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Psychedelics: Portals to true spiritual experience (Read 27599 times)
I Am Dude
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Psychedelics: Portals to true spiritual experience
Sep 16th, 2009 at 12:09pm
This is a response to Recoverer's post in my Gateway Experience Journals II thread regarding Salvia.

It is not uncommon for people to have the wrong impression of certain drugs, namely those of a psychoactive nature.  I mean, hey, they're illegal!  If it's illegal it must be bad!  HA.  This is simply a control tactic implemented by the government to keep us from doing anything they may not like, for example, in the case of psychedelic drugs, to keep us from possible discovering the true nature of ourselves and the illusion of our physical reality.  They certainly don't want us waking up the the truth!

However, it is erroneous to lump all drugs into the same group, for there are many different types, each with a different purpose and effect.  It is even misleading to claim that all psychedelics are the same, for they each have sometimes huge differences, as does the drug in question here, Salvia.  And it is important to realize that naturally occurring drugs can be beneficially used if done for the right reasons and not abused.  There is a reason why they are here and effect us the way they do, after all. 

My beliefs about psychoactive drugs, namely Salvia, are more than just beliefs- they are knowns- for I have first hand experiential knowledge of their nature.  These drugs offer a glimpse into the true multidimensional nature of our reality.  I feel I have a greater insight into the true nature of these trips, than does, say, an average joe with no spiritual explorational experience, as a result of my in depth nonphysical explorations in the dream state and out of body, for it is apparent that there are many similarities in the characteristics of these different types of experiences.

The fact of the matter is that you have no experience with Salvia, or any other psychedelics for that matter, and going by your opinion of the subject, it seems you have not done sufficient research into its effects, its history, its purpose, or the nature of the experiences it produces.  You are therefore unqualified and unable to make an accurate assessment on the matter.  I will go on anyhow.

My feeling is that if you take a drug, your energy field will be weakened and it will become easier for an unfriendly spirit to invade you.

And my feeling is you have no idea what you're talking about!  Going by not only my own personal experience with Salvia, but the experiences of my close friends as well, I can say for certain that Salvia does not weaken one's energy field, but actually STRENGTHENS it!  The essence of my inner self comes to the forefront of my consciousness for hours, sometimes days after a Salvia experience.  This includes deep feelings of peace and oneness with the universe, an intensification and clarification of the senses, and a vivid, lucid-dream-type awareness.  It invokes a truly higher state of being, even after the drug has worn off.

Salvia has seemed to open a spiritual doorway within my one friend.  Since his initial experience with Salvia he has suddenly begun having intense spiritual experiences.  His meditations are deeper and more profound then ever before, he now has the ability to leave his body, which he couldn't do before, and he even had a telepathic experience in which he read his father's thoughts.  All this immediately following his Salvia experience.  My other friend believes that his consciousness has risen to a higher level since his initial experience with Salvia.  They both likewise experienced a truly higher state of being long after the drug wore off.  Salvia seems to awaken a latent spiritual aspect of one's self.

Drugs take the place of neurotransmitters, and much of what you experience could be the result of altered biochemistry rather than something substantial.

Well then going by your line of thinking, nothing we have ever or will ever experience in our physical existence is "something substantial."  Everything we experience in this physical reality, whether it be our thoughts, our actions, our bodily functions, and even the environment we experience around us, has a biochemical reality within our bodies.  It seems you may need to rethink your definition of "substantial."  Even our nonphysical experiences have a biochemical reality within us.  Although taking psychedelic drugs produces these biochemical reactions rather than them happening "naturally" without the drug, the validity of the experience does not change- induced or not, it is just as real as anything else.  And when you realize that not only our entire being, but the entire universe, down to the smallest biochemical, IS consciousness, just different aspects of the same gestalt consciousness, then you see that all experiences are equally valid, whether they are attained by meditation, hemisync, psychotropic herbs, in dreams, ect... 

Salvia, like all other psychotropic herbs, grows naturally from the earth.  I believe there is a reason why it is here.  There is a reason why it causes such spiritual, life changing experiences.  That reason is to assist us, to aid us, in awakening to our true reality.  A gift from mother earth.

Eventually a person will reach the point where he or she understands that what is available spiritually is so removed from what takes place with drug usage, that there is no way he or she would use a drug.

