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Lower Enities (Read 13691 times)
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Deland, Fl
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Re: Lower Enities
Reply #15 - Sep 9th, 2009 at 3:10pm
I do love all of the opinions and thoughts on this...and help!   I have spoken very kindly and encouraging to "Ron" the spirit in this case.  I have told him, that he has a spirit family who is waiting for him and that all he had to do was call to them or ask his guides for help.  I told him there is so much he is missing out on by not moving towards his family...that hanging around surely boring indeed.  I guess he likes the fact that I can hear him.   

If I didn't fell that his interference wasn't blocking others from coming to me...I could care less if he yapped it up....I would again ignore...or again give words of encouragement.   Trust me...he even see what is happening on here  or at least reads my mind what I read, because he loves to comment on what others say..and basically laughs or gets is a dual personality for sure!  and if anyone wants to say that is an extension of my ego....well....I give up!  lol!

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Re: Lower Enities
Reply #16 - Sep 9th, 2009 at 3:39pm
I'm not psychic, and I'm not having your experiences, so I can't say one way or the other if an aspect of your mind or an annoying spirit is pestering you.

In a way, it doesn't make a difference, because in each case whatever adds fuel to the situation needs to be taken care of.

You say you asked for help but yet you didn't receive it. Through non-physical means, I help detach spirits from people, but I don't have control of the schedule. Why some people are assisted, while others aren't, I don't know.

It sounds to me like you still want to be a person who lives her (his?) life in a good way. This being the case, it seems as if the entity you are dealing with can't influence or harm you, it can only be annoying.

Perhaps the light beings who look after you are allowing this to take place because in the end, if an annoying spirit is involved, both you and the spirit will benefit.

If you can get to the point where you know that you have no need to be concerned, even if this spirit hangs around, its reason for wanting to hang around might be nullified. The key to knowing that you don't need to be concerned has two parts: 1) understanding that it is completely up to you to chose a positive way of being if this is what you want; and 2) wanting a positive way of being.

There have been a couple of occasions where I mentally communicated to an unfriendly spirit that I don't care if it hangs around, because perhaps it will learn from me.

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Deland, Fl
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Re: Lower Enities
Reply #17 - Sep 9th, 2009 at 4:38pm
lol, well I assure you it is not an aspect of my mind...and funny you should mention that, because the other day a  very good friend of mine, looked at me a little crazy when I spoke about talking to other who have crossed over...not just my fiance.  So I think to make the point to my friend,  my Scott told me to say hello to this friend a few days later.  I just sat there..didn't say a word...So Scott (my fiance) said, "Go ahead Chantilly...tell him I said hello and then tell him that last night that when he took a drag off that cigar he that taste good".   So I looked at my friend and I said "Scott says hello and then I repeated what he said.. and he looked at me and smiled...    I said, you said that ...didn't you?   and he said...word for word.   And the reason I believe my Scott even would mention this...was because he didn't like my friend giving me...she has lost her marbles look...and so therefore wanted to prove to him...that I indeed talk to those who have crossed over.  I don't get symbols...I don't get impressions...I hear their words...exactly.  not their distinct sound of their voice, but the words.   Although once my Scott told me I should know his voice because he speaks with a drawl...and then did the commercial of the little girl saying...."Its shake and bake and I helpppedd!  very far south that we come from,  we speak with that southern drawl.

And this spirit does not intimidate me in the least, I am not afraid of him,  I don't feel he has any power to harm me,  just the power to annoy.
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Re: Lower Enities
Reply #18 - Sep 9th, 2009 at 5:37pm
It is great that you aren't intimidated. What you wrote below puzzles me. Why would your deceased fiance introduce you to a pesty spirit? Are you certain that your fiance did so, or did something else take place?

"A quick note the first time this happened....even though my fiance brought him to me...or at least introduced him to me...I sent him away."
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Re: Lower Enities
Reply #19 - Sep 9th, 2009 at 6:02pm
Recoverer, you are confused.   My fiance did not in anyway introduce me to the pesky spirit.     My fiance, will bring in people I know or who knows someone I know.    For example:  My Scott will say,  "Chantilly say hello to.....and he names them.  The first time this happened...was when I sent the spirit away....I was first surprised that I was going to talk to someone else and because of being careful of who would come in....I did not recognize that this spirit was someone I sort of knew.    

