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Lower Enities (Read 13662 times)
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Lower Enities
Sep 8th, 2009 at 10:07pm
Hi All,  have asked for help before on this subject, and had some good suggestions..none that least not yet.   

About a year ago the gift of communication with those who have crossed over became a reality for me.  And my fiance brings in those who have crossed over who either knows me or they know I know someone who know them.   And it is very rewarding indeed.   But,  I have one spirit who must be not so high up on the ladder so to speak.  As soon as I open myself up...usually to talk to my fiance, he just butts in.  I know this much about him,  he doesn't seem to see anything except what is happening at the moment, he knows my thoughts and then talks about it, repeats himself, pretends to be others, thinks it is all a joke,  nice one minute, wishing me dead the next.   I have ignored him, not recognized any of his comments, soon as he starts to speak, I just cut him off in my head.   He tells me no one can get rid of him and he is not leaving.   I have tried, prayers, white light, saging, etc  but he thinks it is all pretty funny.  He seems very immature  and try as I might, he won't leave.  I have tried calling to his spirit family, to his guides, I have asked my guides for help...but he is still here.  I know there must be away, some universal law that will if not make him go away, at least allows me to block him from my mind, my personal space...... Any suggestions...please!

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Lights of Love
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Re: Lower Enities
Reply #1 - Sep 8th, 2009 at 10:27pm
Hi Chantilly,

It sounds to me as though he is "getting his kicks" by annoying you and it is working.  Instead of trying to get rid of him, allow yourself to feel (and I emphasize feel) 100% genuine unconditional love for him. Tell him you love him just the way he is, no matter what he does or says to you and allow yourself to radiate love toward him. You could even tell him he can do as he pleases... stay or go as he desires and that it won't bother you if he decides to stay.

Quite possibly, once he sees that he can no longer cause you to become annoyed with him, he will leave.  If not, continue to show love for him unconditionally.  There will be lessons here for both of you.

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Re: Lower Enities
Reply #2 - Sep 8th, 2009 at 10:54pm
Thanks Kathy,  After a year of this....I have done all of that.   I tried prayers and light towards him, asking him what is keeping him here, what can I do to help, and frankly, I don't care if he long as i can't hear him talk to me or basically interrupt when others are speaking to me.   And I think it is hard to reason or speak to someone who basically doesn't care about others.   That is why if there is some universal law that he must obey...respectifully.   I realize we have free will, but he is infringing on my will to be left alone.
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Re: Lower Enities
Reply #3 - Sep 9th, 2009 at 12:31am

Being accepting towards spirits by loving their crap brings its own set of lessons.

For astral defense, visualising an eggshell consisting of gold light/energy around one's fields works very well. Also sending a few little gold light zaps as a return to sender puts out a message if the annoyer won't stop.
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Re: Lower Enities
Reply #4 - Sep 9th, 2009 at 8:55am
Chantilly Chopper, I was given this message for you last night at the beginning of a meditation. I was told that you should find out what subjects this entity is NOT fond of. For instance, is there a book, in particular, that this entity does not like? Read it incessantly, silently, out loud, and promise the entity that you will continue doing this as long as it takes. What I mean is, it doesn't have to be unpleasant to You, but you should find out how the spirit reacts to it.

The word incessantly was impressed on me. It is the repeating nature of the material you choose which will make the entity move away from you.

You are in control of this story, not the entity.
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Re: Lower Enities
Reply #5 - Sep 9th, 2009 at 9:14am
C Chopper-

Emanuel Swedenborg, who undoubtedly did more first hand exploration of the afterlife than anyone else living or dead, had much valuable information to say about it.

Although he obtained a tremendous amount of data about the nature of the afterlife, including various heavens and hells, he also repeatedly warned others not to attempt to do explorations on their own.

The reason is that there is a lot of deception in the afterlife (just as there is in this life) and it takes a vast amount of experience to separate out fact from fiction.

Even more dangerous is the fact that not everyone in the spirit world is benign.  Some spirits...again, just like people on earth....are malicious and take great joy in harming others.  ES himself was attacked more than once while visiting the afterlife.

Here's the thing: When you contacted your fiance, you automatically opened yourself up to the influence of others.  It's not like here on earth where you can have a private meeting or conversation.  Quite the opposite.

Sending PUL to the unwanted entities unfortunately has little or no effect.  In fact, it can actually enrage them and entice them to continue and even increase their harrassment. 

ES said that all of us have our own angels for protection, just as we all have our own negative spirits that entice and tempt us.  The struggle continues throughout our lives, and it is the choices we make that are important to our own enlightenment.

If I were you, I would stop consciously trying to communicate with your fiance.  You will get the messages you need other ways, i.e. dreams.  And be sure to pray for protection. 

Don't engage these entities....that's what they want you to do and they derive great satisfaction and enjoyment the more they upset you.

Bruce has warned about using the Ouija board, for the same reasons ES warned about afterlife explorations.  You never know who you will attract, and the risk is just too great to take the chance.