HA.  This statement is laughable.  What an extreme case of bias!  You have never even experienced Salvia!  Or any other psychedelic!  What makes you think you have any credibility in making this ascertainment?  What you will never understand, assuming that you will stick to your word not to try a psychoactive drug, is that the experiences induced by these drugs ARE spiritual in nature.  By reading my past experiences on Salvia, this is plain to see.  However, this type of knowledge must be experienced first hand, and being that you have cut yourself off from such experience, I suppose you will never truly know.

know a man who had a marriage with a woman that was quite fine, until see took magical mushrooms. After doing so she became schizophrenic and wouldn't leave her bed.

I know a man who took acid, had a bad experience, and ever since he has had physical problems.

I know a man who knew all about the various psychotrophic drugs that exist, he even had a book published that explained how to use them. He used them in order to have spiritual experiences. He used to use his bath tub as an isolation chamber while tripping. One day he was found dead in his bath tub.

It is a shame that people you know have had such negative experiences with these drugs.  Which one had a negative experience with Salvia? 

But I can see why you are so biased regarding this topic.  However, I am convinced that there is absolutely nothing wrong with experimenting with these drugs if one goes about it with the proper precautions and is mentally and physically prepared.

For example, one should be mentally stable if they are to use such drugs.  A person with deep seeded psychological issues will most likely have a negative and possibly damaging experience, for their innermost self will be brought to the surface of their reality, and if that inner self is negative, then that is obviously a recipe for disaster.

As for acid, this is a drug not produced in nature.  It is obviously risky to consume anything created in a lab, for we are not meant to ingest artificial chemicals.  There is also a risk in taking natural drugs unless you grow them yourself, for you never know where they came from or what has been done to them.

And obviously one should choose the proper setting for having a psychedelic trip.  The bath tub is definitely not ideal if one's safety is concerned.

If I were to guess, I'd say your friend's wife either wasn't mentally stable from the getgo, perhaps had latent schizo, or maybe just at a bad batch of shrooms.

It seems your other friend took bad acid, or maybe he just had a bad reaction to "good" acid, which altered his physiology and caused his physical problems.

Your other friend obviously choose a dangerous place to trip, and payed the price.

If you will notice, however, none of these examples prove that one cannot expand their consciousness, access new dimensions of reality, and in general, benefit spiritually from the use of psychedelic drugs- these examples only prove that one must proceed with the upmost caution when doing so.

I believe I would be insulting the grace that has come into my life if I resorted to taking psychotrophic drugs.

I like how you worded that.... if I resorted to using psychotropic drugs.  As if its one of the lowliest things to do.  Yet you are ignorant of the true nature of such drugs, and so this statement has no value.

It is a mistake to take drugs because of what somebody such as Carlos Castaneda wrote. His stories are fictional,  he had a cult like following, and he was a womanizer.

Although he may have been writing fiction, his works are heavily laced with fact.  He did a great deal of research on shamanism and the nature of psychedelic experiences.  This is documented fact, and is apparent in his work.  His following and his personal habits have nothing to do with it.

If drug usage is such a good thing, why did the hippy movement end in the manner it ended?

There are many factors as to why the hippie era ended, but it is important to realize that the hippie movement had a lot more to it than just taking psychedelics.  The illegalization of psychedelics certainly played a part, however.  And of course, the taking of psychedelics obviously has not ended. 

But I guess some people will learn the hard way, while misleading others.

The ones who mislead are those who speak of what they don't truly know, are those who try to convert others beliefs while discouraging personal experiential knowledge, are those who focus on the negative aspects of something and block out the overwhelming positive aspects- and not just that, but distort the meaning of these negative aspects to fit their false belief system, for these same negative aspects, while seen with the unbiased, undistorted eye, do not even apply to the original false belief! ( In this case, taking examples of people who have used the drugs irresponsibly, or without being prepared in one way or another, or maybe just eating a bad batch of the drug, and using these examples to try to negate the reality and significance of the experiences that these drugs induce-it simply does not relate!  It relates even less when you realize none of these drugs are the drug in question-Salvia!-which, not to mention, has not caused one death, or any other type of damage.

Your opinions are based on fear, not experience.  It is difficult to learn and grow when one entertains false beliefs which block access to new areas of experience and knowledge.

