blindly accept anything. I need my mother.
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Re: I fear death
Reply #13 - Sep 22nd, 2009 at 8:47pm
About "fooled by the power of demons":
This argument isn't applicable, as it doesn't contain informations how to discern the truth from possible demons' cons. Now, if someone states to have a recipe to find out what's true and what's illusion, this one could as well be part of the demons' conspiracy. Everything could. You see, it leads to nothing. You have to go with your own sense not so much of what is "true" or "demons' fake", but what is good and what is bad.

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: I fear death
Reply #14 - Sep 22nd, 2009 at 9:44pm
To be honest it's very unlikely that at least a part of most of us is not scared at the prospect of death.

To speak for myself - i've had meditative experience that suggests that what watches through 'me' is not of my body, or even individual, and is infinitely loving. It's hugely re-assuring. On the other hand there's an everyday part of me that most certainly is despite this deep knowing to say the least 'nervous'.  Smiley

Viewed metaphysically that's pretty inevitable unless you are fully realised/have fully transcended identification with body and individuality as 'self'. Even if you have i think i've quoted before the famous Zen master who when asked what death was like said (approximately) 'better go ask a dead guy'.

To build on this. The words of the Bible (and not everybody would accept it as literal truth anyway) are very often open to very different and even multiple level interpretations.

The one  the church has publicly taught - which has very often suited its own view and ends - can be said  at best to be simplistic.

'Christ' is to many an aspect of pure loving conciousness or mind that incarnated in the purest of forms as a great teacher on earth. That's not to say it was the only time, or that it's not around all the time to varying degrees - it's inherent in all of us, but is only manifested inasmuch as we have awakened to love.

Christ's 'return' can be read much less literally than the church tended to do - as the point when all beings in this reality as a collective whole have returned to the state of pure loving Christ consciousness that prevailed prior to our separation from God.

Viewed from this perspective the ego or fear inspired but mistaken belief system that gives rise to the perception of a 'self' existing in this reality is unreal, and cannot survive.

Even viewed from the perspective of self it seems not to survive death (otherwise lots would surely be reborn with the same personalities), and it can't survive the return to Christ consciousness because there is no place for a fear inspired belief system in the Christ consciousness.

In more finite terms Buddhism teaches that in the afterlife we separate from the ego/personality, most of which is destroyed - what continues and is reborn seems to be some sort of archetype/set of tendencies.

So maybe there's an alternative 'view' (perception of the nature of things) that at least allows us to see that what we deep down know and feel is very probably true.

On the other hand if you fervently believe that existence is based solely on the body and thinking mind there's maybe a lot less that's encouraging about the prospect of survival around.

How can the typical person be anything but somewhat nervous of such wholesale change and loss of selfhood?  The best that's available to us is the deeply felt 'knowing' that strengthens with spiritual work and experience, but in the end we're left with little option but to trust that all will be well.

To joke a little. I guess even if we are in our beliefs led astray by 'demons' (and i'm quite sure that most of what we theorise involves plenty of wishful thinking and hoping that 'self' survives) at least the non-physical existence of demons or other less realised entities suggests at least that there are at least ways of existing beyond the body....
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