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Lights of Love
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Re: Lower Enities
Reply #6 - Sep 9th, 2009 at 9:15am
ChantillyChopper wrote on Sep 8th, 2009 at 10:54pm:
Thanks Kathy,  After a year of this....I have done all of that.   I tried prayers and light towards him, asking him what is keeping him here, what can I do to help, and frankly, I don't care if he long as i can't hear him talk to me or basically interrupt when others are speaking to me.   And I think it is hard to reason or speak to someone who basically doesn't care about others.   That is why if there is some universal law that he must obey...respectifully.   I realize we have free will, but he is infringing on my will to be left alone.

You're welcome Smiley

Yes the nonphysical does have rules but none to prevent him from talking to you. Basically he is a bit like a bully. What is likely motivating him is fear and perhaps even a bit of loneliness. It makes him feel more powerful when he's able to annoy you. Perhaps your desire for him to stop talking/leave you alone is putting a condition on the love you've tried to feel for him.

Unconditional love is not a matter of you putting up with his "crap" either. You can simply let whatever he says "go in one ear and out the other" so to speak without paying any attention to it. Just let it go right through you without you reacting to it. It is the reaction you are giving to him that is keeping him around. In some way he is benefitting from it even if it is only to feed his ego.

Or perhaps as Volu mentions, strengthening your auric field by infusing it with gold light will help. You could certainly try.

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Tread softly through life with a tender heart and a gentle, understanding spirit.
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Re: Lower Enities
Reply #7 - Sep 9th, 2009 at 10:46am
Thanks everyone.   Believe  it or not over this past year I have done many things.  I have read the bible over and over...that seems to annoy him, but he stuck around. I have completely ignored his conversations, and I pretty much have decided that trying to speak with my beloved by me starting the conversation will just have to end.  And it is true, when he does need to get to me, he does.  Like last night I had  what I call a contact dream.  I love those.   I have done the  zapping with light suggested similar to another suggestion here before,   and I will try all that I can.  I will re-read each of your suggestions again.  But perhaps if I have no conversations with others at all, he will just get bored and go away. 

I was just hoping that there was some universal spirit law that those who crossed over must obey.   Any other suggestions or comments will be very much appreciated....   My knowledge is so limited, but I know that being able to hear spirits in the way that I do is a great gift.   And when I get connected with someone who has something to tell a loved one, it is indeed a great honor to deliver the message. 

A quick note the first time this happened....even though my fiance brought him to me...or at least introduced him to me...I sent him away.  My best friends brother has passed suddenly, and it was him, when I realized the name Robert was the same...I called her, and then I asked her if her brothers middle name started with a W.  she said yes...then I wanted to slap myself for being rude to her brothers spirit. 

Chantilly Chopper


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Re: Lower Enities
Reply #8 - Sep 9th, 2009 at 1:10pm
If you're going to communicate with spirits, chances are that you might communicate with unfriendly spirits now and then.

I've found "that it is" helpful to send unfriendly spirits love and to try to get them to go to the light, regardless of what Emanuel Swedenborg or anybody else says. When we allow ourselves to respond with love, we allow ourselves to connect to divine will, and what could have more strength than divine will?

When you send an unfriendly spirit love, you let such a spirit know that you aren't intimidated. What can it do to you then? Communicate peanut gallery comments to you? Big deal.

It is also an energetic issue. Unless an unfriendly spirit wants to abide at a love level, it will have a hard time maintaining a connection. If an unfriendly spirit is able to make an energetic connection to a person, there might be a part of this person that enables such a connection to take place. If he (or she) gains freedom from this part of self, he is less likely to make a connection.  The connections I've made have been mainly related to retrievel work I do.

I've had the attitude that if an unfriendly spirit wants to hang around for a while, this gives me an extended period of time to try to inspire it in a positive way.

I've been told that some of the unfriendly spirits I've dealt with in a positive way, chose to move on to the light.

As far as I'm concerned, no spirit is beyond redemption. Somewhere inside all souls want the light, some just get confused for a while.

One thing that helps me feel confident, is that I've made a connection to Christ and other light beings. My faith in their support provides me with courage.

I don't mean to suggest that we shouldn't have confidence in ourselves, but our strength comes from our connection to the light, and our ability to choose love and light over darkness.

Even when a light being like Christ deals with an unfriendly spirit, it isn't a matter of such a spirit flexing his biceps or creating a sword.  A light being wouldn't have to do anything more than radiate love. There might be other ways in which such a being uses energy, but it would be directed by love rather than superstitious beliefs.
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Re: Lower Enities
Reply #9 - Sep 9th, 2009 at 1:19pm
I decided to write a response before reading the other responses, as is probably obvious, I agree with what Kathy (Lights of Love) wrote.  It helps to have no judgment towards the spirit that tries to trouble you with the understanding that we are all headed to the same light, even though some of us get diverted for a while.

Lights of Love wrote on Sep 8th, 2009 at 10:27pm:
Hi Chantilly,

It sounds to me as though he is "getting his kicks" by annoying you and it is working.  Instead of trying to get rid of him, allow yourself to feel (and I emphasize feel) 100% genuine unconditional love for him. Tell him you love him just the way he is, no matter what he does or says to you and allow yourself to radiate love toward him. You could even tell him he can do as he pleases... stay or go as he desires and that it won't bother you if he decides to stay.