In conclusion, we see that Recoverer, in his attempt to strip the significance and reality from my Salvia experiences, while simultaneously trying to dissuade others from exploring this wonderful avenue of self exploration/realization, with his biased, inexperiential, at times irrelevant propaganda, has failed.
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Re: Psychedelics: Portals to true spiritual experience
Reply #1 - Sep 16th, 2009 at 2:41pm
I have no experience with Salvia. Until Dude mentioned it, I never heard of it.

When I was in the Army one of my roomates was a Navajo Indian, his father was a medicine man back on the reservation, and he used to send my roomate peyote. So I'll just say I'm not without psychotrophic experience.

That was 28 years ago. I just don't feel the need anymore.  I've learned that spiritual growth isn't about using techniques and consuming drugs. It's about getting over the limiting thought patterns that prevent us from growing and opening our hearts to divine grace. To suggest that we can't grow without taking drugs, is to suggest that we can't grow.

Perhaps for some people the consumption of psychotropic drugs helps them see that there is another way of viewing reality, but I know of so many people who have dabbled in psychotrophic drugs and they didn't manage to find a path that led to truth. They sure didn't develop discrimination. I don't see how drug consumption can help a person develop discrimination in a meaningful way.

Regarding Dude's claim that Salvia helps some people open to their spirit selves, the same can be said for other psychotrophic drugs, yet many people have had a negative experience with the same drug. I know more people that have done so than I mentioned. For example, I know a man who ended up in a mental hospital after taking LSD.  He experienced a state of being that had an incredible amount of fear. Years later he is still traumatized by his experience.

It seems to me that Dude has become a bit defensive about this. It as if somebody tried to take his toy away from him. How dare somebody have a different opinion than he. How dare somebody try to intefere with what the Jr. Shaman is trying to accomplish. He probably concluded that only an uptight inexperienced old dude could have such an opinion. Perhaps the fact of the matter is quite different.

But I won't debate the matter. If Dude wants to announce to the World that he believes drug usage is the way, that's his choice. There are people who know better. Perhaps someday Dude will know the same.
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I Am Dude
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Re: Psychedelics: Portals to true spiritual experience
Reply #2 - Sep 16th, 2009 at 4:23pm
I've learned that spiritual growth isn't about using techniques and consuming drugs. It's about getting over the limiting thought patterns that prevent us from growing and opening our hearts to divine grace.

It's true that dropping false beliefs and limiting thought patterns is probably the most important thing one can do to grow spiritually.  However, it is false to say that any other means of expanding ones consciousness and growing spiritually is pointless.  When one's reality is seen with the "ideal" belief system (one which allows maximum growth), it becomes apparent that there is more to reality than just our physical experience of it, and that there are various ways to explore this greater, inner universe.  The exploration of these inner dimensions can yield great knowledge not attainable physically, and further one's spiritual growth by leaps and bounds.  There are many aspects to the process of spiritual growth, not just one.

To suggest that we can't grow without taking drugs, is to suggest that we can't grow.

I agree.  But to suggest that we can't grow by experiencing altered states of consciousness with the aid of natural hallucinogens is false.

It seems to me that Dude has become a bit defensive about this. It as if somebody tried to take his toy away from him. How dare somebody have a different opinion than he. How dare somebody try to intefere with what the Jr. Shaman is trying to accomplish.

First I'd like to say that the toy thing and the Jr. Shaman remark made me laugh.

Second, I appear to be taking a defensive stance for several reasons.  One, you tried to negate my own personal experience with nothing to back it up.  You basically announced, "Dude's experiences are false and he is on the wrong path for choosing to have these experiences!"  I felt it necessary to reveal how misleading your post was, not just for me but for everyone.  Sort of how you tend to speak up against sources you think are misleading(only this time it was called for).

I feel you tried to insult me by putting down not only the use of psychedelics, but the users themselves.  You make it seem like only those desperate for spiritual experience will "resort" to using Salvia.  Of course, this is not the case.  The fact of the matter is that I simply chose an alternate route to explore my greater reality, just as valid as any other, to further my spiritual growth.  And guess what?  It is working!  Wow, you don't say.  I have not dropped everything else to embark on a shamanic journey.  I simply added a new aspect to my learning experience, added a new class to my spiritual curriculum. 

But I won't debate the matter. If Dude wants to announce to the World that he believes drug usage is the way, that's his choice. There are people who know better. Perhaps someday Dude will know the same.