The pesky spirit started speaking to me after i moved into a new house after our accident in which my fiance was killed.   My fiance was earthbound for about two months before he crossed over.   And stayed with me all the time.   When I moved into a new house,  this spirit who was either attached to this house or for whatever reason started speaking to me about another person who was alive.   Although I don't think he even knew this person, but perhaps heard me being upset about this person and jumped in like he always does.....a leech to conversations.
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Re: Lower Enities
Reply #20 - Sep 9th, 2009 at 6:38pm
Sorry about that.
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george stone
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Re: Lower Enities
Reply #21 - Sep 9th, 2009 at 6:42pm
Not to long ago,I was laying in my bed when it seemed that there were 3 beings on each side of my bed smoking.It got so bad that I called on my guide to come and take these smokers out of my no time there was no more smoke.George
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Re: Lower Enities
Reply #22 - Sep 9th, 2009 at 6:42pm
Does the pesky spirit speak to you when you aren't in the house?
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Deland, Fl
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Re: Lower Enities
Reply #23 - Sep 9th, 2009 at 7:40pm
yes, he talks all the time no matter where I go.   And I have sensed moved out of the a house across the street.      

George strange to watch that 2nd hand smoke!!    Wink

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george stone
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Re: Lower Enities
Reply #24 - Sep 10th, 2009 at 12:03am
chopper,I dont like the smell of smoke,and I dont like anyone on the board like you to make fun at what is real to me.George
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Re: Lower Enities
Reply #25 - Sep 10th, 2009 at 12:42am
Hi George, I didn't get the sense Chopper was making fun of you there, but rather being serious about it...I have noted myself that sometimes I get cigarette smoke in my house when there is NO ONE there but me, unless my dog has started smoking!! It can last quite a while, and I always just expect it's my dad or brother dropping in to keep in touch, as they both smoked a lot. But I don't get the sense that the smoke I am smelling in those cases can injure me, any more than the perfume I sometimes smell when my daughter is around can bother me. It's funny, how with non physical things, we can smell things that might bother us in the physical, but when it is an entity visiting, it doesn't bother us. And yet the smell is quite vivid. Vee
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Deland, Fl
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Re: Lower Enities
Reply #26 - Sep 10th, 2009 at 9:15am
Ahhhhhhh George....if you didn't get that was a joke and not making fun...then please, don't comment on my conversations...and I won't comment on yours.

I have smelled the fumes of my fathers old lighters that used the old fuel....wihatever that was called. so I know it can happen,  but you need to lighten up a little....
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Neil Gordon
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Re: Lower Enities
Reply #27 - Sep 10th, 2009 at 9:42am
I wonder why negative entities have such a bad name and people don't like talking to them? In all seriousness. Got to give a guy a break sometimes, not everyone is all love and light.

Why don't you do an extended interview with this entity on whatever topic it prefers, for example the nature of reality. Find out more about it, even though all the answers may be lies, you might find that this being is actually quite entertaining?

I mention this because I had contact with a negative entity, unfortunately I was under psychosis so it had some bad effects on me, however, looking back on the experience it was the most fascinating in my life!.. Talking to any entity, positive or negative, is a FANTASTIC thing! Most of the world won't believe you... so why approach this being with fear? Maybe he could sell you an award winning story (mine was a brilliant story teller, one of the best.)

On the topic of getting rid of him, I believe they don't like it if you find out their *real* name.

Also you can ask him to point to the entity he split off from. There is some other handling but I can't remember right now.
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Deland, Fl
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Re: Lower Enities
Reply #28 - Sep 10th, 2009 at 9:54am
ok first, if you didn't read all of my comments, please do.   

2.  sometimes he is very funny and amusing
3. nothing he says is truthful  so what is the point of having any conversation with ANYONE, dead or alive who lies?
4.  He causes interference with the spirits who are trying to get to me, to get a message to a love one.
5.  I have had more conversations than I care to ever have with one person
6.  try having a chatter box live in your head
7.  you consider this entertainment,  I call it harassment

I did not let death come between me and my fiance ...I will not be the source of entertainment for some low entity who refuses to better himself.
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Re: Lower Enities
Reply #29 - Sep 10th, 2009 at 10:26am

I don't really know what to say about this situation because I'm rather new and still learning about a lot of things.

I express my apologies that this is happening to you and hope that there is some resolution in the VERY near future.

Have you talked with your guides about why this is occuring?
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