Quite possibly, once he sees that he can no longer cause you to become annoyed with him, he will leave.  If not, continue to show love for him unconditionally.  There will be lessons here for both of you.


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Re: Lower Enities
Reply #10 - Sep 9th, 2009 at 1:28pm

For me it's straight forward:  It's a manifestation of your Ego.

You  empower it with the focus you give to it.  You'll have to ignore its manifestation when your out there. 

Growing the quality of your consciousness by reducing fears and attachments, will dissolve it for all ...
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Re: Lower Enities
Reply #11 - Sep 9th, 2009 at 1:48pm
And so how long do you think I have to ignore...before it goes away? because I have gone for the past 4 months ignoring every comment he makes.   Even when he jumps in over others.  Big Deal...some say that I have to listen to the comments of the peanut is a big deal when someone is trying to give you a message, and this spirits likes to jump on and pretend he is now that spirit who is talking.   Trying to sort out the real from the false....although most times I can do it, is still very much annoying.   Imagine being on your cell phone and call waiting keeps beeping in, interrupting  such your conversation.......Sorry the human in me gets annoyed.   But again, I have gone months, and not let this get to me,  I shut it off as soon as he opens his mouth, but it is liking hanging up on someone...and they keep calling back.   

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Re: Lower Enities
Reply #12 - Sep 9th, 2009 at 2:43pm
There have been occasions when I was in contact with a friendly spirit, and an unfriendly spirit tried to but in. It can be confusing when this happens. If I let unfriendly spirits have their way, I would never communicate with spirits at all.

There is no way I'm going to let unfriendly spirits intimidate me so I don't communicate with friendly spirits.  Because I allow myself to communicate with friendly spirits, I'm able to provide retrievel assistance that I otherwise wouldn't be able to provide. I believe it would be a trajedy if some of us didn't have the courage to communicate with friendly spirits because we might have some communication with unfriendly spirits, because then friendly spirits wouldn't be able to get us to assist them in the manner they need us to do so.

As long as we have good intentions we should be okay. We are always free to disregard a message we receive.  Just as we need to use our discrimination when it comes to sources of information that are a part of this World, we need to use our discrimination when we receive spirit messages.

Chantilly Chopper:

When that spirit tries to communicate to you, always make a point of getting it to change its way and move on to the light. Tell it things such as, "I don't know why you've chosen the path you've chosen, but at some point you were influenced in a manner that causes you to manifest in a negative way. If you continue to do so, you continue to allow yourself to be a victim of the negative influences you were once exposed to. Before you incarnated, you probably understood that you would be influenced in such a way. Yet you chose to do so, because you understood that some brave soul had to take on the responsibility of living the life you lived. You did so with the belief that you would some day see your way out of the confusion you've become immessed in.

An absolutely wonderful future awaits you.  If you acknowledge to yourself that you made some mistakes and seek help, beings who live according to love will be more than happy to help you.  If you don't choose such an approach, your existance will become worse and worse."

I then tell them, "Somewhere inside yourself you know that I am speaking the truth. I have no reason to deceive you." I send love as I send such a message. It isn't necessary to send every word.  It is enough to send the understanding the above words represent.

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Re: Lower Enities
Reply #13 - Sep 9th, 2009 at 2:46pm
The below is a possibly that needs to be considered whenever a person makes contact with a presence that doesn't seem friendly.

PhantasyMan wrote on Sep 9th, 2009 at 1:28pm:

For me it's straight forward:  It's a manifestation of your Ego.

You  empower it with the focus you give to it.  You'll have to ignore its manifestation when your out there. 

Growing the quality of your consciousness by reducing fears and attachments, will dissolve it for all ...

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Re: Lower Enities
Reply #14 - Sep 9th, 2009 at 2:49pm
I'm no expert, but one way of looking at it all is that  basic principles suggest that if you truly can relate to this being through love, then as Recoverer says it'll respond positively if it's intentions are positive, and find itself cut off from energy if it's seeking ego stimulation itself.

If on the other hand you behave the opposite way (agressively, even if this is subdued or masked in some way) and it's seeking ego stimulation/growth then it'll draw energy from the situation, probably hang around and even grow stronger.

The bottom line is perhaps that while the same physical limitations don't apply, the same rules of relating likely apply as in the case of this life - ego driven people are drawn to situations that stimulate the ego, while less ego inspired people may respond to love - if you can communicate this intention in a way that gets through to them past the noise of their ego.

As in life there are presumably those beings that can't be got through to.

Likewise and depending on our own state there will be situations where we genuinely can feel love towards the other, and situations where our fear will overwhelm us and where we may instinctively lash out, or whatever the mind equivalent of this is - which is of course what's likely to be attractive to a negative entity.

Going through the motions and 'thinking' loving thoughts is not at all the same thing as feeling or being or expressing love....

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