But, I am not announcing to the world that drug usage is the way.  What I am announcing is that it can be an aspect of The Way, if proceeded with the right intentions and precautions of course.  Those who "know better," by your standard, are those who are fearful and unknowledgeable.  What I do know is that Salvia has given me the first hand experience and knowledge of the true illusitory nature our reality and the Oneness of my consciousness with the consciousness of the universe.
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Re: Psychedelics: Portals to true spiritual experience
Reply #3 - Sep 16th, 2009 at 4:34pm
Drugs isn't my way to my self. I could have written "Drugs aren't the way to OUR selves", but I like it better without the subltle love'n light control fluff. Though it isn't my way, I'm glad I've had my drug experieces, and if one wants to do it that's their own decision.

I don't want to have psychedelic experiences, but I saw quite a few youtube videos a while ago showing both good and bad salvia trips. Interesting. Many of the users, young incarnations, treated the drug with little or no respect; like bulls in a china shop. One gave salvia to a friend and didn't tell him 'til he started tripping. Funny and tragic at the same time. But users aside, the videos showed me that it is a very strong drug.

OutOfBodyDude, have you tried going to F27 or higher when using salvia?
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I Am Dude
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Re: Psychedelics: Portals to true spiritual experience
Reply #4 - Sep 16th, 2009 at 4:49pm

No, I haven't.  My consciousness has been focused mainly in this reality when I was on Salvia.  I haven't tried to meditate with it as of yet, but I will, and when I do I will be sure to report what happens.  You can read my previous experiences with Salvia in Gateway Experience Journals.
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Re: Psychedelics: Portals to true spiritual experience
Reply #5 - Sep 16th, 2009 at 5:20pm

I appreciate that you're intent on growing spiritually, but I believe you're miguided if you believe that Salvia will play a substantial role.

That said, I believe it is great that you had an experience of your oneness with the universe, but do you really need Salvia to have such an experience? If we rush things with the wrong approach, there is a chance we won't achieve the balance we are looking for.

As I suggested earlier, perhaps it is useful to some people to use a psychotrophic drug because it helps them consider a new way of viewing reality. But with all the experiences you had before using Salvia, I don't understand why you need it.

Regarding my Junior comment, to be frank, sometimes your youth and the resulting lack of discrimination show. Who am I to tell you this? Who are you to play a role in getting people to read the likes of Seth and take salvia?

At least ways I'm trying to be responsible. Are you? Beyond what a few neat trips have told you, do you really understand the implications of taking a psychotrophic drug?

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I Am Dude
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Re: Psychedelics: Portals to true spiritual experience
Reply #6 - Sep 16th, 2009 at 6:10pm
I believe it is great that you had an experience of your oneness with the universe, but do you really need Salvia to have such an experience

I have had several true experiences of being consciously connected with all of creation.  These experiences have all been during projections to high planes.  But the experiences I had on Salvia were totally unique, for I experienced actually being these other consciousness which I am connected with.  Not only that, but these experiences occurred while focused in the physical plane.  This gave me a totally new perspective which the higher level projections did not provide.

As I suggested earlier, perhaps it is useful to some people to use a psychotrophic drug because it helps them consider a new way of viewing reality. But with all the experiences you had before using Salvia, I don't understand why you need it.

Psychotropic drugs do more than just help one consider a new way of viewing reality- they let one experience, first hand, reality, from perspectives which give a whole new meaning to the self, life, the universe, and creation.  It is the experience that is important, and what is learned from it.  I don't need Salvia.  I don't need to meditate.  I don't need to have out of body experiences.  But the experiences had through these means allow me to gain new perspectives and insights and assist in my overall growth as a spirit and a physical being.

Regarding my Junior comment, to be frank, sometimes your youth and the resulting lack of discrimination show. Who am I to tell you this? Who are you to play a role in getting people to read the likes of Seth and take salvia?

I am absolutely right in my questioning of who you are when you claim that my own experience is invalid, when you yourself have absolutely no experience with the subject matter.  Who am I to play a role in getting people to read Seth and take Salvia?  I am not trying to convince anyone to do any of that.  What I am doing is sharing the positive experiences I have had and the benefits I have received. 

At least ways I'm trying to be responsible. Are you? Beyond what a few neat trips have told you, do you really understand the implications of taking a psychotrophic drug?

What it seems you are doing is playing a false role, the objective being to recruit people to your line of thinking, probably as a means to feel confident that your beliefs are sound.  All I am doing is sharing knowledge I have gained from personal experience.  Experience is the only way to truly know what something is about.  You seem to imply you understand the implications of taking psychotropic drugs and I don't, and yet it you have never even tried Salvia. 

