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Masks we wear; Spirit Core vs. Our Rational Mind (Read 3250 times)
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Masks we wear; Spirit Core vs. Our Rational Mind
Sep 20th, 2009 at 8:55pm
This topic has been much on my mind of late, but it is a difficult one to write about.  We all know about life in the physical world.  There are many variations of people out there.  Our laws, codes of conduct and civilization keep the inner natures of many of us in check. While riding a train in the Manhattan area, I scanned many faces.  One very different from another.  Loving people mingled with violent ones.  Yet what held the violent ones back from acting out on their current nature?  It is the mask that we wear.  The complex mixture of upbringing, civil laws and penalties, which serves to restrain the more savage and destructive impulses.  Freud described this as the superego - sort of an internal parent telling our ego not to act that way.

Yet in the afterlife, and in the mental planes, this mask is gone.  We are, to a great extent open books.  This is why, a sadist or a serial killer can not "fake" his way to a heavenly plane.  His true nature or the core of his/her soul is there for all to see.  Since spiritual growth is proportional to how loving a soul is, a sadistic or destructive person will not be found in "the park" of focus 27 or the higher planes of love.  Indeed, many have wondered how people could voluntarily consign themselves to a hellish plane rather than be sentenced there.  With the mask of earthly civility stripped away, the soul simply seeks out others who share its loves, likes and dislikes (the law of attraction).  From an earthly perspective, you may cringe and say "how can one willingly go to a hell where people con each other, beat each other, etc.?" But to that soul stripped of its need to be in a mixed community in C1, it seeks its true nature and surrounding.

But where does our rational mind fit into all this?  In many journeys to the mental planes, such as lucid dreaming, we do not act with rationality.  Common dreams are high on symbolism, yet we often seem to be present and not particularly able to reason and sort through things.  Even on this board, there is almost a unanimous agreement of logic/rationality that love or PUL is the driving force behind God and the universe.  How many of us know this, may strive for it, yet do not act out love anyway? 

Swedenborg reports talking with spirits who were great learned men in their day, who wished to show off their knowledge of languages, and learning - yet to him, they spouted pathetic, misguided gibberish.  Their motivations while on earth were based on ego, and not on love, and when they passed on, it seems that their knowledge and rationality deteriorated.

The rational mind may, to some extent convince people to go to church or temple - being schooled in the golden rule may help people to act our of charity on a rational basis, even if they don't do it from a deep seated sense of love and compassion.  As such, while on earth, the rational mind appears to be able to assist with spiritual development.

Does this rational mind melt away when we die?  Or is it preserved in relationship to the amount of love we have in us  I have heard that immediately upon someone's death, they are very much like they were when alive - with the rational mind intact.  Gradually, Swedenborg and others note that there are later stages of death where the soul expresses its core essence and then moves on to a realm appropriate for itself at that time.  Suppose one understood that one was moving toward a hellish plane and that if one acted out of love, and moved in that direction one would instead move toward focus 27.  A logical decision would be to start to act more lovingly.

It seems that for many, the melting away of the mask of civilization and the expression of their core essence trumps the rational thought that they should move in the direction of love. 

So my question is: does our earthly rational mind persist when we die, and to what extent can we use it?


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« Last Edit: Sep 20th, 2009 at 10:28pm by DocM »  
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Re: Masks we wear; Spirit Core vs. Our Rational Mind
Reply #1 - Sep 20th, 2009 at 9:46pm
One fundamental part of the rational mind, if not the fundament, is logic (tertium non datur) and the ability to understand chains of cause and effect. If this would drop away in the afterlife, our existence would be so different we couldn't even imagine.

One time in a mind-journey I noticed my fleeting thoughts could be perceived by the people I communicated with. That was annoying at first, but then they signaled me that this is pretty normal there and no need to be annoyed. And then I felt a release of tension, the release of the tension of abiding a mask.

What's a bit irritating is, if there is something like a "core" inside us, it's probably impossible to comprehend it here in the physical, because the very means needed for this comprehension, our logic, language, moral etc. probably is exactly that which is covering this core of us.