Ill end my response with this: regardless what you have to say, the fact of the matter is Salvia has allowed me to reach unique states of consciousness I have never reached before, and my experiences in these states has added meaning to my life and has given me a more enlightened perspective of myself and my true relationship with the universe. 
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Re: Psychedelics: Portals to true spiritual experience
Reply #7 - Sep 16th, 2009 at 7:16pm

You can try to make me out to be the bad guy if you want to. I wasn't going to say anything until Ralph Buskey responded and said he's going to try Salvia. You responded to Ralph with apparently no consideration as to whether or not Salvia is a good thing for Ralph.

I doubt that Salvia is different than other psychedelics, including acid/LSD which comes from mold and therefore basically is just as natural as mescaline and psilocybin. Mold is not an artificial substance.

Don't assume that if you motivate people to take Salvia only people who can handle it will take it, because many people have taken psychedelic drugs who can't handle them.

I believe you would be hard pressed to find a light being who would recommend that a person incorporates drug usage into his or her spiritual practice.

When I speak of letting go of limiting ideas, I believe that taking care of our personality related issues is far more important than opening our mind so we can believe in things such as parallel universes. When a person learns about the value of letting go of limiting personality aspects, he or she will see that the effects of drug usage pails in comparison. This is true to such an extent, that he or she is bound to see that drug usage is completely unnecessary, and even inappropriate.

Don't try to play innoncent by suggesting that you aren't recommending drug usage to anybody, because you write your logs to share information with people, and drug usage has become a part of what you are sharing.

You spoke as if drug usage is a meaningful form of spiritual practice, and somebody disagreed with you. Nothing wrong with that.

Some would say I'm inhibitting, some would say I'm suggesting a wiser way.

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I Am Dude
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Re: Psychedelics: Portals to true spiritual experience
Reply #8 - Sep 16th, 2009 at 7:38pm
There is nothing "wrong" with disagreeing with the usage of drugs, although in this case the cause of the disagreement seems to come from fear and lack of knowledge.  And of course, you cannot disagree that Salvia is a meaningful form of spiritual practice to me, because it is.  Its all relative to the individual.  Your opinions are meaningless to me, especially since you plain don't know what your talking about when it comes to Salvia.

I suppose you did not know that scientists have found that Salvia may have incredible healing capabilities for individuals with severe diseases and mental disorders.  It is also used to cure addictions from drugs and alcohol.  Salvia is in fact different from all other psychedelics in both its chemical make up and its effects.  Funny how you have absolutely no idea.    

And if Ralph, or anyone else, is motivated by my experiences to try Salvia for themselves, then they have every right to do so.  They can determine whether it is right for them or not.  They don't need you.  It is up to them to do the proper research and take the proper precautions.  You list three negative experiences that you know of and the rest is all biased, fear-based opinion.  Facts and experience speak louder.
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Re: Psychedelics: Portals to true spiritual experience
Reply #9 - Sep 16th, 2009 at 9:22pm's interesting that I logged on here to find this message.  I am currently reading, "DMT: The Spirit Molecule" which gives some interesting insight into the use of entheogens (substances that generate the divine), specifically DMT.  Before starting this book, I looked down on the use of any substances to bring about the lifting of the veil.  Athough I would not use them myself (unless under the guidance of an practiced shaman), it's quite an enlightening read, you may want to check it out. 

It's interesting to note that our own bodies (well, everything living) produces DMT, our very own psychedelic.  We can produce more of this through various methods meditation, binaural beats, dreaming, etc.

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I Am Dude
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Re: Psychedelics: Portals to true spiritual experience
Reply #10 - Sep 16th, 2009 at 9:40pm

I actually watched a documentary on DMT: The Spirit Molecule, and listened to some interviews of the author, Rick Strassman, as well.  I definitely plan on reading the book eventually.  What is interesting is the many similarities between the experiences produced by the two entheogens DMT and Salvia.  No other psychedelic drug is quite like them.
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Lights of Love
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Re: Psychedelics: Portals to true spiritual experience
Reply #11 - Sep 17th, 2009 at 2:19pm
Hi Dude,

I must say that I am in total agreement with Albert.  Drugs might enable you to have "spiritual" experiences you may not have ordinarily, however, they do little or nothing to help you grow the quality of your consciousness.  That can only be done by living your everyday life interacting with other people.  It is the way you interact with others on an everyday basis that teaches you how to grow the quality of your consciousness.


recoverer wrote on Sep 16th, 2009 at 5:20pm:

I appreciate that you're intent on growing spiritually, but I believe you're miguided if you believe that Salvia will play a substantial role.

That said, I believe it is great that you had an experience of your oneness with the universe, but do you really need Salvia to have such an experience? If we rush things with the wrong approach, there is a chance we won't achieve the balance we are looking for.

As I suggested earlier, perhaps it is useful to some people to use a psychotrophic drug because it helps them consider a new way of viewing reality. But with all the experiences you had before using Salvia, I don't understand why you need it.

Regarding my Junior comment, to be frank, sometimes your youth and the resulting lack of discrimination show. Who am I to tell you this? Who are you to play a role in getting people to read the likes of Seth and take salvia?

At least ways I'm trying to be responsible. Are you? Beyond what a few neat trips have told you, do you really understand the implications of taking a psychotrophic drug?

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I Am Dude
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Re: Psychedelics: Portals to true spiritual experience
Reply #12 - Sep 17th, 2009 at 2:47pm

If it were not for all the spiritual experiences I have had, I would not be the person I am today. There is no doubt that the spiritual experiences I have had have improved the quality of my consciousness.  Sure, interacting with others is a great way to learn and grow, but it is most certainly not the only way.  The fact is that the person I was before I began having spiritual experiences and the person I became as a result of the knowledge and perspective gained through the culmination of my spiritual experiences are on two totally opposite sides of the positive-negative spectrum.  Those who know me, know this is a fact.
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Re: Psychedelics: Portals to true spiritual experience
Reply #13 - Sep 17th, 2009 at 2:47pm

As an example of what Kathy said, even though I basically had good intentions when I referred to you as a junior shaman, I didn't feel completely good about doing so. Even though I can be stubborn at times, after a while I get tired of how it feels to interact in a particular way, and change accordingly. I don't believe I can experience the same growth by using a psychedelic.

I figure that eventually you'll find that your Salvia induced experiences have limited value, and move onto something else...for example...what you were already doing.

When it comes to "myself," this is how I feel about the matter. I tend to refer to my spirit guidance in a generic way, without referring to who precisely my guidance is. The only time a guide has made his identity known to me, were several occasions when Christ made his presence known to me.  I don't tend to state this, because I believe there are many light beings, and I don't want to suggest that people need to have Christ as their guide.  I must add, I don't believe I'm something special because I've received guidance from Christ--I believe that other people also receive guidance from him.

I feel honored that the spirit of Christ has taken the time to help me. Since he offers me an ocean of love and light and the kind of guidance a light being can provide, I believe that if I were to make use of psychedelics, I wouldn't be acknowledging what is available to me and how fortunate I am.

Sorry if I've gotten too pushy on this subject. Sometimes I can be like a mother hen. One of the reasons I've written a couple of books, is so that people can read what I have to say only if they want to do so. An internet forum is public territory.
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Lights of Love
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Re: Psychedelics: Portals to true spiritual experience
Reply #14 - Sep 17th, 2009 at 4:03pm
I Am Dude wrote on Sep 17th, 2009 at 2:47pm:

If it were not for all the spiritual experiences I have had, I would not be the person I am today. There is no doubt that the spiritual experiences I have had have improved the quality of my consciousness.  Sure, interacting with others is a great way to learn and grow, but it is most certainly not the only way.  The fact is that the person I was before I began having spiritual experiences and the person I became as a result of the knowledge and perspective gained through the culmination of my spiritual experiences are on two totally opposite sides of the positive-negative spectrum.  Those who know me, know this is a fact.

Hi again Dude,

Hmmm... you may want to think about this a little more.  Spiritual experiences and exploring the nonphysical realities can help you see and understand that a bigger picture exists, but these experiences (especially if drugs are used to have them) are more like entertainment/recreation/something that's fun to do, etc. and this is not what grows the quality of your consciousness.

The quality of a person's consciousness is all about the intent behind the interactions within their relationships and what is learned from those interactions that change your inner being. ELS provides untold opportunities to grow spiritually because we all have to interact with each other to survive in this world.

I'm not saying we should not explore the nonphysical realms or that we cannot learn/grow from doing so... however, it is through our interactions with other people where quality is discerned.

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