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Re: Masks we wear; Spirit Core vs. Our Rational Mind
Reply #2 - Sep 21st, 2009 at 11:17am
Interestingly you have used the word "mask". I think our spirit core is the actor, which is eternal, within us. Our rational mind is merely a character that dissolves away upon crossing over. The eternal actor holds many memories of the time spent in this lifetime or act, but when the mask comes off the actor rejoins his or her mates at the corner pub. The actor will remember moments that stand out in this life, but in the great scheme of things it was a performance in which much knowledge was gleaned that will benefit the next performance. An actor with free will: There is nothing more dangerous or enlightening in all the world.
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Lights of Love
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Re: Masks we wear; Spirit Core vs. Our Rational Mind
Reply #3 - Sep 21st, 2009 at 4:17pm
Hi Matthew,

I've thought about this same question for a while now, too.  Can't say that I have any definitive answers, but here are some things I know about the nonphysical realms based on my experiences "there" although my interpretations of my experiences certainly could differ from someone else's interpretation.

Communication is by telepathy and feelings. For example an entity's being radiates what its core essence is and from what I have seen they also can be a bright or dim light. The ones that are bright radiate the most beautiful love you could possibly imagine. The dimmer ones can also radiate the same beautiful love so whether a being is dim or bright may not matter.  I think this is because a dimmer light being is a stream of its total self and this stream of consciousness is never not connected to the core being of its total self. This alone indicates to me that we cannot know what our inner core being truly is because of our earthly limitations.  However, as we begin to move beyond these and are able to explore the nonphysical worlds we can get glimpses that there is so much more than we could possibly imagine.

I certainly don't understand it all, but my feeling is that some of the "places" that we label focus levels, heavens, hells, etc. are quite possibly other worlds similar to ELS yet have different, sometimes very different physics/laws than what we have on earth. In other words, beings/streams of consciousness can be "born" in those worlds just as we are here. They may not be "places" that we are simply attracted to after we let go of our body here.

The nonphysical worlds are full of all types of entities, some with lots of fear/ego, others with less fear/ego. I don't know what exactly you mean by rational mind, so I'll just say the "thinking" mind does seem to exist, but at least to me it seems to be somewhat different than one having coherent successive thoughts.  It's more like when you meditate and suddenly you know a great deal of information because it "just came to you all at once" like a rote. We are never not connected to the greater consciousness system or our total being, but we are all, as streams of consciousness, beginners (still in kindergarten) here in ELS. The world of thought seems to me to be in the nonphysical world rather than the physical.

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Re: Masks we wear; Spirit Core vs. Our Rational Mind
Reply #4 - Sep 21st, 2009 at 5:01pm
Hi Kathy,

Yes, I agree.  The state of being of our core spiritual self, is, with retrospection an emotional gestalt of being rather than a rational state of affairs.  If you practice loving acts done rotely or because it is expected but don't FEEL it, you are not becoming a more loving spirit. 

So the issue is not just what do you think, but how do you feel.  What is your sincere emotion? 

On earth, our rational mind can lead us in the right direction, and with what the buddhists call "right action/iving" it certainly can impact on our karma and various future events.  Yet, it is more dutiful and done less out of a deep seated feeling of PUL and emotion.

I suppose that if I can reason here, on earth, i will be able to reason elsewhere.  I have heard it said that as you lose contact with earthly objects/experiences your frame of reference and logic change accordingly.  Swedenborg talked about deceased people who, for the life of them could no longer understand linnear time.  For them, it was a matter of moving from one state of being to another.  Sequential time was a mystery to them.  Common things we take for granted such as tactile sensations or how our earthly bodies react are lost in the afterlife or replaced with "spiritual equivalents."  As such, our logic and rationality adapt to our new universe and senses. 

What interests me is the complex way that upbringing, schooling, etc. create these societal masks that we wear, which dissipate rapidly after we die.  You hear this in the news with the serial killer who neighbors describe as a "family man" and one who coached little league (etc.).  How does one reconcile the violence with the other behaviors?

I take some comfort in knowing that enough people have conversed with deceased people to know that there is a rational mind left when we cross over. 

It seems to me, the mask or veneer of civility which falls away is not our true rational mind itself, but sort of a civil gatekeeper (superego). 

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Re: Masks we wear; Spirit Core vs. Our Rational Mind
Reply #5 - Sep 21st, 2009 at 6:26pm
<<Swedenborg reports talking with spirits who were great learned men in their day, who wished to show off their knowledge of languages, and learning - yet to him, they spouted pathetic, misguided gibberish.  Their motivations while on earth were based on ego, and not on love, and when they passed on, it seems that their knowledge and rationality deteriorated.>>

Matthew- Actually, the point that ES was making was not that their rationality had deteriorated.  Instead, it was to illuminate the point that what the learned men viewed as rationality was in truth gibberish when viewed from a higher, more spiritually evolved perspective.

In other words, they didn't lose their intellect.  Their rational mind was retained.  They just didn't realize how nonsensical and irrelevant it all was when viewed in its proper light.  Having a great intellect is essentially worthless if the person lacked other words, gibberish.

ES makes the same point in other ways.  For instance, those who found themselves in a place where their base, sexual urges predominated, believed that they were indulging, and satisfying, their desires, but when viewed from a higher perspective, their environment was rank with putrid smells and their dwellings were squalid slums.

So no, the rational mind does not melt away when we die. 

The main point being that it's important that (1) our inner nature, or essence as ES calls it, is based on love and (2) our actions while on earth be consistent with, and flow from, that kind of nature.

Our rational mind might tell us we should go to church/temple and follow the Golden Rule, but doing so has limited value unless our inner nature is consistent with such which case we would do them anyway.

"Everything about us comes from the primary tendency of our life......If we are good we make our heaven according to it, and if we are bad we make our hell according to it.  It is our basic motivation, our personality, and our character, since it is the reality of our life."  ES, Heavenly Doctrine, S57.

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Re: Masks we wear; Spirit Core vs. Our Rational Mind
Reply #6 - Sep 21st, 2009 at 6:27pm
But, Matthew, it's now unclear to me what you mean at all with "rational mind".

Is it versus emotions? Is it the "core" itself? Is it the cause-effect-understanding as I noted? And if Swedenborg is right with this "switching" rather than "happening", (which I found to some degree is correct), what can "rational mind" mean at all?

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: Masks we wear; Spirit Core vs. Our Rational Mind
Reply #7 - Sep 21st, 2009 at 9:03pm
Hi Spooky,

When I say the rational mind, I mean the logical method of thinking we learn while incarnate, and employ to analyze any situation and follow the path, almost mathematically to the best outcome.  This mind is usually mechanical/mathematical and unemotional.  The rational mind can serve us well in a spiritual quest if it is employed to pursue us becoming more loving in nature, and that is to me both interesting and ironic (since it is devoid of emotion).

Hi Roger,
I cited those Swedenborg examples specifically because of the points we both mentioned  You and I are basically saying the same thing.  In my earlier posts, I postulated that our ability to use our rational minds might be in proportion to the amount of love we expressed.  I have not heard Swedenborg say this specifically however.  For the deceased scholars Swedenborg met, while alive they could cite chapter and verse about scholarly subjects.  But to Swedenborg's ears it was gibberish.  There may be a few explanations for this.  In the first place, he mentions that when the earth experience fades, and there is no spiritual equivalent of, lets say hierogliphics or a written scinece, then it may no longer make sense in a spiritual plane, eventhough it does in the earthlife system.

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Re: Masks we wear; Spirit Core vs. Our Rational Mind
Reply #8 - Sep 21st, 2009 at 10:19pm

The thing is, I don't think ES was saying that the gibberish meant that they had lost their rationality, which is what I thought you had concluded.

Instead, the point was that without love, all the rationality in the world is essentially meaningless.

When they were conversing with each other in the afterlife, I presume they were making perfect sense (to each other) in the same way they did while physically alive. 

But when seen from a higher realm, it came across as nonsense pretty much as a metaphor for what was lacking in their true essence.

True knowledge is not rationally-based.  I recall many NDEs where the person says that for a split second, they "knew" everything, that all mysteries were revealed in a crystal clear manner.  Yet when they returned, they could not recall any of it.  Probably because all of it was alien to our intellect.

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Re: Masks we wear; Spirit Core vs. Our Rational Mind
Reply #9 - Sep 22nd, 2009 at 12:45am
Hi Roger,

I agree, but I don't think that he means that rational thought on earth is meaningless without love.  It has its uses on earth, but only on earth.  It may serve people well in their earthly careers, fortune, etc.  Rather, that when one passes, if one's knowledge is based on earthly rationality without love, then one finds, after death that in spirit, there is no exact spiritual correspondance to this knowledge.  Hence the spirit sounds "stupid" trying to recite concepts about things that have no heavenly equivalent.

In contrast, if one's knowledge on earth came from not just a pursuit of information separated from love, but from a love of what is good (love of God and one's fellow man), that when that person dies, his spirit would understand the use of rationality in spirit, even when earthly corresponding things had faded from memory.

But, as I said in my initial post, it is possible that our post mortem rational faculties, while in spirit are somehow proportional to the love we express.

It is interesting that on earth rational/logical thinking may be separated from loving intention.

Rational thought is an important tool in applying intent, however.  And I am a big fin of applying intent as a means to manifest thought, and grow in spirit.

So, I think the take home point for me is to couple rationality with love, and take it with us in spirit.

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